# | Text | Tune | | | | | | |
201 | See what a morning, gloriously bright (Ved la mañana llena de luz) | SEE, WHAT A MORNING | | | | | | |
202 | Divino compañero del camino (O Lord, divine companion on this journey) | DIVINO COMPAÑERO | | | | | | |
203 | Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia! (Celebremos del Señor, ¡aleluya!) | LLANFAIR | | | | | | |
204 | Alleluia! Sing to Jesus! (¡Aleluya! Gloria a Cristo) | HYFRYDOL | | | | | | |
205 | Lord, I lift your name on high (Tu nombre levantaré) | [Lord, I lift your name on high] | | | | | | |
206 | Who is the King of glory; how shall we call him? (¿Quién es el Rey de gloria? ¿Cómo se llama?) | PROMISED ONE | | | | | | |
207 | All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! (Loores dad a Cristo el Rey) | CORONATION | | | | | | |
208 | Crown him with many crowns (Al Salvador Jesús) | DIADEMATA | | | | | | |
209 | Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Doquier alumbre el astro sol) | DUKE STREET | | | | | | |
210 | You, Lord, are both Lamb and Shepherd (Tú, Pastor, también Cordero) | PICARDY | | | | | | |
211 | Jesús es mi Rey soberano (O Jesus, my King and my Sov'reign) | MI REY Y MI AMIGO | | | | | | |
212 | Majesty, worship his majesty (¡Majestad! ¡Gloria a su majestad!) | MAJESTY | | | | | | |
213 | Rejoice, the Lord is King! (Con cánticos, Señor) | DARWALL'S 148TH | | | | | | |
214 | Toda rodilla se doblará ante él (For ev'ry knee shall bow before the Lord our God) | [Toda rodilla se doblará ante él] | | | | | | |
215 | Great and mighty is the Lord our God (Poderoso y grande es nuestro Dios) | GREAT AND MIGHTY | | | | | | |
216 | Recibirán poder, recibirán poder (You will receive the pow'r, you will receive the pow'r) | GRAN COMISIÓN | | | | | | |
217 | Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest (En nuestro ser mora, Creador) | BE NOT AFRAID | | | | | | |
218 | Come Lord Jesus, send us your Spirit (Señor, envía tu Espíritu Santo) | [Come Lord Jesus, send us your Spirit] | | | | | | |
219 | Praise the LORD, my soul (¡Alaba, alma mía, SEÑOR) | | | | | | | |
220 | Santo Espíritu, excelsa paloma (Holy Spirit, from heaven descended) | EXCELSÁ PALOMA | | | | | | |
221 | Vem, ó tu que fazes novos (Come, O come, creating Spirit) | [Vem, ó tu que fazes novos] | | | | | | |
222 | O Spirit of the living God (Viviente Espíritu de nuestro Dios) | O SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD | | | | | | |
223 | Come, Holy Spirit (Ven, Espíritu Santo) | [Come, Holy Spirit] | | | | | | |
224 | O breathe on me, O Breath of God (Espíritu Consolador) | ST. COLUMBA | | | | | | |
225 | Christ is made the sure foundation (Cristo, firme fundamento) | WESTMINSTER ABBEY | | | | | | |
226 | In Christ there is no east or west (Oriente ni occidente hay) | LORNA | | | | | | |
227 | Somos uno en Cristo, somos uno (We are one in Christ Jesus, all one body) | SOMOS UNO | | | | | | |
228 | Let us build a house where love can dwell (Construyamos hoy un gran hogar) | TWO OAKS | | | | | | |
229 | Dios viene al mundo a través de nosotros | [Dios viene al mundo a través de nosotros] | | | | | | |
230 | ¡Miren qué bueno es cuando los hermanos están juntos! (How good it is when brothers dwell in peace with one another) | [Miren qué bueno es cuando los hermanos están juntos] | | | | | | |
231 | For all the saints, who from their labors rest (Hoy, por los santos que descansan ya) | SINE NOMINE | | | | | | |
232 | We are one in the Spirit (Somos uno en Espíritu) | ST. BRENDAN'S | | | | | | |
233 | The Church's one foundation (Un solo fundamento) | AURELIA | | | | | | |
234 | Mirad cuán bueno y cuán delicioso (Behold, how good and delightful a gift it is) | [Mirad cuán bueno y cuán delicioso] | | | | | | |
