Psalter Hymnal (Red): doctrinal standards and liturgy of the Christian Reformed Church

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1That man is blest who, fearing GodMEDITATIONTextPage Scan
2Blest is he who loves God's preceptsREDEEMERTextPage Scan
3O wherefore do the nations rageUXBRIDGETextPage Scan
4Wherefore do the nations rageMENDELSSOHNTextPage Scan
5O Lord, how swiftly growsMORNING PRAISE
6My righteous God, who oft of oldEVENING HYMNTextPage Scan
7On the good and faithfulPENITENCETextPage Scan
8On the good and faithfulMERRIALTextPage Scan
9O Jehovah, hear my wordsREHOBOTHTextPage Scan
10Lord, rebuke me not in angerZENOTextPage Scan
11No longer, Lord, despise mePLEADINGTextPage Scan
12Jehovah, my God, on Thy help I dependPAULINATextPage Scan
13O Lord, our Lord, in all the earthCLINTONTextPage Scan
14Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious NameEVENING PRAISETextPage Scan
15Whole-hearted thanksgiving to Thee I will bringTO GOD BE THE GLORYTextPage Scan
16Why standest Thou afar, O LordBROOKFIELDTextPage Scan
17In God will I trust, though my counselors sayPROTECTIONTextPage Scan
18O Lord, be Thou my Helper trueBREMENTextPage Scan
19How long wilt Thou forget meOLIVATextPage Scan
20The God who sits enthroned on highEISENACHTextPage Scan
21Who, O Lord, with Thee abidingHELENTextPage Scan
22O God, preserve me, for in TheeST. PETERTextPage Scan
23When in the night I meditateMAITLANDTextPage Scan
24To Thee, O Lord, I flyMARYTextPage Scan
25Lord, hear the right, regard my cryLONGFELLOWTextPage Scan
26I love the Lord, His strength is mineMENDONTextPage Scan
27Since with my God with perfect heartROCKINGHAM OLDTextPage Scan
28As Thou, O Lord, hast made me strongMOZARTTextPage Scan
29The spacious heavens declareARTHUR'S SEATTextPage Scan
30Jehovah's perfect lawHADDAMTextPage Scan
31The heavens declare Thy gloryFAITHFUL TextPage Scan
32The spacious heavens laudREVELATION
33Most perfect is the Law of GodKINSMANTextPage Scan
34Jehovah hear thee in thy griefTALLIS' EVENING HYMNTextPage Scan
35Now the King in Thy strength shall be joyful, O LordLATAKIATextPage Scan
36My God, My God, I cry to TheeHEBRONTextPage Scan
37All ye that fear Jehovah's NamePARK STREETTextPage Scan
38The ends of all the earth shall hearVISIONTextPage Scan
39Come, ye that fear JehovahTOURSTextPage Scan
40Amid the thronging worshippersBOVINATextPage Scan
41Thou, Jehovah, art my ShepherdCORONAETextPage Scan
42The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not wantEVANTextPage Scan
43The Lord my Shepherd holds meEWINGTextPage Scan
44Thou art my ShepherdMY SHEPHERDTextPage Scan
45My Shepherd is the Lord who knows my needsLUX BENIGNATextPage Scan
46The earth and the fulness with which it is storedADESTE FIDELESTextPage Scan
47Ye gates, lift your heads, the glad summons obeyLANSINGTextPage Scan
48Unto Thee, O Lord JehovahPATHWAY
49Lord, I lift my soul to TheeSPANISH HYMNTextPage Scan
50Grace and truth shall mark the wayEVENING PRAYERTextPage Scan
51Lord, to me Thy ways make knownSEYMOURTextPage Scan
52Be Thou my Judge, O righteous LordBELIEFTextPage Scan
53Jehovah is my lightMILLENNIUMTextPage Scan
54The Lord Almighty is my lightST. MARGARETTextPage Scan
55O Lord, to Thee I crySELVINTextPage Scan
56Now unto Jehovah, ye sons of the mightyARLESTextPage Scan
57O Lord, by Thee deliveredCRUCIFIXTextPage Scan
58In Thee, O Lord, I put my trustNAOMITextPage Scan
59How great the goodness kept in storeARIELTextPage Scan
60Defend me, Lord, from shameLEBANONTextPage Scan
61How blest is he whose trespassRUTHERFORDTextPage Scan
62Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoiceFRANCESTextPage Scan
63Jehovah from His throne on highGREITERText
64The Lord I will at all times blessEUPHEMIATextPage Scan
65Ye children, come, give ear to meCHRISTMASTextPage Scan
66God guards the good with watchful eyeGERMANYTextPage Scan
67Be Thou my Helper in the strifeHE LEADETH METextPage Scan
68The trespass of the wicked manLAMBETHTextPage Scan
69Thy mercy and Thy truth, O LordCADDOTextPage Scan
70Fret not thyself, nor envious beJOSEPHINETextPage Scan
71A little that the righteous holdRAMOTHTextPage Scan
72The good man's steps are led arightPRESSLYTextPage Scan
73In Thy wrath and hot displeasureST. SYLVESTERTextPage Scan
74My end, Lord, make me knowALLELUIA (DULCE DOMUM)Page Scan
75With firm resolve I held my peaceBERATextPage Scan
76Thy tender mercies, O my LordRUTHTextPage Scan
77I waited for the Lord Most HighDUNSTANTextPage Scan
78Before Thy people I confessFLEMMINGTextPage Scan
79How blest the man who thoughtfullyDEDEKAMTextPage Scan
80As the hart, about to falterTHIRSTING
81As thirsts the hart for water brooksBACATextPage Scan
82As pants the hart for streams of living waterFELIX (RAYNOLDS)TextPage Scan
83Send forth, O Lord of my salvationHOLY HILL
84Judge me, God of my salvationAMARATextPage Scan
85Send out Thy light and Thy truth, let them lead meLUX FIATTextPage Scan
86O God, we have heard and our fathers have toldRESIGNATIONTextPage Scan
87If we have forgotten the Name of our GodMAGNUSTextPage Scan
88My heart doth overflowLEOMINSTERTextPage Scan
89O royal bride, give heedGERARTextPage Scan
90God is our refuge and our strengthMATERNATextPage Scan
91God is our refuge and our strengthEIN FESTE BURGTextPage Scan
92Praise the Lord, ye landsASCENDING KING
93All nations, clap your handsSILVER STREETTextPage Scan
94The Lord is great; with worthy praiseST. JOHN'S HIGHLANDSTextPage Scan
95Within Thy temple, LordDIADEMATATextPage Scan
96Hear this, all ye people, hearFISKTextPage Scan
97Dust to dust, the mortal diesWATCHMANTextPage Scan
98The mighty God, Jehovah, speaksST. PETERSBURGTextPage Scan
99Thus speaks the Lord to wicked menELLERTONTextPage Scan
100God, be merciful to meAJALON (GETHSEMANE)TextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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