RitualSong: a hymnal and service book for Roman Catholics

Committee Chair: Michael A. Cymbala
Editor: Robert J. Batastini
Publisher: GIA Publications, Inc., Chicago, 1996
Denomination: Roman Catholic Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
329Jesus, Lamb of God[Jesus, Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world]TextPage Scan
330Kyrie eleison[Kyrie eleison]Text
331Lord God, heavenly King[Lord God, heavenly King]Text
332Speak, O Lord, your servant is list'ning[Speak, O Lord, your servant is list'ning]Text
333We do not live on bread alone[We do not live on bread alone]
334The Lord be with you[The Lord be with you]Text
335Holy, holy, holy Lord[Holy, holy, holy Lord]Text
336Hosanna in the highest[Hosanna in the highest]Text
337Dying you destroyed our death[Dying you destroyed our death]
338Hear us, hear us[Hear us, hear us]Text
339Amen, amen![Amen, amen! Amen, amen]TextPage Scan
340Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world[Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world]Text
341Lord Jesus, you came to gather the nations[Lord Jesus, you came to gather the nations]TextPage Scan
342Glory to God in the highest[Glory to God in the highest]TextPage Scan
343Speak, O Lord, your servant is list'ning[Speak, O Lord, your servant is list'ning]TextPage Scan
344The Lord be with you[The Lord be with you]TextPage Scan
345Praise, thanks and glory be to you, O God[Praise, thanks and glory be to you, O God]TextPage Scan
346Holy, holy, holy Lord[Holy, holy, holy Lord]TextPage Scan
347Praise, thanks and glory be to you, O Christ[Praise, thanks and glory be to you, O Christ]TextPage Scan
348When we eat this bread and drink this cup[When we eat this bread and drink this cup]Page Scan
349We remember how you loved us to your death[We remember how you loved us to your death]TextPage Scan
350Hear us, O Lord[Hear us, O Lord]TextPage Scan
351Alleluia, amen! (Praise to you, Lord, amen!)[Alleluia, amen!]TextPage Scan
352Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world[Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world]TextPage Scan
353Lord, have mercy[Lord, have mercy]TextPage Scan
354Holy, holy, holy Lord[Holy, holy, holy Lord]TextPage Scan
355Christ has died; Christ is risen[Christ has died; Christ is risen]Page Scan
356Amen, amen, amen, amen[Amen, amen, amen, amen]TextPage Scan
357Jesus, wisdom and mighty Lord[Jesus, wisdom and mighty Lord]TextPage Scan
358Lord, have mercy[Lord, have mercy]TextPage Scan
359Holy, holy, holy Lord[Holy, holy, holy Lord]TextPage Scan
360Christ has died; Christ is risen[Christ has died; Christ is risen]Page Scan
361Amen, amen, amen[Amen, amen, amen]TextPage Scan
362Jesus, Lamb of God[Jesus, Lamb of God]TextPage Scan
363aKyrie, eleison[Kyrie, eleison]TextPage Scan
363bKyrie, eleison[Kyrie, eleison]Text
364Gloria in excelsis Deo[Gloria in excelsis Deo]TextPage Scan
365Verbum Domini[Verbum Domini]TextPage Scan
366Dominus vobiscum[Dominus vobiscum]TextPage Scan
367Credo in unum Deum[Credo in unum Deum]TextPage Scan
368Te rogamus, audinos[Te rogamus, audinos]TextPage Scan
369Dominus vobiscum[Dominus vobiscum]TextPage Scan
370aSanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus[Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus]Text
370bSanctus, Sanctus Sanctus[Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus]TextPage Scan
371aMysterium fidei[Mysterium fidei]TextPage Scan
371bMysterium fidei[Mysterium fidei]Text
372per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen[per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen]TextPage Scan
373Pater noster, qui es in caelis[Pater noster, qui es i caelis]TextPage Scan
374Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saculorum[Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum]TextPage Scan
375aAgnus Dei[Agnus Dei]Text
375bAgnus Dei[Agnus Dei]TextPage Scan
376Ite, missa est[Ite, missa est]TextPage Scan
377Oceans of earth, sing glory to God![Oceans of earth, sing glory to God!]
378Cleanse us, Lord, from all our sins[Cleanse us, Lord, from all our sins]TextPage Scan
379Asperges me, Domine (Cleanse me from sin, O Lord God)[Asperges me, Domine]Page Scan
380Lord Jesus, from your wounded side[Lord Jesus, from your wounded side]TextPage Scan
381Lord have mercy (Show us your mercy)[Lord have mercy]TextPage Scan
382Lord, have mercy[Lord, have mercy]TextPage Scan
383Lord, have mercy[Lord, have mercy]TextPage Scan
384Kyrie eleison[Kyrie eleison]TextPage Scan
385Kyrie eleison[Kyrie eleison]TextPage Scan
386Kyrie, eleison[Kyrie, eleison]TextPage Scan
387Glory to God in the highest[Glory to God in the highest]TextPage Scan
388Glory to God, glory in the highest[Glory to God, glory in the highest]Text
389Glory to God in the highest[Glory to God in the highest]TextPage Scan
390Lord God, heavenly King[Lord God, heavenly King]TextPage Scan
391Lord God, heavenly King[Lord God, heavenly King]TextPage Scan
392Glory to God in the highest[Glory to God in the highest]TextPage Scan
393Glory to God in the highest[Glory to God in the highest]TextPage Scan
394We will hear your word, one in love[We will hear your word, one in love]TextPage Scan
395The Word of the Lord lasts forever[The Word of the Lord lasts forever]Text
396Oh God to whom shall we go?[Oh God to whom shall we go]TextPage Scan
397Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia![Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!]TextPage Scan
398Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]TextPage Scan
399Alleluia[Alleluia]TextPage Scan
400Alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia, alleluia]TextPage Scan
401Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]TextPage Scan
402Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia]TextPage Scan
403Alleluia[Alelluia]Page Scan
404Alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia, alleluia]TextPage Scan
405Alleluia, alleluia[Alleluia, alleluia]TextPage Scan
406Alleluia! Alleluia! (Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ[Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ]TextPage Scan
407Turn to the Lord with all your heart[Turn to the Lord with all your heart]Page Scan
408Glory to you, O Word of God[Glory to you, O Word of God]TextPage Scan
409O Lord, hear our prayer[O Lord, hear our prayer]Page Scan
410O God, hear us[O God, hear us]
411O loving Father, hear us we pray[O loving Father, hear us we pray]TextPage Scan
412Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer[Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer]TextPage Scan
413Gracious Lord, hear us we pray[Gracious Lord, hear us we pray]TextPage Scan
414For those who lead and guide the Church of Christ[For those who lead and guide the Church of Christ]Page Scan
415Kyrie, Kyrie, eleison[Kyrie, Kyrie, eleison]TextPage Scan
416Kyrie, Kyrie, eleison[Kyrie, Kyrie, eleison]TextPage Scan
417The Lord be with you[The Lord be with you]TextPage Scan
418Holy, holy, holy[Holy, holy, holy]TextPage Scan
419Dying you destroyed our death[Dying you destroyed our death]Page Scan
420Through him, with him, in him[Through him, with him, in him]TextPage Scan
421Holy, holy, holy, holy[Holy, holy, holy, holy]TextPage Scan
422Christ has died, Christ is risen[Christ has died, Christ is risen]Page Scan
423Amen! Alleluia![Amen! Alleluia]TextPage Scan
424The Lord be with you[The Lord be with you]TextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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