Small Church Music

Let us be your Church musician
The SmallChurchMusic site was launched in 2006, growing out of the requests from those struggling to provide suitable music for their services and meetings.
Rev. Clyde McLennan was ordained in mid 1960’s and was a pastor in many small Australian country areas, and therefore was acutely aware of this music problem. Having also been trained as a Pipe Organist, recordings on site (which are a subset of the site) are all actually played by Clyde, and also include piano and piano with organ versions.
All recordings are in MP3 format. Churches all around the world use the recordings, with downloads averaging over 60,000 per month.
The recordings normally have an introduction, several verses and a slowdown on the last verse. Users are encouraged to use software: Audacity ( or Song Surgeon ( (see for more information) to adjust the MP3 number of verses, tempo and pitch to suit their local needs.

Copyright notice: Rev. Clyde McLennan, performer in this collection, has assigned his performer rights in this collection to Non-commercial use of these recordings is permitted. For permission to use them for any other purposes, please contact


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Performer: Clyde McLennan
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
4945主是為我釘十字架 (For me the Lord was crucified)[For me the Lord was crucified]Audio
4949祂不能救自己 (Himself He could not save)[Himself He could not save]Audio
4959美哉、善哉,羔羊的新歌 (Wonderful grand new song of the Lamb)[Wonderful grand new song of the Lamb]Audio
4960榮耀之釋放 (Once I was bound by sin's galling fetters)[Once I was bound by sin's galling fetters]Audio
4962釋放﹗榮耀釋放 (Released! glory released)[Released! glory released]Audio
4963主斷開一切鎖鍊 (O how great His Salvation)[O how great His Salvation]TextAudio
4964哦,我已得救 (Oh, yes! I'm saved, and I know it)[Oh yes I'm saved and I know it]Audio
4965哈利路亞,祂已復活 (Hallelujah, He is risen!)[Hallelujah He is risen]Audio
4966看哪﹗救主奏凱上升 (See the Conqueror mount in triumph)COURAGE, BROTHER!Audio
4967看哪﹗冠冕已給羔羊 (Behold the Lamb with glory crowned)[Behold the Lamb with glory crowned]Audio
4976主,祢真是配 (Jesus, our Lord, with what joy)[Jesus our Lord with what joy]Audio
4977但願尊貴、榮耀、豐富 (Glory, honour, praise and power)[Glory honour praise and power]Audio
4978羔羊是配 (Tis the Church triumphant singing)[Tis the Church triumphant singing]Audio
4979聽哪﹗千萬聲音雷鳴 (Hark! Ten thousand voices crying)[Hark Ten thousand voices crying]Audio
4980榮耀、榮耀,永遠榮耀 (Glory, everlasting glory)[Glory everlasting glory]Audio
4984神的兒子,親愛救主 (O blessed Saviour, Son of God)SHORTLEAudio
4986頌讚受膏的基督 (Hail to the Lord's Annointed)BRITISH GRENADIERSAudio
4988我們的大君彌賽亞 (Our Lord, the Messiah)[Our Lord, the Messiah]Audio
4989我主,我正等候祢再臨 (My Lord, I am waiting)[My Lord, I am waiting]Audio
4990一點時候 (A little while, the Lord shall come)[A little while the Lord shall come]Audio
4996我能否忘快來的主 (I can remember coming Lord)I can remember coming LordAudio
4997主耶穌要再來 (Oh! He's coming back again)[Oh He's coming back again]Audio
4998主耶穌,我愛祢名 (Thy name we love, Lord Jesus)ST MICHAELSAudio
5002耶穌﹗祢名何等芬芳 (Jesus! how much Thy name unfolds)[Jesus how much Thy name unfolds]Audio
5003主名甜美歌 (Jesus, I love Thy charming Name)PISGAHAudio
5004神聖的愛,何其美甜 (O Love Divine, how sweet Thou art!)[O Love Divine how sweet Thou art]Audio
5005主愛,口舌真說不來 (His love is more than tongue can tell!)[His love is more than tongue can tell]
5006哦,祂的愛 (One there is above all others)[One there is above all others] (Main)Audio
5007耶穌已愛我 (Jesus has loved me - wonderful Savior!)[Jesus has loved me - wonderful Savior]Audio
5010恩愛標本 (Love displayed)CASKEYAudio
5018我主耶穌,惟祢是配 (Jesus, Thou alone art worthy)[Jesus Thou alone art worthy]Audio
5019是愛的神作我牧人 (The Lord my shepherd is)ROCKINGHAM (Mason)Audio
5020十架下我低頭 (Neath the cross of my Savior)[Neath the cross of my Savior]Audio
5023耶穌同在就是天堂 (Since Christ my soul from sin set free)[Since Christ my soul from sin set free]Audio
5025哈利路亞,我真快樂 (Hallelujah, Hallelujah, I've been happy)[Hallelujah Hallelujah I've been happy]Audio
5039永遠不渴 (My Jesus is the living Bread)[My Jesus is the living Bread]Audio
5040樂哉,白白恩典 (Come, ye that love the Lord)DUNBAR (13215)Audio
5042當我罪中流蕩 (Jesus found me when afar)[Jesus found me when afar]Audio
5043哦,主耶穌,每想到祢 (Lord Jesus Christ, our hearts feels sweet)[Lord Jesus Christ our hearts feels sweet]Audio
5044恩念主愛 (Day and night do I think)[Day and night do I think]Audio
5045耶穌,耶穌,我的性命 (O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord!)[O Jesus Jesus dearest Lord]Audio
