RitualSong (2nd ed.)

Committee Chair: Michael Silhavy
Editor: David Anderson
Publisher: GIA Publications, Inc., Chicago, 2016
Denomination: Roman Catholic Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
867God has chosen me, God has chosen mePage Scan
868Lord, whose love in humble serviceBEACH SPRINGPage Scan
869I, the Lord of sea and skyHERE I AM, LORDPage Scan
870God, whose giving knows no endingRUSTINGTONTextPage Scan
871The Spirit sends us forth to serveAZMONPage Scan
872Now let us from this table riseDEUS TUORUM MILITUMTextPage Scan
873The Church of Christ cannot be boundMCKEEPage Scan
874God sends us forth to love and serveGAILHACPage Scan
875The joy of the Gospel invites us todayST. DENIOPage Scan
876Awake from your slumber![Awake from your slumber]Page Scan
877Thuma mina (Send me, Jesus)THUMA MINATextPage Scan
878We go in peace in Jesus' nameAIKENHEADPage Scan
879We come with joy in Jesus ChristFOREST GREENPage Scan
880Sent forth by God's blessingASH GROVEPage Scan
881Moved by the Gospel, let us moveKINGSFOLDPage Scan
882No hands but yours to heal the wounded world[No hands but yours to heal the wounded world]Page Scan
883I am the vine, you are the branches[I am the vine, you are the branches]
884Tú has venido a la orilla (Lord, when you came to the seashore)PESCADOR DE HOMBRESPage Scan
885You walk along our shorelineAURELIAPage Scan
886Will you come and follow meKELVINGROVEPage Scan
887I danced in the morning when the world was begunLORD OF THE DANCETextPage Scan
888Lord, help us walk your servant wayCHRISTIAN LOVEPage Scan
889Once we were people afraid[Once we were people afraid]
890Take up your cross, the Savior saidERHALT UNS HERRTextPage Scan
891Those who love and those who laborHYMN TO JOYPage Scan
892Two fishermen, who lived alongLEAVE ALL THINGSPage Scan
893All that I counted as gainCARITAS DOMINIPage Scan
894If we have died with him[If we have died with him]Page Scan
895Jesus Christ, lifted upUNLESS A GRAINPage Scan
896Guide my feet while I run this race[Guide my feet while I run this race]TextPage Scan
897Remain in me, as I remain in you[Remain in me, as I remain in you]Page Scan
898For the healing of the nationsST. THOMASTextPage Scan
899God of day and God of darknessBEACH SPRINGPage Scan
900A place called home with comfort for the wearyFINLANDIAPage Scan
901Jesus, our divine companionPLEADING SAVIORTextPage Scan
902Come! Live in the light![Come! Live in the light!]
903Freedom is coming[Freedom is coming]Page Scan
904If you believe and I believe[If you believe and I believe]TextPage Scan
905God, whose purpose is to kindleGENEVAPage Scan
906We shall overcomeWE SHALL OVERCOMETextPage Scan
907I am the hungry, I am the poor[I am the hungry, I am the poor]Page Scan
908The thirsty cry for water, LordSHANTIPage Scan
909Jesus entered EgyptKING'S WESTONPage Scan
910O God of love, O King of peaceTALLIS' CANONTextPage Scan
911O day of peace that dimly shinesJERUSALEMTextPage Scan
912Make me a channel of your peace[Make me a channel of your peace]Page Scan
913Peace before us[Peace before us]
914Ev'rything that has voiceSING FOR PEACETextPage Scan
915Dona nobis pacem, pacem[Dona nobis pacem, pacem]TextPage Scan
916Peace, be not anxious[Peace, be not anxious]Page Scan
917I will hear what the Lord has to say[I will hear what the Lord has to say]Page Scan
918God of all, we look to you[God of all, we look to you]Page Scan
919In Christ there is no east or westMCKEETextPage Scan
920Bear with one another (Sopórtense unos a otros)[Bear with one another]Page Scan
921Give us new hands, open and free[Give us new hands, open and free]Page Scan
922Diverse in culture, nation, raceTALLIS' CANONPage Scan
923Come, now, O Prince of Peace, make us one body (Ososo ososo, pyonghwa eui imgum)OSOSOPage Scan
924As we gather at your TableNETTLETONTextPage Scan
925Let us build a house where love can dwellTWO OAKSPage Scan
926Uyai mose, tinamate Mwari (Come all you people, come and praise your Maker)[Uyai mose, tinamate Mwari]TextPage Scan
927God is here! As we his peopleABBOT'S LEIGHTextPage Scan
928All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDTHTextPage Scan
929Here in this place new light is streamingGATHER US INPage Scan
930Come, rejoice before your MakerJUBILATE DEOPage Scan
931All who hunger, gather gladlyHOLY MANNAPage Scan
932I rejoiced when I heard them sayMA YEDIDUTPage Scan
933What is this place where we are meeting?KOMT NU MET ZANGPage Scan
934I come with joy, a child of GodLAND OF RESTTextPage Scan
935Prepare a room for meSOUTHWELLPage Scan
936Where two or three are gatheredHEAVENLY FEASTPage Scan
937Making their way down through the agesKOMT NU MET ZANGPage Scan
938Brethren, we have met to worshipHOLY MANNATextPage Scan
939Risen Lord, we gather round youDOSTER'S DANCEPage Scan
940Draw us forth to the table of life[Draw us forth to the table of life]Page Scan
941Hoy me levanto muy temprano (I will rise in the early morning)[Hoy me levanto muy temprano]Page Scan
942Father, we praise you, now the night is overCHRISTE SANCTORUMTextPage Scan
943Let us rise and sing in the morningLET US RISEPage Scan
944Morning has brokenBUNESSAN
945Sing your joy, proclaim God's glory!SUMMIT HILL
946Day is done, but Love unfailingAR HYD Y NOSPage Scan
947Christ, mighty Savior, Light of all creationMIGHTY SAVIORPage Scan
948Joyous light of heav'nly gloryJOYOUS LIGHTPage Scan
949Abide with me; fast falls the eventideEVENTIDETextPage Scan
950Our darkness is never darkness in your sight[Our darkness is never darkness in your sight]Page Scan
951Now it is eveningEVENING HYMNTextPage Scan
952Tend your ailing ones: in your love, Lord[Tend your ailing ones: in your love, Lord]Page Scan
953The day you gave us, Lord, is endedST. CLEMENTTextPage Scan
954Soon and very soon we are goin' to see the KingSOON AND VERY SOON
955You will hear the trumpet soundWHAT A MORNINGTextPage Scan
956Keep your lamps trimmed and burning[Keep your lamps trimmed and burning]TextPage Scan
957O Holy City, seen of JohnMORNING SONGTextPage Scan
958O the weary world is trudging toward the year of jubileeMORNING TRUMPETPage Scan
959My Lord, he calls me[My Lord, he calls me]TextPage Scan
960Shall we gather at the riverHANSON PLACETextPage Scan
961We remember[We remember]Page Scan
962Come to me, all you wearyRESURRECTIONPage Scan
963Jerusalem, my happy homeLAND OF RESTTextPage Scan
964O my God, you've led me through it all[O my God, you've led me through it all]
965How bright is the day when the ChristianSAWYER'S EXITTextPage Scan
966God, who made the earth and heavenAR HYD Y NOSTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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