# | Text | Tune | | | | | | |
5256 | 我為基督而生 (I was born for Christ) | [I was born for Christ] | | | | | | |
5274 | 豈敢 (My dearest Lord didst die for me) | [My dearest Lord didst die for me] | | | | | | |
5275 | 我若稍微偏離正路 (If from the right course I depart) | [If from the right course I depart] | | | | | | |
5276 | 神旨美甜 (My stubborn will at last) | [My stubborn will at last] | | | | | | |
5277 | 主阿,照你旨意 (My Jesus, as Thou wilt!) | [My Jesus as Thou wilt] | | | | | | |
5279 | 主阿,祢不可讓步 (Do not yield Thy way to mine) | [Do not yield Thy way to mine] | | | | | | |
5299 | 十字架的道路要犠性 (The way of the Cross means sacrifice) | [The way of the Cross means sacrifice] | | | | | | |
5303 | 救主十架是我誇耀 (The cross of Christ) | [The cross of Christ] | | | | | | |
5305 | 祢若不壓橄欖成渣 (Olives that have known no pressure) | [Olives that have known no pressure] | | | | | | |
5306 | 我願揀選神你美旨 (I choose Thee, blessed will of God) | [I choose Thee blessed will of God] | | | | | | |
5317 | 哦﹗基督的十字架 (Though Christ a thousand times) | [Though Christ a thousand times] | | | | | | |
5318 | 破毁帶我到主懷 (Wrecked outright on Jesus' breast) | ST PETERSBURG | | | | | | |
5319 | 惟有常出代價 (Cross of Christ! Lead onward) | [Cross of Christ! lead onward] | | | | | | |
5322 | 神,祢正在重排我的前途 (God, You are now rearranging my way | [God You are now rearranging my way] | | | | | | |
5324 | 非我惟主 (Not I, but Christ) | [Not I but Christ] | | | | | | |
5346 | 你怎沒有傷痕? (Hast thou no scar?) | [Hast thou no scar] | | | | | | |
5362 | 主,我今背十架 (Lord, here I take my cross) | [Lord here I take my cross] | | | | | | |
5363 | 聯於基督 (Joined to the Christ victorious) | BURLINGTON (Burrowes) | | | | | | |
5365 | 我主,祢說祢是真樹 (Thou hast said Thou art the vine) | [Thou hast said Thou art the vine] | | | | | | |
5367 | 當我憑着自己思想 (When I am in the natural man) | Caergybi | | | | | | |
5381 | 求主倒空我脫自己 (Come, empty me of self) | [Come empty me of self] | | | | | | |
5382 | 一直走十架窄路 (Crucified with Christ my Saviour) | [Crucified with Christ my Saviour] | | | | | | |
5383 | 從死亡得生命 (I am crucified with Jesus) | [I am crucified with Jesus] | | | | | | |
5384 | 哦,各各他 (O Golgotha! Good Golgotha!) | LILLIARD | | | | | | |
5385 | Jesus, my Saviour, is all things to me | [Jesus my Saviour is all things to me] | | | | | | |
5399 | Jesus only is our message | [Jesus only is our message] | | | | | | |
5400 | 祂不誤事,因祂是神 (He faileth not, for He is God) | [He faileth not for He is God] | | | | | | |
5404 | 或這樣,或那樣 (In some way or other) | [In some way or other] | | | | | | |
5405 | 主,我相信 (When sorrows and storms) | [When sorrows and storms] | | | | | | |
5419 | 前途如何我不知 (I know not what awaits me) | [I know not what awaits me] | | | | | | |
5421 | 神說話,我就相信 (God said it, and I believe it) | [God said it and I believe it] | | | | | | |
5422 | 神的應許不能廢去 (His promises indelible) | [His promises indelible] | | | | | | |
5439 | 看哪,神是我的拯救 (Behold, behold, God is my salvation) | [Behold behold God is my salvation] | | | | | | |
