Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Come, thou Almighty KingTRINITYTextPage ScanAudio
102All glory be to thee, Most HighALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖHTextPage Scan
103Holy God, we praise your nameGROSSER GOT, WIR LOBEN DICHTextPage ScanAudio
104We lift up as our shield God's nameST. PATRICK'S BREASTPLATE
105O God, we praise theeDUNDEEText
106Father, Father of all thingsFATHER OF ALL THINGS
107Praise ye the Father! For his loving kindnessFLEMMINGText
108Whate'er my God ordains is rightWAS GOTT TUTTextPage Scan
109Lord, my weak thought in vain would climbCANONBURYTextPage Scan
110Hallelujah, praise JehovahPRAISE JEHOVAHTextPage Scan
111This is my Father's worldTERRA BEATATextPage ScanAudio
112Praise ye, praise ye the LordCOLUMBIAText
113The heavens declare thy gloryFAITHFULTextPage Scan
114Lord, our Lord, thy glorious nameTHANKSGIVING (GILBERT)TextPage Scan
115All creatures of our God and KingLASST UNS ERFREUENTextPage Scan
116For the beauty of the earthDIXTextPage ScanAudio
117The spacious firmament on highCREATIONText
118Come, sound his praise abroadKREWSONText
119I sing the almighty power of GodFOREST GREENTextPage Scan
120Each little flower that opensROYAL OAKTextPage ScanAudio
121Praise him, praise him, praise him, pow'rs and dominationsST. HELENSTextPage Scan
122God, all nature sings thy gloryODE TO JOY
123God of everlasting gloryBRETON ROAD
124Praise the Lord our God, praise the Lord!KUM BA YATextPage Scan
125Let all things now living a song of thanksgivingASH GROVE
126My soul, bless the Lord! The Lord is most greatHOUGHTONTextPage Scan
127With songs and honors sounding loudST. MAGNUSTextPage Scan
128God moves in a mysterious wayDUNDEETextPage ScanAudio
129I belong to JesusDEDICATION (Sea)TextPage Scan
130There shall be showers of blessingSHOWERS OF BLESSINGTextPage ScanAudio
131Children of the heavenly FatherTRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA
132God never moves without purpose or planWILMINGTON
133God, who made the earthSOMMERLIEDText
134Be not dismayed whate'er betideGOD CARESTextPage ScanAudio
135God sees the little sparrow fallPROVIDENCETextPage Scan
136Thy Word is a lamp to my feetTHY WORDTextPage Scan
137Holy Bible, book divineALETTATextPage Scan
138The heavens declare your glory, LordUXBRIDGETextPage Scan
139Your Word is like a garden, LordSERAPHTextPage Scan
140O Word of God incarnateMUNICHTextPage ScanAudio
141God, in the gospel of his SonGERMANYTextPage Scan
142Lord, thy Word abidethGRIEGText
143How precious is the book divineBELMONTTextPage Scan
144Father of mercies, in your WordBEATITUDOTextPage Scan
145The Spirit breathes upon the WordORTONVILLETextPage Scan
146Break thou the bread of lifeBREAD OF LIFETextPage ScanAudio
147O God of light, your Word, a lamp unfailingCHARTERHOUSEPage Scan
148How shall the young direct their way?DUANE STREETTextPage Scan
149Teach me, O Lord, your way of truthBISHOPTextPage Scan
150The law of God is good and wiseERHALT UNS, HERRTextPage Scan
151Jehovah's perfect lawHUTCHBYText
152The law of the Lord is perfectTHE LAW OF THE LORDTextPage Scan
153Most perfect is the law of GodKINSMANTextPage Scan
154Thou art the WayARLINGTONTextPage ScanAudio
155O love, how deep, how broad, how highDEO GRACIAS(OR AGINCOURT HYMN)TextPage ScanAudio
156O Lord, how shall I meet youST. THEODULPHTextPage Scan
157None other Lamb, none other nameROSSETTITextPage Scan
158None other Lamb, none other nameELLASGARTHText
159O Savior, precious SaviorMEIRIONYDDTextPage Scan
160Shepherd of tender youthKECKText
161O Christ, our hope, our heart's desireBRADFORDTextPage ScanAudio
162Of the Father's love begottenDIVINUM MYSTERIUMTextPage Scan
163At the name of JesusKING'S WESTONText
164O for a thousand tongues to singAZMONTextAudio
165Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimLYONSTextPage ScanAudio
166Wondrous King, all-gloriousWUNDERBARER KÖNIG
167When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINITextPage ScanAudio
168I greet thee, who my sure Redeemer artTOULONTextPage Scan
169My heart does overflowLEOMINSTERTextPage Scan
170Fairest Lord JesusCRUSADER'S HYMNTextPage ScanAudio
171Fairest Lord JesusSCHÖNSTER HERR JESUTextPage ScanAudio
172Let us love and sing and wonderALL SAINTS OLDTextPage Scan
173Praise him! Praise him! Jesus our blessed RedeemerJOYFUL SONGTextPage ScanAudio
174O Christ, our King, Creator, LordOMBERSLEYTextPage Scan
175A wonderful Savior is Jesus my LordKIRKPATRICKTextPage ScanAudio
176Hail, thou once despised JesusIN BABILONETextPage Scan
177O could I speak the matchless worthARIELTextPage Scan
178There is no name so sweet on earthTHE SWEETEST NAMETextPage Scan
179We praise thee, O God!THINE THE GLORYTextPage ScanAudio
180I will sing the wondrous storyWONDROUS STORYTextPage ScanAudio
181We come, O Christ, to youDARWALLTextPage Scan
182My song is love unknownST. JOHN (CALKIN)TextPage ScanAudio
183Awake, my soul, in joyful laysLOVING-KINDNESSTextPage Scan
184The King of love my Shepherd isDOMINUS REGIT METextPage ScanAudio
185Majestic sweetness sits enthronedHETHERTONTextPage Scan
186One there is, above all othersGODESBERGTextPage Scan
187There were ninety and nine that safely layTHE NINETY AND NINETextPage Scan
188Jesus, I am resting, restingTRANQUILITYTextPage Scan
189Jesus loves me, this I knowJESUS LOVES METextPage ScanAudio
190I think when I read that sweet story of oldSWEET STORYTextPage Scan
191I am so glad that our Father in heavenGLADNESSTextPage ScanAudio
192I am Jesus' little lambWEIL ICH JESU SCHÄFLEIN BINTextPage Scan
193Let all mortal flesh keep silencePICARDYTextPage ScanAudio
194O come, O come, EmmanuelVENI EMMANUELTextPage ScanAudio
195Joy to the world! The Lord is comeANTIOCHTextPage ScanAudio
196Come, thou long-expected JesusHYFRYDOL
197Comfort, comfort ye my peopleTHIRSTINGTune InfoTextPage ScanAudio
198Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates!TRUROTextPage ScanAudio
199See, amid the winter's snowSEE AMID THE WINTER'S SNOWTextPage ScanAudio
200It came upon the midnight clearCAROLTextPage ScanAudio

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