The University Hymn Book

Editor: W. S. Milner, Alexander MacMillan
Publisher: Oxford University Press, Toronto, Ont., 1912
Language: English; Latin
Notes: Compiled by a committee of members of the University of Toronto
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
173O Love that wilt not let me goST. MARGARETPage Scan
174O love divine, how sweet thou art!COLWYN BAYPage Scan
175aThou hidden Love of God, whose heightCOLCHESTERPage Scan
175bThou hidden Love of God, whose heightSTELLAPage Scan
176Love Divine, all loves excellingCROSS OF JESUSPage Scan
177aO for a closer walk with GodMARTYRDOMPage Scan
177bO for a closer walk with GodST. STEPHENPage Scan
178aO Jesus, I have promisedDAY OF RESTPage Scan
178bO Jesus, I have promisedLLANGLOFFANPage Scan
179Thee will I love, my strength, my towerST. CATHARINEPage Scan
180O God, of good the unfathomed Sea!LUCERNEPage Scan
181aThe Son of God goes forth to warALL STAINS (NEW)Page Scan
181bThe Son of God goes forth to warST. ANNEPage Scan
182Soldiers of Christ, ariseST. ETHELWALDPage Scan
183Fight the good fight with all thy mightPENTECOSTPage Scan
184Onward, Christian soldiers!ST. GERTRUDEPage Scan
185Who is on the Lord's side?ARMAGEDDONPage Scan
186Say not the struggle naught availethLES COMMANDEMENTS DE DIEUPage Scan
187Lead me, almighty Father, Spirit, SonSONG IPage Scan
188Christian! seek not yet reposeVIGILATEPage Scan
189Lord, in the fullness of my mightABRIDGEPage Scan
190Who would true valour seeMONKS GATEPage Scan
191O thou, who camest from aboveST. ALBANPage Scan
192Behold, the bridegroom cometh in the middle of the nightKINGSFOLDPage Scan
193Ye servants of the LordNARENZAPage Scan
194-iImmortal Love, for ever fullCLOISTERSPage Scan
194-iiO Lord, and Master of us all!ST. BERNARDPage Scan
194-iiiWe faintly hear, we dimly seeST. FULBERTPage Scan
195The days that were, the days that areST. LEONARDPage Scan
196That man hath perfect blessednessTALLIS' ORDINALPage Scan
197Christian! dost thou see themHOLY WARPage Scan
198A safe stronghold our God is stillEIN FESTE BURGPage Scan
199Come, O thou Traveller unknownISRAELPage Scan
200Shepherd divine, our wants relieveTALLIS' ORDINALPage Scan
201Guide me, O thou great JehovahFENITON COURTPage Scan
202Hark! hark, my soul! angelic songs are swellingPILGRIMSPage Scan
203O happy band of pilgrimsMORLAIXPage Scan
204Rejoice ye pure in heartMARIONPage Scan
205Silent, like men in solemn hasteTHORNPage Scan
206O God, the Rock of AgesARCADELTPage Scan
207Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloomLUX BENIGNAPage Scan
208Jesus still lead onSEELENBRÄUTIGAMPage Scan
209aThrough the night of doubt and sorrowPILGRIM BROTHERSPage Scan
209bThrough the night of doubt and sorrowST. OSWALDPage Scan
210Comes at times a stillness as of evenEVENING AND MORNINGPage Scan
211-iCommit thou all thy griefsST. GEORGEPage Scan
211-iiGive to the winds thy fearsST. AUGUSTINEPage Scan
212Thy way, not mine, O LordEDENPage Scan
213My God, my Father, while I strayWIMBLEDONPage Scan
214I do not ask, O Lord, that life may beSUBMISSIONPage Scan
215Lord, it belongs not to my careST. FLAVIANPage Scan
216Not so in haste, my heart!SELMAPage Scan
217aFather, to thee we look in all our sorrowDONNE SECOURSPage Scan
217bFather, to thee we look in all our sorrowL'OMNIPOTENTPage Scan
218My times are in thy handMONSELLPage Scan
219When our heads are bowed with woeREADHEAD NO. 47Page Scan
220Nearer, my God, to theeEXCELSIORPage Scan
221Whate'er my God ordains is rightBADENPage Scan
222When on my day of life the night is fallingFLEMMINGPage Scan
223A few more years shall rollCHALVEYPage Scan
224Days and moments quickly flyingST. SYLVESTERPage Scan
225Sunset and evening starCROSSING THE BARPage Scan
226aNow the labourer's task is o'erREQUIESCATPage Scan
226bNow the labourer's task is o'erHAZELPage Scan
227Love, unto thine own who camestGENEVAN PSALM 61Page Scan
228Hark! the sound of holy voicesSANCTUARYPage Scan
229What are these that glow from afarYMDAITH MWNGOPage Scan
230How bright these glorious spirits shine!ST. ASAPHPage Scan
231God of the living, in whose eyesST. CHRYSOSTOMPage Scan
232For all the saints, who from their labours restST. PHILIPPage Scan
233For ever with the Lord!MONTGOMERYPage Scan
234There is a blessèd homeHAWARDENPage Scan
235Jerusalem, my happy homeJERUSALEMPage Scan
236Blessèd city, heavenly SalemURBS BEATAPage Scan
237O what their joy and their glory must beO QUANTA QUALIAPage Scan
238-iThe world is very evilPEARSALLPage Scan
283-iiBrief life is here our portionST. ALPHEGEPage Scan
238-iiiFor thee, O dear, dear countryMEIRIONYDDPage Scan
238-ivJerusalem, the goldenEWINGPage Scan
239Thy hand, O God, has guidedST. THEODULPHPage Scan
240The Church's one foundationAURELIAPage Scan
241Glorious things of thee are spokenAUSTRIAPage Scan
242aLord of our life, and God of our salvationISTE CONFESSORPage Scan
242bLord of our life, and God of our salvationCLOISTERSPage Scan
243Our Father, thou in Heaven aboveVATER UNSERPage Scan
244Thy kingdom come—on bended kneeABRIDGEPage Scan
245Father, let thy kingdom comeLÜBECKPage Scan
246O thou not made with handsWALTHAMPage Scan
247These things shall be! a loftier raceCHURCH TRIUMPHANTPage Scan
248Break, day of God, oh breakCHRISTCHURCHPage Scan
249Lift up your heads, ye gates of brassWINCHESTER OLDPage Scan
250Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordSKELTONPage Scan
251Thou, whose almighty WordMOSCOWPage Scan
252O'er those gloomy hills of darknessREGENT SQUAREPage Scan
253aSaviour, sprinkle many nationsDEERHURSTPage Scan
253bSaviour, sprinkle many nationsBETHANY (CRUCIFER)Page Scan
254See how great a flame aspiresCULFORDPage Scan
255aSpeed thy servants, Saviour, speed themKENSINGTON NEWPage Scan
255bSpeed thy servants, Saviour, speed themORIELPage Scan
256Fling out the banner! let it floatWALTHAMPage Scan

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