5441 | 永不灰心 (Never be sad or desponding) | [Never be sad or desponding] | | | | | | |
5442 | 我是一個異鄉旅客 (I'm a pilgrim and a stranger) | MY FATHER KNOWS | | | | | | |
5443 | 安穩在祂大能膀臂 (Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful rest!) | [Oh what a wonderful wonderful rest] (Chorus) | | | | | | |
5444 | 不,永不孤單 (Fear not, I am with thee!) | [Fear not I am with thee] | | | | | | |
5445 | 我惟靠祢 (We rest on Thee, our Shield) | [We rest on Thee our Shield] | | | | | | |
5459 | 將一切憂慮卸給神 (Cast all your care upon Him) | [Cast all your care upon Him] | | | | | | |
5461 | 耶穌是我牧者 (Jesus is our Shepherd) | [Jesus is our Shepherd] | | | | | | |
5462 | 耶和华是我牧者 (The Lord is my shepherd (Psalm 23)) | CHINESE MELODY | | | | | | |
5464 | 慈愛天父,求引領我 (Lead us, Heavenly Father) | [Lead us Heavenly Father] | | | | | | |
5474 | 我永不忘記你 (Sweet is the promise) | SWEET PROMISE | | | | | | |
5483 | 緊握我手引領我 (Take Thou my hand) | [Take Thou my hand] | | | | | | |
5484 | 溫柔引領我回家 (Lead me gently home, Father) | [Lead me gently home Father] | | | | | | |
5485 | 我用眼睛引導你 (Precious promise God hath given) | [Precious promise God hath given] | | | | | | |
5486 | 我的恩典夠你使用 (I'll sing of the wonderful promise) | [I'll sing of the wonderful promise] | | | | | | |
5487 | 耶穌醫治破碎心懷 (Whosoever will to the Lord may come) | [Whosoever will to the Lord may come] | | | | | | |
5488 | 望斷以及於耶穌 (O eyes that are weary) | PETITION (Haydn) | | | | | | |
5489 | 我今所知主恩有限 (I now know Grace) | I now know grace | | | | | | |
5504 | 當我來到我盡頭 (When I come to the end of myself) | [When I come to the end of myself] | | | | | | |
5505 | 重擔當託耶和華 (Weary pilgrim on life's pathway) | [Weary pilgrim on life's pathway] | | | | | | |
5506 | 十架不會重逾祂恩典 (The cross that He gave may be heavy) | [The cross that He gave may be heavy] | | | | | | |
5508 | 神仍坐着為王 (God is still on the throne) | [God is still on the throne] (Chorus) | | | | | | |
5509 | 神未曾應許:天色常藍 (God hath not promised skies always blue) | [God hath not promised skies always blue] | | | | | | |
5510 | 父,我知道我的一生 (Father, I know that all my life) | [Father I know that all my life] | | | | | | |
5529 | 當我恩主降臨時候 (When my blest Lord will come again) | [When my blest Lord will come again] | | | | | | |
5531 | 我將站在王面前 (We shall stand before the King) | [We shall stand before the King] | | | | | | |
5532 | 主耶穌,我正等待 (Lord Jesus, I am waiting) | Lord Jesus, I am waiting | | | | | | |
5533 | 主,當我們被提上升 (Lord, our hearts will be filled with joy) | [Lord, our hearts will be filled with joy] | | | | | | |
5535 | 我想我家鄉在那邊 (O think of the home over there) | [O think of the home over there] | | | | | | |
5552 | 更美地 (More beautiful) | [More beautiful] (Chinese) | | | | | | |
5553 | 天是我家 (Heaven is my home) | [Heaven is my home] | | | | | | |
5554 | 因有羔羊血洗淨 (Who, who are these besides the chilly wave) | [Who who are these besides the chilly wave] | | | | | | |
5555 | 在於新耶路撒冷 (When the toils of life are over) | [When the toils of life are over] | | | | | | |
5556 | 哦,主,撒冷是祢所建設 (Oh, Lord, you are building Jerusalem) | [Oh, Lord, you are building Jerusalem] | | | | | | |
