A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the Philadelphian Association

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
CCThe presence of thy grace impartTextPage Scan
CCILet thy devoted servant goTextPage Scan
CCIIWith all thy pow'r, O Lord, defendTextPage Scan
CCIIIHow beauteous are their feetTextPage Scan
CCIVFather of mercies, bow thine earTextPage Scan
CCVBefore thy throne, eternal KingTextPage Scan
CCVIWell met, dear friends, in Jesus' nameTextPage Scan
CCVIIEncourag'd by thy holy wordTextPage Scan
CCVIIITo thine Almighty arm we oweTextPage Scan
CCIXWhile o'er our guilty land, O Lord!TextPage Scan
CCXLord, how shall wretched sinners dareTextPage Scan
CCXIPraise to the Lord, who bows his earTextPage Scan
CCXIIGreat ruler of the earth and skiesTextPage Scan
CCXIIITo thee, who reign'st supreme aboveTextPage Scan
CCXIVWhen Abra'm, full of sacred aweTextPage Scan
CCXVSee, gracious God, before thy throneTextPage Scan
CCXVILord, look on all assembled hereTextPage Scan
CCXVIIThe Lord my shepherd and my guideTextPage Scan
CCXVIIIWhen all thy mercies, O my GodTextPage Scan
CCXIXTo praise thee ever bounteous LordTextPage Scan
CCXXWhen blooming youth is snatch'd awayTextPage Scan
CCXXIThee we adore, eternal name!TextPage Scan
CCXXIIVain man thy fond pursuits forbearTextPage Scan
CCXXIIIWhat scenes of horror and of deathTextPage Scan
CCXXIVMy soul, come meditate the dayTextPage Scan
CCXXVHark! from the tombs a doleful soundTextPage Scan
CCXXVIWhy should we start or fear to dieTextPage Scan
CCXXVIIRemember, Lord our mortal stateTextPage Scan
CCXXVIIIAnd must this body dieTextPage Scan
CCXXIXLord what a feeble pieceTextPage Scan
CCXXXWhy do we mourn departed friendsTextPage Scan
CCXXXIWhy should our mourning thoughts delightTextPage Scan
CCXXXIIMy God! my God! and must I dieTextPage Scan
CCXXXIIIDeath, as a sleep or gentle dozeTextPage Scan
CCXXXIVWe needs must die, who banish'd lieTextPage Scan
CCXXXVDread sov'reign let my ev'ning songTextPage Scan
CCXXXVITo day God bids the faithful restTextPage Scan
CCXXXVIIBehold the morning sunTextPage Scan
CCXXXVIIILord, thou wilt hear me when I prayTextPage Scan
CCXXXIXLord, hast thou suffer'd me to seeTextPage Scan
CCXLNow, Lord, another of thy daysTextPage Scan
CCXLISee how the mounting sunTextPage Scan
CCXLIINow from the altar of our heartsTextPage Scan
CCXLIIIGlory to thee, my God, this nightTextPage Scan
CCXLIVAwake, my soul, and with the sunTextPage Scan
CCXLVWhen, O dear Jesus, when shall ITextPage Scan
CCXLVIMy God, how endless is thy love!TextPage Scan
CCXLVIIOnce more, my soul, the rising dayTextPage Scan
CCXLVIIIHosanna with a cheerful soundTextPage Scan
CCXLIXHail, Alpha and Omega, hail!TextPage Scan
CCLThe Lord! how fearful is his nameTextPage Scan
CCLILord, what a wretched land is thisTextPage Scan
CCLIIOften I seek my Lord by nightTextPage Scan
CCLIIIWe sing to thee, whose wisdom form'dTextPage Scan
CCLIVAwake my soul, awake mine eyesTextPage Scan
CCLVSleep, downy sleep, come, close mineTextPage Scan
CCLVINot all the nobles of the earthTextPage Scan
CCLVIILord, I am vile, conceived in sinTextPage Scan
CCLVIIIMy God, my life, my loveTextPage Scan
CCLIXAnd is it yet, dear Lord, a doubtTextPage Scan
CCLXO come let us joinTextPage Scan
CCLXIAll ye that pass byTextPage Scan
CCLXIIO Jesus, our LordTextPage Scan
CCLXIIICome, thou Almighty KingTextPage Scan
CCLXIVThe God of Abraham praiseTextPage Scan
CCLXVThe Lord of earth and skyTextPage Scan
CCLXVIThe Church a garden isTextPage Scan
CCLXVIIRejoice, the Lord is KingTextPage Scan
CCLXVIIIIsrael in ancient daysTextPage Scan
CCLXIXUpward I lift mine eyesTextPage Scan
CCLXXGive thanks to God most highTextPage Scan
CCLXXIYe tribes of Adam joinTextPage Scan
CCLXXIIWith cheerful voice I singTextPage Scan
CCLXXIIIIn sweet exalted strainsTextPage Scan
CCLXXIVRepent and be baptizedTextPage Scan
CCLXXVBlow ye the trumpet, blowTextPage Scan
CCLXXVIAwake our drowsy SoulsTextPage Scan
CCLXXVIIGod of my salvation, hearTextPage Scan
CCLXXVIIIJesu, friend of sinners hearTextPage Scan
CCLXXIXJesus, let thy pitying eyeTextPage Scan
CCLXXXHear me, O Redeemer, hearTextPage Scan
CCLXXXIMy Lord, how great's the favorTextPage Scan
CCLXXXIIRise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsTextPage Scan
CCLXXXIIILord, we come before thee nowTextPage Scan
CCLXXXIVHark, my soul, it is the LordTextPage Scan
CCLXXXV'Tis a point I long to knowTextPage Scan
CCLXXXVIWhat good news the angels bringTextPage Scan
CCLXXXVIIChildren of the heavenly KingTextPage Scan
CCLXXXVIIIGracious Lord incline thine earTextPage Scan
CCLXXXIXNow begin the heavenly themeTextPage Scan
CCXCBrethren, let us join to blessTextPage Scan
CCXCIWhile with ceaseless course the sunTextPage Scan
CCXCIIGlory be to God on highTextPage Scan
CCXCIIIRise, my soul adore thy makerTextPage Scan
CCXCIVEre I sleep for ev'ry favourTextPage Scan
CCXCV'Tis finished the Redeemer saidTextPage Scan
CCXCVIMost righteous God my doom I bearTextPage Scan
CCXCVIIaThou God of glorious majestyTextPage Scan
CCXCVIIbWhen with my mind divinely prestTextPage Scan
CCXCVIIII'm tir'd with visits, modes and formsTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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