Psalms and Hymns for Public worship, Containing All the Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts ...

Editor: William Allen
Publisher: Leavitt, Lord & Co. / D. Burgess & Co., Boston, Mass., 1835
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d501Lord, I am thine, but thou wilt [will] prove
d502Lord, I am thine, entirely thine, Purchased and saved by blood divine
d503Lord, I am thine, thine would I die
d504Lord, I am vile, conceived in sin
d505Lord, I have a ready tongue
d506Lord, I have made thy word my choice
d507Lord, I lift my eyes to thee
d508Lord! I will bless thee all my days
d509Lord, I would spread my sore distress
d510Lord, in dark, afflictive hour
d511Lord, in the day thou art about
d512Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high
d513Lord, in troublous day be near me
d514Lord, my conscience once was calm
d515Lord, my eyes are turned to thee
d516Lord, my soul on thee depends
d517Lord of hosts, to thee we raise
d518Lord of the worlds above, How pleasant and how fair
d519Lord, once my eyes no danger saw
d520Lord, our present help in trouble
d521Lord, our songs we lift to thee
d522Lord, shall the wicked still deride
d523Lord, supreme in majesty
d524Lord, take my heart, and let it be
d525Lord, the God of my salvation
d526Lord, the heavens thy power proclaim
d527Lord, the King of Zion joyeth
d528Lord, thou hast searched, and seen me [us] through
d529Lord, thou hast seen my [our] soul [souls] sincere
d530Lord, thou searchest all my heart
d531Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray
d532Lord, thy judgments true and deep
d533Lord, thy mercy far transcendeth
d534Lord, to thee I lift mine eyes
d535Lord, to thee I raised my cry
d536Lord, to thee we lift our eyes
d537Lord, we adore thy vast designs
d538Lord, we have heard thy works of old
d539Lord, we mourn thy servant sleeping
d540Lord, what a feeble piece
d541Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I
d542Lord, what is feeble man
d543Lord, what is man, poor feeble man
d544Lord, what was man, when made of clay
d545Lord, when I cry to thee, give ear
d546Lord, when my thoughts with wonder roll
d547Lord, when thou didst ascend on high
d548Lord, when we bow before thy throne
d549Loud hallelujahs to the Lord
d550Love divine, all loves [love] excelling
d551Make me, O Lord, mine end to know
d552Man has a soul of vast desires
d553Man is the child
d554Many there be, that say
d555Master of slaves am I
d556May not the sovereign Lord on high
d557Mercy and truth now meet
d558Mercy, descending from above
d559Mine enemies have laid their snare
d560Mistaken souls, that [who] dream of heaven
d561Most firm is thy good word
d562Mount Zion , the city of God, O how fair
d563Mourner, wert thou one that dreameth
d564Mourning souls, dry up your tears
d565My days, like shadows do decline
d566My dear Redeemer, and my Lord
d567My God, accept my early vows
d568My God, how lasting is thy love
d569My God, in whom are all the springs of boundless love
d570My God, my Father and my God
d571My God, my God, my sorrows see
d572My God, my King, thy various praise
d573My God, my life, my love, to thee, to thee I call
d574My God, my portion, and my love, my everlasting all.
d575My God, of all my joy the spring
d576My God, permit me [us] not to be a stranger
d577My God, permit my tongue this joy, to call thee mine
d578My God, the steps of pious [righteous] men
d579My gracious Redeemer I [I'll] love
d580My heart, O Lord, is dark with fears
d581My heart rejoices in thy name
d582My joyful heart exults in thee
d583My life's a shade
d584My Refuge is the God of love
d585My Savior and my King
d586My Savior and my King, Thy beauties [honors] are divine
d587My Savior hanging on the [a] tree
d588My Savior, my almighty Friend
d589My Shepherd is the living Lord, Now shall
d590My Shepherd is the Lord, my God
d591My Shepherd, my soul he will feed
d592My Shepherd will supply my need
d593My sins oppress my soul
d594My soul, come, meditate the day, And think
d595My soul, extol His name
d596My soul forsakes her [each] vain delight
d597My soul, how lovely is the place to which thy God
d598My soul, inspired with holy flame
d599My soul, thy God forever praise
d600My soul, why art thou thus asleep

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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