235 | 오 소 서 오 소 서 평화의 임금 (Come now, O Prince of Peace. make us one body) | O-SO-SÔ | | | | | | |
236 | No basta solo una mano (One hand is never sufficient) | [No basta solo una mano] | | | | | | |
237 | Unidos, unidos en tu nombre unidos (Together, together, in your name we gather) | UNIDOS | | | | | | |
238 | We celebrate the unity of the Spirit (Unidos en tu Espíritu celebramos) (Wir feiern jetzt die Einigkeit) | [We celebrate the unity of the Spirit] | | | | | | |
239 | Lord, whose love in humble service (Con tu fiel servicio, oh Cristo) | PLEADING SAVIOR | | | | | | |
240 | Cuando el pobre nada tiene y aún reparte (When the hungry who have nothing share with strangers) | PEQUEÑAS ALCARACIONES | | | | | | |
241 | Come! Live in the light! (¡Ven! ¡Vive en la luz!) | [Come! Live in the light] | | | | | | |
242 | Longing for light, we wait in darkness (Luz añoramos luz esperamos) | CHRIST, BE OUR LIGHT | | | | | | |
243 | Dale, oh Dios, al Rey tu juicio (Give the rulers, Lord, your wisdom) | HERMANAS JESÚS MEDIADOR | | | | | | |
244 | Que esta iglesia sea un árbol en el fondo de tu casa (May this church be like a tree behind your house, there in your garden) | [Que esta iglesia sea un árbol en el fondo de tu casa] | | | | | | |
245 | Gracious Spirit, heed our pleading (Nuestro ruego hoy atiende) | NJOO KWETU ROHO MWEMA | | | | | | |
246 | El mensaje que hoy proclamamos (Hear the message we now are proclaiming) | [El mensaje que hoy proclamamos] | | | | | | |
247 | Un raudal de bendiciones (Show'rs of blessing, never ceasing) | LUX EOI | | | | | | |
248 | Un poco después del presente (A little beyond this our time) | ESPERANZA DEL MUNDO | | | | | | |
249 | The kingdom of God is justice and peace (El reino de Dios es reino de paz) | [The kingdom of God is justice and peace] | | | | | | |
250 | God of grace and God of glory (Dios de gracia, Dios de gloria) | CWM RHONDDA | | | | | | |
251 | We are called to be God's people (Del Señor el pueblo somos) | HYFRYDOL | | | | | | |
252 | Ore mboriajú (On the poor, on the poor) (Ten piedad, ten piedad) | [Ore mboriajú] | | | | | | |
253 | The LORD is a refuge (El SEÑOR será un alto refugio) | | | | | | | |
254 | Ayúdame a mirar con tus ojos (I want eyes to see just like you do) | [Ayúdame a mirar con tus ojos] | | | | | | |
255 | Sopla, sopla fuerte, Espíritu Divino (Blow wild and blow freely, O living Holy Spirit) | SOPLA FUERTE | | | | | | |
256 | In ev'ry place where God is praised (Doquiera que se alabe a Dios) | KINGSFOLD | | | | | | |
257 | This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine (Mi pequeñita luz, la dejaré brillar) | LATTIMER | | | | | | |
258 | Quiero cantar una linda canción de un hombre que me transformó (I want to sing out a beautiful song of a man who transforms all I do) | LINDA CANCIÓN | | | | | | |
259 | Solo el poder de Dios puede cambiar tu ser (What power changes lives? Only the love of God) | SÓLO EL PODER | | | | | | |
260 | Alza tus ojos y mira (Lift up your eager eyes and see) | [Alza tus ojos y mira] | | | | | | |
261 | Somos el pueblo de Dios (We are the people of God) | [Somos el pueblo de Dios] | | | | | | |
262 | O holy Dove of God descending (Paloma Santa, descendiendo) | LOIS | | | | | | |
263 | Que donde haya odio, Señor (Wherever there is hatred, O Lord) | [Que donde haya odio, Señor] | | | | | | |
264 | Will you let me be your servant (Me permites ser tu siervo) | THE SERVANT SONG | | | | | | |
265 | Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary (Haz de mí, Dios, hoy, un santuario vivo) | SANCTUARY | | | | | | |
266 | Satúranos, Señor, con tu Espíritu (Lord, fill us with the love of your Spirit) | SATÚRAME | | | | | | |
