RitualSong (2nd ed.)

Committee Chair: Michael Silhavy
Editor: David Anderson
Publisher: GIA Publications, Inc., Chicago, 2016
Denomination: Roman Catholic Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
767From all that leads to death[From all that leads to death]Page Scan
768Let all who are thirsty, come[Let all who are thirsty, come]Page Scan
769Ask, and it will be given youPRAYER CANTICLETextPage Scan
770Christ be beside meBUNESSANPage Scan
771For justice, for freedom, for mercy[For justice, for freedom, for mercy]Page Scan
772God weeps with us who weep and mournKINGSFOLDPage Scan
773Once we sang and danced with gladnessKAS DZIEDAJAPage Scan
774By the waters, the waters of BabylonBY THE WATERS OF BABYLONTextPage Scan
775O God of all the broken[O God of all the broken]Page Scan
776O God, why are you silent?PASSION CHORALEPage Scan
777God remembers painGOD REMEMBERSTextPage Scan
778"How long, O God," the psalmist criesDETROITPage Scan
779May the grace of Christ our SaviorSTUTTGARTTextPage Scan
780For ev'rything there is a season[For ev'rything there is a season]Page Scan
781The peace of the earth be with you (La paz de la tierra esté contigo)[La paz de la tierra esté contigo]Page Scan
782May the peace of Christ be with you (Ki ri su to no he i wa ga)[Ki ri su to no he i wa ga]Page Scan
783We walk by faith, and not by sightSHANTITextPage Scan
784Here, a million wounded soulsWE REMEMBERPage Scan
785Mayenziwe 'ntando yakho (Your will be done on earth, O Lord)[Mayenziwe 'ntando yakho]TextPage Scan
786He comes to us as one unknownREPTONTextPage Scan
787Faith of our fathers, living stillST. CATHERINEPage Scan
788Keep me safe, O God, I take refuge in you[Keep me safe, O God, I take refuge in you]
789If we die with the Lord[If we die with the Lord]Page Scan
790O God, who gives us life and breathIN NOMINE DEITextPage Scan
791We return to you deep within[We return to you deep within]
792Surely it is God who saves meRAQUELTextPage Scan
793How firm a foundation, you saints of the LordFOUNDATIONTextPage Scan
794Our Lord said that all would be well[Our Lord said that all would be well]Page Scan
795You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord[You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord]Page Scan
796O God, keep me safe, for I trust in you (Behüte mich, gott, ich vertraue dir)[O God, keep me safe, for I trust in you]Page Scan
797You shall cross the barren desert[You shall cross the barren desert]Page Scan
798Pues si vivimos para Él vivimos (If we are living we are in the Lord)SOMOS DEL SEÑOR
799Bambelela, bambelela (Never give up, never give up)[Bambelela, bambelela]Page Scan
800Seek ye first the kingdom of GodSEEK YE FIRST
801Do not be afraid, God has called you by your nameZUBIKPage Scan
802My life flows on in endless songHOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGINGTextPage Scan
803Long before the mountains came to be[Long before the mountains came to be]Page Scan
804O God, our help in ages pastST. ANNETextPage Scan
805Boundless love was promised as your vow (Ôi! Tình yê thúóng Chúa cao vòi)[Ôi! Tình yê thúóng Chúa cao vòi]Page Scan
806Love divine, all loves excellingHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
807What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul?WONDROUS LOVETextPage Scan
808If I have the gift of prophecy[If I have the gift of prophecy]Page Scan
809Where charity and love prevailCHRISTIAN LOVEPage Scan
810Lord of all nations, grant me graceBEATUS VIRPage Scan
811Use us as instruments, simple vessels of your peace[Use us as instruments, simple vessels of your peace]Page Scan
812As the Father has loved me[As the Father has loved me]Page Scan
813Love is his wordJULINORMAPage Scan
814When I am afraid, Lord, I put my trust in you[When I am afraid, Lord, I put my trust in you]Page Scan
815The love of Christ joins us together[The love of Christ joins us together]Page Scan
816Shall tribulation or distressROMANS 8Page Scan
817El amor es comprensivo (Love is kind and understanding)[El amor es comprensivo]Page Scan
818Not for tongues of heaven's angelsCOMFORTTextPage Scan
819When pain and sorrow weigh us down[When pain and sorrow weigh us down]Page Scan
820The King of love my shepherd isST. COLUMBATextPage Scan
821I heard the voice of Jesus sayKINGSFOLDTextPage Scan
822I will come to you in the silence[I will come to you in the silence]
823Come to me, O weary trav'lerDUNSTANPage Scan
824Jesus, lead the wayROCHELLETextPage Scan
825Ya no durmáis, no durmáis (Stay awake, keep watch)[Ya no durmáis, no durmáis]Page Scan
826Precious Lord, take my handPRECIOUS LORDPage Scan
827My Shepherd will supply my needRESIGNATIONTextPage Scan
828In God's house there are many places[In God's house there are many places]
829I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord[I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord]
830Bright the stars at night[Bright the stars at night]Page Scan
831Sometimes I feel discouragedBALM IN GILEADTextPage Scan
832In our darkness, kindle a fire[In our darkness, kindle a fire]Page Scan
833Lord, you are my shepherd[Lord, you are my shepherd]Page Scan
834In my weakness I have strayed[In my weakness I have strayed]Page Scan
835When the storms of life are ragingSTAND BY METextPage Scan
836All who labor and are burdened[All who labor and are burdened]Page Scan
837Come, bring your burdens to God (Woza nomthwalo wakho)[Woza nomthwalo wakho]Page Scan
838Gentle is God's way[Gentle is God's way]Page Scan
839Blest are they, the poor in spirit[Blest are they, the poor in spirit]
840The kingdom of God is justice and joyLAUDATE DOMINUMPage Scan
841The reign of God, like farmer's fieldMCKEEPage Scan
842Jesus, remember me[Jesus, remember me]Page Scan
843Jesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
844We will walk with God, my brothersSIZOHAMBAPage Scan
845Come now, the feast is spread[Come now, the feast is spread]Page Scan
846The kingdom of God is justice and peace (El reino de Dios es reino de paz)[The kingdom of God is justice and peace]Page Scan
847I would not be a sinner[I would not be a sinner]TextPage Scan
848Summoned by the God who made usNETTLETONPage Scan
849God, bless your Church with strength!DIADEMATAPage Scan
850As a fire is meant for burningBEACH SPRINGPage Scan
851Christ's church shall glory in his pow'rEIN' FESTE BURGTextPage Scan
852Christ is made the sure foundationWESTMINSTER ABBEYTextPage Scan
853A font of God's love overflowing[A font of God's love overflowing]Page Scan
854O Christ the great foundationAURELIAPage Scan
855Gathered here in this holy temple[Gathered here in this holy temple]Page Scan
856'Tis the gift to be simpleSIMPLE GIFTSTextPage Scan
857O blessed are the poor in spiritKONTAKIONTextPage Scan
858Maker of galaxies, stardust, and all that has beingLOBE DEN HERRENPage Scan
859What does the Lord require for praise and offering?SHARPTHORNEPage Scan
860Lord, make us servants of your peaceO WALY WALYPage Scan
861Will you let me be your servant[Will you let me be your servant]
862Be now my vision; open these eyes[Be now my vision; open these eyes]Page Scan
863In love you summon, in love I follow[In love you summon, in love I follow]Page Scan
864Love is flowing: love is flowingFOUNTAIN OF LIFEPage Scan
865In the waters of your mercy[In the waters of your mercy]Page Scan
866"Go make of all disciples"ELLACOMBEPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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