Songs Of The Church

Editor: Alton H. Howard
Publisher: Howard Publishing Co. Inc., West Monroe, La., 1977
Denomination: Churches of Christ
Language: English
Notes: Copyright dates given as "1971-1975, 1977". Finalized 1977 revision following several revisions made after original 1971 publication. Data taken from later printing.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
596I heard an old, old story[I heard an old, old story]
597Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me[Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me]
598As I journey here mid the toil and tears[As I journey here mid the toil and tears]
599O how sweet 'twill be to meet the Lord[O how sweet 'twill be to meet the Lord]
600Like a lamp unto your feet[Like a lamp unto your feet]Page Scan
601O the Rock! 'tis a cleft and a strong, sure defense[O the Rock! 'tis a cleft and a strong, sure defense]Page Scan
602Unto the hills around do I lift upSANDONPage Scan
603Walking alone at eve and viewing the skies afar[Walking alone at eve and viewing the skies afar]Page Scan
604Were you there when they crucified my Lord?WERE YOU THEREPage Scan
605I'm going someday to yonder fair land[I'm going someday to yonder fair land]
606O the unsearchable riches of Christ![O the unsearchable riches of Christ!]Page Scan
607All along on the road to the soul's true abode[All along on the road to the soul's true abode]Page Scan
608Grace! 'tis a charming soundCRANBROOKPage Scan
609Washed in the blood of Calvary[Washed in the blood of Calvary]
610Watchman, tell us of the nightANTIPHONAL HYMNPage Scan
611We give Thee but Thine ownSCHUMANNPage Scan
612Nearer the cross, my heart can say[Nearer the cross, my heart can say]Page Scan
613We are going down the valley one by one[We are going down the valley one by one]Page Scan
614Will your anchor hold in the storms of life[Will your anchor hold in the storms of life]Page Scan
615We have heard the joyful sound[We have heard the joyful sound]Page Scan
616We saw Thee not when Thou didst come[We saw Thee not when Thou didst come]Page Scan
617Tho' the way we journey may be often drear[Tho' the way we journey may be often drear]Page Scan
618How our hearts ache with grief as we say goodby[How our hearts ache with grief as we say goodby]Page Scan
619Come, we that love the Lord[Come, we that love the Lord]Page Scan
620The head that once was crowned with thornsST. MAGNUSPage Scan
621Welcome, delightful mornLISCHERPage Scan
622Up Calv'ry's mountain, one dreadful morn[Up Calv'ry's mountain, one dreadful morn]
623What a Friend we have in Jesus[What a Friend we have in Jesus]
624When the Savior comes for His chosen ones[When the Savior comes for His chosen ones]Page Scan
625When friends of yore we meet once more[When friends of yore we meet once more]Page Scan
626There's a light 'long the pathway, it's guiding me home[There's a light 'long the pathway, it's guiding me home]
627Once I was straying in sin's dark valley[Once I was straying in sin's dark valley]
628Ring the bells of heaven! there is joy today[Ring the bells of heaven! there is joy today]Page Scan
629Jesus the Lord laid His glory aside[Jesus the Lord laid His glory aside]Page Scan
630When all my labors and trials are o'er[When all my labors and trials are o'er]Page Scan
631Christ, our Redeemer, died on the cross[Christ, our Redeemer, died on the cross]Page Scan
632What a song of delight, in that city so bright[What a song of delight, in that city so bright]
633When I survey the wondrous cross[When I survey the wondrous cross]Page Scan
634When my love to Christ grows weak[When my love to Christ grows weak]Page Scan
635We live in a changing world[We live in a changing world]
636When Jesus comes again to gather His own[When Jesus comes again to gather His own]
637Trials dark on ev'ry hand, and we cannot understand[Trials dark on ev'ry hand, and we cannot understand]Page Scan
638When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more[When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more]Page Scan
639We are going home to rest[We are going home to rest]
640I love the Lord, for He died my soul to save[I love the Lord, for He died my soul to save]
641Nobody knows but Jesus[Nobody knows but Jesus]
642Sweet are the promises[Sweet are the promises]Page Scan
643When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed[When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed]Page Scan
644Soft as the voice of an angel[Soft as the voice of an angel]