5046我愛祂,因祂已先愛我 (I love Him, because He first loved me)[I love Him because He first loved me]TextAudio
5047怎能叫我不愛主? (Down from His splendor in glory He came)[Down from His splendor in glory He came]Audio
5059神與我的愛 (I love Thee, Lord)[I love Thee Lord]Audio
5060呼出與吸入 (O Lord, breathe Thy Spirit on me)[O Lord breathe Thy Spirit on me]Audio
5061聖靈顯現在我衷 (Oft before the Lord)[Oft before the Lord]Audio
5062蒙聖靈的安慰 (Walking in the comfort of the Holy Ghost)[Walking in the comfort of the Holy Ghost]Audio
5064Gracious heav'nly Father[Gracious heav'nly Father]Audio
5067求主用血洗我清潔 (Lord, wash me clean)[Lord, wash me clean]Audio
5068Come, Lord, in Thy Spirit come[Come Lord in Thy Spirit come]Audio
5069Lord, may Thy blood now cleanse me[Lord may Thy blood now cleanse me]Audio
1861bOur Father, who art in heaven[Our Father, who art in heaven]Audio
1861cO Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world[O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world]Audio
1861dGlory be to God on high[Glory be to God on high]Audio
1861eHoly, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts[Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts]Audio
1861fI believe in one God the Father Almighty[I believe in one God, the Father Almighty]Audio
1861gLord, have mercy upon us[Lord, have mercy upon us] Audio
1861hLord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law[Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this lawAudio
5082主,我曾否叫聖靈憂愁? (Oh, have we grieved Thee)[Oh have we grieved Thee]Audio
5083後是膏油先是血 (First the blood, then anointing oil)[First the blood then anointing oil]Audio
5084我主,只有祢的聖靈 (Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone)HENRIETTAAudio
5085焚燒在我心內 (God sent His might pow'r)[God sent His might pow'r]Audio
5094吩咐磐石 (Fainting in the desert)[Fainting in the desert]Audio
5096何等慚愧,何等痛悔 (O the bitter shame and sorrow)[O the bitter shame and sorrow]Audio
5098我帶我罪就祢 (I bring my sins to Thee)[I bring my sins to Thee]Audio
5100我豈可再冷淡退後? (How can I ever stay away?)[How can I ever stay away]Audio
5118Once I had a fervent heart[Once I had a fervent heart]Audio
5119主,是我否? (Someone has left the right path away)[Someone has left the right path away]Audio
5120我直跑 (On toward the goal!)[On toward the goal]Audio
5132我心所追求乃是神自己 (My goal is God Himself)[My goal is God Himself]Audio
5133願祢為大 (Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ)REDCLIFFEAudio
5134神在天上有一寶貝 (God in heaven hath a treasure)GLOAMINGAudio
5149進深,進深 (Deeper, deeper, in the love of Jesus)[Deeper deeper in the love of Jesus]Audio
5150往前走歌 (Trusting in the Lord Thy God)ONWARD GOAudio
5151天父加恩歌 (Have you on the Lord believed?)[Have you on the Lord believed]Audio
5152要思想耶穌 (Consider Him)[Consider Him]Audio
5157我今轉身背向俗世 (I've turned my back upon the world)[I've turned my back upon the world]Audio
5172榮上加榮 (From glory to glory He's changing me)[From glory to glory He's changing me]Audio
5178世上景色我已一閱 (Having seen the world's fair beauty)[Having seen the world's fair beauty]Audio
5180主,祢得勝 (Lord, Thou has won, at length I yieldREUBENAudio
5181收我此生作奉獻 (Take my life, and let it be)CHINESEAudio
5182跟隨主耶穌 (Following Jesus, ever day by day)[Following Jesus ever day by day]Audio
5202主愛長闊高深 (What length, breadth, height and depth)[What length breadth height and depth]Audio
5203步步追,步步隨 (Step by Step)[Step by Step]Audio
5205我是否要背負十架? (Am I a soldier of the cross?)[Am I a soldier of the cross]Audio
5206以愛為旗在我以上 (His banner over me is love)[His banner over me is loveAudio
5207祂是一切最親 (He is most dear to me)JEWETTAudio
5208主,我還有誰在天上? (Whom have I, Lord, in heaven but Thee?)[Whom have I Lord in heaven but Thee]Audio
5209永遠住在我心 (There's a peace in my heart)[There's a peace in my heart]Audio
5210哦,在榮耀裏的基督 (Marvel not that Christ in glory)TEMPERANCE HYMNAudio
5211惟有耶穌 (I've found a refuge from life's care)[I've found a refuge from life's care]Audio
5212哈利路亞﹗我尋得祂 (Hallelujah! I have found Him)SATISFIED (Chorus only)Audio
5230满园芬芳 (Wind of the north, O now blow!)ORCHID BULBAudio
5231住在主裏面 (Live in the Lord)[Live in the Lord]Audio
5232祢名似膏香 (Thy Name is sweet as oinment)REPOSEAudio
5233住在祢裏面 (Abide in Thee! in that deep love of Thine)Coena DominiAudio
5235住在主裏 (Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet)[Abiding oh so wondrous sweet]Audio
5236時常喜樂 (O let us rejoice in the Lord)[O let us rejoice in the Lord]Audio
5250進入幔內 (Within the Veil, be this)[Within the Veil be this]Audio
5255求祢揀選我道路 (Thy way, not mine, O Lord)[Thy way not mine O Lord]Audio

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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