267 | Yo tengo un gozo en mi alma (How great the joy in my heart) | [Yo tengo un gozo en mi alma] | | | | | | |
268 | Camina, pueblo de Dios (Go forth, O people of God) | [Camina, pueblo de Dios] | | | | | | |
269 | ¿Cómo puede el joven llevar una vida íntegra? (How can a young person stay on the path of purity?) | | | | | | | |
270 | The joy of the Lord is my strength (El gozo del Señor mi fortaleza es) | JOY OF THE LORD | | | | | | |
271 | Where charity and love prevail (Donde hay amor y caridad) | ST. PETER | | | | | | |
272 | Not for tongues of heaven's angels (Mucho más que el don de lenguas) | REINLYN | | | | | | |
273 | Breathe on me, Breath of God (Santo Consolador) | TRENTHAM | | | | | | |
274 | Feliz el pueblo que no ha puesto su esperanza en el dinero (How blest the people who refuse to put their faith and trust in money) | FELIZ EL HOMBRE | | | | | | |
275 | Espíritu de Dios (Come, Holy Spirit, come) | [Espíritu de Dios] | | | | | | |
276 | I've got peace like a river (Tengo paz como un río) | PEACE LIKE A RIVER | | | | | | |
277 | Spirit of God, who dwells within my heart (Mora en mi alma, Santo Espíritu) | MORECAMBE | | | | | | |
278 | Por demás es madrugar (It's in vain to rise early) | [Por demás es madrugar] | | | | | | |
279 | When love is found and hope comes home (Hallar amor – ¡Qué bendición) | O WALY WALY | | | | | | |
280 | El amor, el amor es sufrido y sacrificial (Only love, only love suffers all and sacrifices all) | [El amor, el amor es sufrido y sacrificial] | | | | | | |
281 | Jesucristo ayer, junto a mis abuelos (When our ancestors sang praise, Christ was with them) | [Jesucristo ayer, junto a mis abuelos] | | | | | | |
282 | A place called home with comfort for the weary (Es un hogar lugar para el cansado) | FINLANDIA | | | | | | |
283 | En medio de la vida (You are my source and center) | BOLIVIANO | | | | | | |
284 | Unless the LORD builds the house (Si el Señor no edifica) | [Unless the LORD builds the house] | | | | | | |
285 | How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Cuán dulce el nombre de Jesús) | ST. PETER | | | | | | |
286 | Vencerá el amor (Love shall overcome) | [Vencerá el amor] | | | | | | |
287 | Del amor divino ¿quién me apartará? (What can separate us from the love of Christ?) | AMOR DIVINO | | | | | | |
288 | Del amor divino ¿quién me apartará? (What can separate us from the love of Christ?) | WYE VALLEY | | | | | | |
289 | Be not dismayed whate'er betide (Nunca desmayes, que en el afán) | GOD CARES | | | | | | |
290 | Dios es nuestro amparo, nuestra fortaleza (God will be our refuge, strength, and mighty fortress) | AMPARO | | | | | | |
291 | How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord (Cuán firme cimiento se ha dado a la fe) | FOUNDATION | | | | | | |
292 | Nada de turbe (Nothing can trouble) | [Nada te turbe] | | | | | | |
293 | Don't be afraid. My love is stronger (No temas más. Mi amor es fuerte) | [Don't be afraid. My love is stronger] | | | | | | |
294 | El Señor es mi pastor (The Lord is my shepherd) | [El Señor es mi pastor] | | | | | | |
295 | El SEÑOR es mi pastor, nada me falta (The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing) | | | | | | | |
296 | Quédate con nosotros, Señor de la esperanza (Stay with us, holy Savior, our Lord of hope and trusting) | [Quédate con nosotros, Señor de la esperanza] | | | | | | |
297 | In my day of fear (Si siento temor) | [In my day of fear] | | | | | | |
298 | Be merciful to me, my God (Ten compasión de mí, oh Dios) | | | | | | | |
299 | Pues si vivimos para Él vivimos (When we are living, it is in Christ Jesus) | SOMOS DEL SEÑOR | | | | | | |
300 | Within our darkest night (En nuestro oscuridad) | [Within our darkest night] | | | | | | |