5557 | 客旅 (He looked for a city) | HOME SWEET HOME | | | | | | |
5574 | 每一禱告都有答應 (Every prayer will find its answer) | [Every prayer will find its answer] | | | | | | |
5575 | 憑信心求,奉主的名 (Ask in faith in Jesus' dear Name) | [Ask in faith] | | | | | | |
5576 | 尚未蒙允? (Unanswered yet?) | [Unanswered yet? the prayer your lips are pleading] | | | | | | |
5578 | 親愛主,我不能禱告 (Ah, dearest Lord!) | [Ah dearest Lord] | | | | | | |
5579 | 你們若專心尋求我 (If with all your hearts ye truly seek me) | [If with all your hearts ye truly seek me] | | | | | | |
5580 | 祂是我愛在破曉清晨 (He's the one I love in the morning) | [He's the one I love in the morning] | | | | | | |
5581 | 我有一位好朋友 (I have a friend so precious) | [I have a friend so precious] (May A. Stephens) | | | | | | |
5598 | 奇妙又奇妙的耶穌 (Wonderful, wonderful Jesus) | [Wonderful wonderful Jesus] | | | | | | |
5599 | 哦,主,求祢長在我心 (O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me) | ADORATIO | | | | | | |
5601 | 我神,我心充滿安寧 (My heart is resting, O my God) | SWISS MELODY | | | | | | |
5602 | 沒有間隔,主 (Nothing between, Lord) | [Nothing between Lord] | | | | | | |
5603 | 我如困鹿切慕溪水 (As pants the hart) | [As pants the hart] | | | | | | |
5619 | 更加甘甜 (To Jesus every day I find) | [To Jesus every day I find] | | | | | | |
5621 | 祢是愛的溫柔氣息 (I cannot breathe enough of Thee) | [I cannot breathe enough of Thee] | | | | | | |
5622 | 在隱密處與神同關鎖 (Shut in with God) | [Shut in with God] | | | | | | |
5623 | 主耶穌,我羨慕活在祢面前 (Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live | AFTON WATER | | | | | | |
5624 | 親愛主﹗寶貝主 (Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus) | [Dear Lord Jesus precious Jesus] | | | | | | |
5642 | 我的道路 (If the path I travel) | [If the path I travel] | | | | | | |
5643 | 每日早晨愛都新鮮 (New every morning is the love) | ONSLOW | | | | | | |
5644 | 醒來,我魂,當隨朝陽 (Awake, my soul, and with the sun) | MORNING HYMN | | | | | | |
5645 | 傳道的呼喊 (A hundred thousand souls) | [A hundred thousand souls] | | | | | | |
5646 | 到遠方,到萬國 (To the regions beyond) | [To the regions beyond] | | | | | | |
5648 | 仰望真神羔羊 (Look to the lamb of God) | [Look to the lamb of God] | | | | | | |
5662 | 罪惡途中多年流蕩 (Years of wandering) | [Years of wandering] | | | | | | |
5663 | 全脫落 (I remember when my burden rolled away) | [Rolled away] | | | | | | |
5665 | 一事我知道 (This one thing I know) | [This one thing I know] | | | | | | |
5667 | 讓祂進 (There's a Stranger at the Door) | [There's a Stranger at the Door] | | | | | | |
5668 | 要及時 (Life at the best is very brief) | [Life at the best is very brief] | | | | | | |
5669 | 來信耶穌 (Come to Jesus) | [Come to Jesus] | | | | | | |
5699 | 救主耶穌,我來 (O Jesus, Saviour, hear my call) | [O Jesus Saviour hear my call] (Sankey) | | | | | | |
5701 | 要忠心 (We are going forth) | [We are going forth] | | | | | | |
5705 | 要將最好獻上 (Hear ye the Master's call) | TULLAR | | | | | | |
5706 | 正當時日悄然而過 (There are lonely hearts to cherish) | [There are lonely hearts to cherish] | | | | | | |