Vestry Harmonies: a collection of hymns and tunes for all occasions of social worship

Editor: John G. Adams
Publisher: Universalist Publishing House, Boston, 1868
Denomination: Universalist Church of America
Language: English
Notes: Numbers are the page numbers the hymn starts on. If two hymns start on the same page, letters are added after the page number.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
119cGod is love; his mercy brightensPage Scan
120aO come, loud anthems, let us singPage Scan
120bAgain, as evening's shadow fallsPage Scan
121aO Holy Father! 'mid the calmPage Scan
121bSun of my soul, forever near!Page Scan
122aEarly, my God, without delayPage Scan
122bLord, I have made thy word my choicePage Scan
123aTo our Redeemer's glorious namePage Scan
123bGreat God, the nations of the earthPage Scan
123cO Zion, from thy shades of gloomPage Scan
124aBlest be the tie that bindsPage Scan
124bThe pity of the LordPage Scan
124cBy faith may Jesus dwellPage Scan
125aArise, ye people, and adore!Page Scan
125bCome, mighty Spirit, penetratePage Scan
126aHark! what celestial soundsPage Scan
126bThe cross hath power to savePage Scan
126cEncouraged by thy wordPage Scan
127aO Lord, our God, arise!Page Scan
127bBehold, what wondrous gracePage Scan
127cSoldiers of Christ, arisePage Scan
128aHear us, Shepherd, heav'nly KingPage Scan
128bHoly Spirit, Love divine!Page Scan
128cHark! my soul, it is the LordPage Scan
129aWhen from the depths of woePage Scan
129bFor all thy saints, O God!Page Scan
130aBeneath the shadow of the crossPage Scan
130bWe wait in faith, in prayer we waitPage Scan
130cO, could I find, from day to dayPage Scan
131aFrom ev'ry stormy wind that blowsPage Scan
131bThou only Sovereign of my heartPage Scan
132aJesus, I love thy charming namePage Scan
132bThou dear Redeemer, dying LambPage Scan
132cO God, our heavenly FatherPage Scan
133aI would live near my SaviourPage Scan
133bBehold the throne of grace!Page Scan
133cMy soul, be on thy guardPage Scan
134aBlessed Lord, thy grace impartPage Scan
134bIn this peaceful house of prayerPage Scan
134cTo the Truth that makes us freePage Scan
135How good and pleasant is the sightPage Scan
136While thee I seek, protecting Pow'rPage Scan
137Father of might, my bonds I feelPage Scan
138aOh, sing to me of heav'nPage Scan
138bFar from these scenes of nightPage Scan
138cO spirit freed from earthPage Scan
139aO happy is the man who hears Page Scan
139bIn the glad morn of life, when youthPage Scan
139cI cannot call affliction sweetPage Scan
140aCome, O my soul, in sacred laysPage Scan
140bJesus, thy boundless love to mePage Scan
140cOh, deem not they are blessed alonePage Scan
141aWhy do we mourn departing friendsPage Scan
141bThe dead are like the stars by dayPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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