Vestry Harmonies: a collection of hymns and tunes for all occasions of social worship

Editor: John G. Adams
Publisher: Universalist Publishing House, Boston, 1868
Denomination: Universalist Church of America
Language: English
Notes: Numbers are the page numbers the hymn starts on. If two hymns start on the same page, letters are added after the page number.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
61aSpirit of the Highest GodPage Scan
61bHoly Spirit, Truth divine!Page Scan
61cEvery bird that upward springsPage Scan
62aPraise God, from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
62bFar as Creation's bounds extendPage Scan
63aLook from the sphere of endless dayPage Scan
63bLeader of faithful souls, and guidePage Scan
63cThou art, Almighty Lord of allPage Scan
64We are living, we are dwellingPage Scan
65aNow with eternal glory crownedPage Scan
65bTo God, our strength, your voice aloudPage Scan
66aCome, thou Fount of ev'ry blessing!Page Scan
66bCome! 'tis Jesus' invitationPage Scan
66cTell us, wanderer, wildly rovingPage Scan
67aShout the tidings of salvationPage Scan
67bLord, thy glory fills the heavenPage Scan
68How precious, when first I believ'dPage Scan
69Lo, what a glorious sight appearsPage Scan
70O'er the gloomy hills of darknessPage Scan
71On ev'ry sunny fountainPage Scan
72Fading, still fading, the last beam is shiningPage Scan
73aPrince of Peace, control my willPage Scan
73bHoly Spirit, from on highPage Scan
73cChristian brethren, ere we partPage Scan
74aSound, sound the truth abroad!Page Scan
74bRise, glorious Conqueror, risePage Scan
75aGod is the refuge of his saintsPage Scan
75bOur God is good; in every placePage Scan
76aHappy the man whose graces reignPage Scan
76bWhen shall I see the welcome hourPage Scan
76cGod, who gave us each a talentPage Scan
78aO Thou, to whom all creatures bowPage Scan
78bThy Word, O God! is living yetPage Scan
79There is a promise, O how sweetPage Scan
80O sing to Jehovah, for light is advancingPage Scan
81O swell the loud paean! be gratitude blendedPage Scan
82My Shepherd is the Lord on highPage Scan
83aGird on thy conqu'ring swordPage Scan
83bCome, let our voices joinPage Scan
84Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayerPage Scan
85Upward we lift our eyesPage Scan
86Now shall our souls with pleasure raisePage Scan
87Lo Salem's crowds in chorus singPage Scan
88Shepherds, rejoice, lift up your eyesDECEMBERPage Scan
89aMy Maker and my KingPage Scan
89bHow gentle God's commands!Page Scan
89cNow gird your patient loins againPage Scan
90aWalk in the light! so shalt thou knowPage Scan
90bAs darker, darker, fall aroundPage Scan
90cThou Shepherd of Israel and mine Page Scan
91A sov'reign Protector I havePage Scan
92aNow to the Lord a noble songPage Scan
92bShout for the great Redeemer reigns!Page Scan
92cO bless our God, ye nations roundPage Scan
93Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
94aO praise ye the Lord, his greatness proclaimPage Scan
94bO, worship the King, all glorious abovePage Scan
95Acquaint thee, O mortal, acquaint thee with GodPage Scan
96Thro' the changes of the dayPage Scan
97aThe darkened sky, how thick it lowers!Page Scan
97bCome, blessed Spirit, source of lightPage Scan
98aLord, what off'ring shall we bringPage Scan
98bLord, in heaven, thy dwelling-placePage Scan
98cFather, bless thy word to allPage Scan
98dShall we gather at the river,Page Scan
100From the third heav'n, where God residesPage Scan
101Thro' all the changing scenes of lifePage Scan
102aFrom all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
102bO'er the hills the sun is settingPage Scan
103Holy Father, thou hast taught mePage Scan
104aO Thou whose presence went beforePage Scan
104bO Lord of hosts, Almighty King!Page Scan
105aSaviour, I thy word believePage Scan
105bSaviour, whom our hearts adorePage Scan
106aOf old th'apostle walk'd the wavePage Scan
106bHow cheering the thought, that the spirits in bliissPage Scan
107I thought that the course of the pilgrim to HeavenPage Scan
108aGive to the winds thy fearsPage Scan
108bStand up and bless the LordPage Scan
108cHow lovely the place where the Saviour appearsPage Scan
109In songs of sublime adoration and praisePage Scan
110aLet us with a joyful mindPage Scan
110bGlory be to God on highPage Scan
111aLet ev'ry mortal ear attendPage Scan
111bO for a heart to praise my GodPage Scan
112Come, ye that love the LordPage Scan
113aLord, dismiss us with thy blessingPage Scan
113bGod of our salvation, hear usPage Scan
114Thou whose wide extended swayPage Scan
115aGod bless our native landPage Scan
115bGod of our father's landPage Scan
115cGod of light, and life and lovePage Scan
116aJoy to the world! the Lord is come!Page Scan
116bJesus, the name to sinners dearPage Scan
117aGuide me, O thou great JehovahPage Scan
117bYes, we trust the day is breakingPage Scan
118aAwake, my soul, stretch ev'ry nervePage Scan
118bI know that my Redeemer livesPage Scan
119aHe that goeth forth with weepingPage Scan
119bQuiet as a peaceful riverPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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