RitualSong: a hymnal and service book for Roman Catholics

Committee Chair: Michael A. Cymbala
Editor: Robert J. Batastini
Publisher: GIA Publications, Inc., Chicago, 1996
Denomination: Roman Catholic Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
725Mayenziwe 'ntando yakho (Your will be done on earth, O Lord)[Mayenziwe 'ntando yakho]TextPage Scan
726Faith of our fathers, living stillST. CATHERINEPage Scan
727Pues si vivimos para Él vivimos (If we are living we are in the Lord)[Pues si vivimos para Él vivimos]Page Scan
728Seek ye first the kingdom of GodSEEK YE FIRST
729Awake, O sleeper, rise from deathAZMONPage Scan
730My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?PSALM OF HOPEPage Scan
731How firm a foundation, you saints of the LordFOUNDATIONTextPage Scan
732The Lord is my light[The Lord is my light]
733My life flows on in endless songHOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGINGTextPage Scan
734You shall cross the barren desert[You shall cross the barren desert]Page Scan
735O God, our help in ages pastST. ANNETextPage Scan
736Be still and know that I am God[Be still and know that I am God]Page Scan
737Amazing grace! how sweet the soundNEW BRITAINTextPage Scan
738When we are lost, and cannot find the way[When we are lost, and cannot find the way]Page Scan
739Surely it is God who saves meRAQUELTextPage Scan
740You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord[You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord]Page Scan
741A mighty fortress is our GodEIN' FESTE BURGPage Scan
742There's a wideness in God's mercyIN BABILONETextPage Scan
743Love divine, all loves excellingHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
744God is light, in God there is no darkness[God is light, in God there is no darkness]
745God loved the world so much he sent us his only son[God loved the world so much he sent us his only son]Page Scan
746Your love, O Jesus Christ[Your love, O Jesus Christ]Page Scan
747Where charity and love prevailCHRISTIAN LOVE
748Not for tongues of heaven's angelsCOMFORTTextPage Scan
749What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul?WONDROUS LOVETextPage Scan
750Love is his wordJULINORMAPage Scan
751Lord of all nations, grant me graceBEATUS VIRPage Scan
752Since the love of Christ has brought us (Congregavit nos in unum)UBI CARITASPage Scan
753As the Father has loved me[As the Father has loved me]Page Scan
754Precious Lord, take my handPRECIOUS LORDPage Scan
755Jesus, lead the wayROCHELLETextPage Scan
756God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want[God is my shepherd, so nothing shall I want]Page Scan
757Ya no durmáis, no durmáis (Stay awake, keep watch)[Ya no durmáis, no durmáis]Page Scan
758When pain and sorrow weigh us down[When pain and sorrow weigh us down]Page Scan
759O Jesus, joy of loving heartsWAREHAMTextPage Scan
760Christ's is the world in which we moveDREAM ANGUSPage Scan
761My Shepherd will supply my needRESIGNATIONTextPage Scan
762I will come to you in the silence[I will come to you in the silence]
763All who labor and are burdened[All who labor and are burdened]Page Scan
764Sometimes I feel discouragedBALM IN GILEADTextPage Scan
765When my foes surround me[When my foes surround me]
766The King of love my shepherd isST. COLUMBATextPage Scan
767In our darkness, kindle a fire[In our darkness, kindle a fire]Page Scan
768I heard the voice of Jesus sayKINGSFOLDTextPage Scan
769Come to me, O weary trav'lerDUNSTANPage Scan
770Jesus, remember me[Jesus, remember me]Page Scan
771I will not die before I've lived to see that land[I will not die before I've lived to see that land]
772You are salt for the earth, O people[You are salt for the earth, O people]Page Scan
773When Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of GodSAMANTHRATextPage Scan
774Blest are they, the poor in spirit[Blest are they, the poor in spirit]
775The kingdom of God is justice and joyLAUDATE DOMINUMPage Scan
776O you who taught the mud to dream[O you who taught the mud to dream]
777Christ's church shall glory in his pow'rEIN' FESTE BURGPage Scan
778Christ is made the sure foundationEDEN CHURCHTextPage Scan
779As a fire is meant for burningBEACH SPRINGPage Scan
780Singing songs of expectationHOLY MANNATextPage Scan
781O Christ the great foundationABREUPage Scan
782O Christ the great foundationAURELIAPage Scan
783Come, people of God, with joyful song[Come, people of God, with joyful song]
784Not alone where silent woodlandsNETTLETONPage Scan
785What does the Lord requireSHARPTHORNEPage Scan
786Loving Father, gracious God[Loving Father, gracious God]Page Scan
787The temple rang with golden coinsLEWIS-TOWNPage Scan
788Will you let me be your servant[Will you let me be your servant]
789We are your peopleWHITFIELDTextPage Scan
790I bind my heart this tide[I bind my heart this tide]Text
791Glorious in majestySHIBBOLET BASADEHPage Scan
792'Tis the gift to be simpleSIMPLE GIFTSTextPage Scan
793Lord, whose love in humble serviceBEACH SPRINGPage Scan
794God, whose giving knows no endingRUSTINGTONTextPage Scan
795To bring glad tidings to the lowly[To bring glad tidings to the lowly]Page Scan
796Thuma mina (Send me, Jesus)[Thuma mina]TextPage Scan
797When Jesus worked here on earth[When Jesus worked here on earth]Page Scan
798"Go make of all disciples"ELLACOMBEPage Scan
799Awake from your slumber![Awake from your slumber]Page Scan
800You are called to tell the storyGHENTPage Scan
801Moved by the Gospel, let us moveKINGSFOLDPage Scan
802I, the Lord of sea and sky[I, the Lord of sea and sky]Page Scan
803The church of Christ in ev'ry ageDUNEDINTextPage Scan
804If we have died with him[If we have died with him]TextPage Scan
805Those who love and those who laborHYMN TO JOYPage Scan
806Jesu tawa pano (Jesus, we are here)[Jesu tawa pano]Page Scan
807You walk along our shorelineAURELIAPage Scan
808Take up your cross, the Savior saidERHALT UNS HERRTextPage Scan
809I danced in the morning when the world was begunLORD OF THE DANCETextPage Scan
810"Take up thy cross and follow Me"FALLS CREEK
811Will you come and follow meKELVINGROVEPage Scan
812Two fishermen, who lived alongLEAVE ALL THINGSPage Scan
813Once we were people afraid[Once we were people afraid]
814All that I counted as gain[All that I counted as gain]Page Scan
815I am the vine, you are the branches[I am the vine, you are the branches]
816On the journey to EmmausCOLUMCILLEPage Scan
817Lord, when you came to the seashore (Tú has venido a la orilla)[Tú has venido a la orilla]Page Scan
818God it was who said to AbrahamJESUS CALLS USPage Scan
819God, who stretched the spangled heavensHOLY MANNATextPage Scan
820Come! Live in the light![Come! Live in the light!]
821O Freedom, O Freedom[Freedom is coming]
822Here am ISTANISLAUSPage Scan
823For the healing of the nationsST. THOMASTextPage Scan
824God made from one blood all the fam'lies of earthFOUNDATIONPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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