645I heard the voice of Jesus say[I heard the voice of Jesus say]
646Just a few more days to be filled with praise[Just a few more days to be filled with praise]Page Scan
647I am happy today and the sun shines bright[I am happy today and the sun shines bright]Page Scan
648Love sent my Savior to die in my stead[Love sent my Savior to die in my stead]Page Scan
649Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord[Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord]
650There's a wonderful place we call home[There's a wonderful place we call home]Page Scan
651Wonderful grace of Jesus[Wonderful grace of Jesus]Page Scan
652Over the river, shining forever[Over the river, shining forever]Page Scan
653Wonderful Jesus! glorious friend![Wonderful Jesus! glorious friend!]Page Scan
654I met Him one day on a lonely road[I met Him one day on a lonely road]Page Scan
655Wonderful story of love[Wonderful story of love]Page Scan
656Worthy of praise is Christ our Redeemer[Worthy of praise is Christ our Redeemer]
657When with the Savior we enter the glory-land[When with the Savior we enter the glory-land]
658Jesus the Savior came down from above[Jesus the Savior came down from above]Page Scan
659If the name of the Savior is precious to you[If the name of the Savior is precious to you]Page Scan
660If you could see Christ standing here tonight[If you could see Christ standing here tonight]Page Scan
661Oh, Christian, do not hide your light![Oh, Christian, do not hide your light!]Page Scan
662Years I spent in vanity and prideAT CALVARYPage Scan
663When in the better land before the bar we stand[When in the better land before the bar we stand]Page Scan
664Yes, for me, for me He careth[Yes, for me, for me He careth]
665Does Jesus care when my heart is pained[Does Jesus care when my heart is pained]Page Scan
666Judgment day is coming, brother, get ready now[Judgment day is coming, brother, get ready now]
667The voice of the Savior says "Come"[The voice of the Savior says "Come"]Page Scan
668Come to Jesus! He will save you[Come to Jesus! He will save you]Page Scan
669Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart[Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart]Page Scan
670Have you been washed in the crimson flow[Have you been washed in the crimson flow]
671"All things are ready," come to the feast!["All things are ready," come to the feast!]Page Scan
672O there is a time when the message will come[O there is a time when the message will come]Page Scan
673God is calling the prodigal: come without delay[God is calling the prodigal: come without delay]Page Scan
674Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r?ARE YOU WASHED IN THE BLOOD?Page Scan
675I am resolved no longer to linger[I am resolved no longer to linger]Page Scan
676I am coming to the cross[I am coming to the cross]Page Scan
677I hear Thy welcome voice[I hear Thy welcome voice]Page Scan
678I am weak but Thou art strong[I am weak but Thou art strong]Page Scan
679Jesus is calling for you today[Jesus is calling for you today]
680Often I'm hindered on my way[Often I'm hindered on my way]
681Just as I am! without one plea[Just as I am! without one plea]
682King of my life, I crown Thee now[King of my life, I crown Thee now]
683Would you live for Jesus and be always pure and good?[Would you live for Jesus and be always pure and good?]Page Scan
684If you are tired of the load of your sin[If you are tired of the load of your sin]Page Scan
685I've wandered far away from GodCOMING HOMEPage Scan
686O do not let the word depart[O do not let the word depart]Page Scan
687Hear the sweet voice of Jesus say[Hear the sweet voice of Jesus say]
688Whisper a prayer in the morning[Whisper a prayer in the morning]
689Out of my bondage, sorrow and night[Out of my bondage, sorrow and night]Page Scan
690Careless soul, why will you linger[Careless soul, why will you linger]Page Scan
691Sinners Jesus will receive[Sinners Jesus will receive]Page Scan
692Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling[Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling]Page Scan
693There is much to do, there's work on ev'ry hand[There is much to do, there's work on ev'ry hand]Page Scan
694To the harvest fields I will gladly go[To the harvest fields I will gladly go]Page Scan
695Too late, 'twill be for you to cry[Too late, 'twill be for you to cry]Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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