Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Adoring Christ | | #CCXC | Brethren, let us join to bless |
After Sermon | | #CXLII | How oft have sin and satan strove |
After Sermon | | #CIX | Why is my heart so far from thee |
After Sermon | | #XCV | When I can read my title clear |
After Sermon | | #CXLI | My God, my King thy various praise |
After Sermon | | #CIV | Lord, I would spread my sore distress |
After Sermon | | #XCIX | Blest is the man, who shuns the place |
After Sermon | | #CIII | O that my load of sin were gone! |
After Sermon | | #LXXXVIII | To our Redeemer's glorious name |
After Sermon | | #CXL | Long did my soul in Jesus' form |
After Sermon | | #CII | Jesu Redeemer, Saviour, Lord |
After Sermon | | #LXXXVII | My Saviour, my Almighty friend |
After Sermon | | #CXIX | Oh! if my soul was form'd for woe |
After Sermon | | #CI | How sad our state by nature is |
After Sermon | | #LXXXVI | O Jesu, Jesu, dearest Lord |
After Sermon | | #CXIV | With joy we meditate the grace |
After Sermon | | #LXXXV | Now, Lord, thy heav'nly seed is sown |
After Sermon | | #CXIII | Christ and his cross is all our theme |
After Sermon | | #LXXXIX | Alas what hourly dangers rise |
After Sermon | | #CXII | My drowsy pow'rs, why sleep ye so |