William Allen

William Allen
Short Name: William Allen
Full Name: Allen, William, 1784-1868
Birth Year: 1784
Death Year: 1868

Allen, William, D.D., born at Pittsfield, Mass., 1784, graduated at Harvard, 1802. He became Pastor of Pittsfield, 1810; President of Dartmouth University, 1817, and of Bowdoin College, 1820-1839. He died at Northampton, 1868. He published the American Biographical and Historical Dictionary, 1809; Psalms and Hymns, 1835. The latter contains ver¬sions of all the Psalms, and 200 original hymns. Some of the hymns, especially those about slavery, are curious. Five are found in Campbell's Comprehensive Hymn Book, Lond., 1837. His compositions have almost entirely passed out of use. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.]

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Wikipedia Biography

William Allen (January 2, 1784 – July 16, 1868) was an American biographer, scholar and academic. He served as president of both Dartmouth University and Bowdoin College.

Texts by William Allen (566)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A bitter cup we drink indeedWilliam Allen (Author)2
A film, impervious to lightWilliam Allen (Author)2
A temple hast Thou built on highWilliam Allen (Author)2
A zeal, not kindled from on highWilliam Allen (Author)2
Affliction comes not from the dustWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ah how can man with guilt o'erspreadWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ah lovely appearance of death, with paleness there's peaceWilliam Allen (Author)2
All-glorious God, thy boundless powerWilliam Allen (Author)2
Allured by pleasure's flattering tongueWilliam Allen (Author)2
Although the fig tree failWilliam Allen (Author)2
Although thy people oft have seenWilliam Allen (Author)2
Amidst the bloom of youthWilliam Allen (Author)2
As for the water brookWilliam Allen (Author)2
As ocean travellers freeWilliam Allen (Author)2
As the hart for water pantethWilliam Allen (Author)2
As truth reproves her worldly heartWilliam Allen (Author)2
At God's right hand beholdWilliam Allen (Author)2
Attend, O Lord, unto my cry (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
Be kind to us, O GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Be merciful in my distressWilliam Allen (Author)2
Be thou my fortress, LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Be thou my refuge, God of mightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Be thou, O God of mightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Beautiful is Zion's hillWilliam Allen (Author)2
Behold, a countless throngWilliam Allen (Author)2
Behold, bless ye the LordWilliam Allen (Author)3
Behold, how Zion's mountainWilliam Allen (Author)2
Behold, O how lovely and pleasant the viewWilliam Allen (Author)2
Behold, O Lord, our guilty landWilliam Allen (Author)2
Behold the heavens and seeWilliam Allen (Author)2
Behold the works of GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Behold thy suffering Zion, LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Behold yon waterfallWilliam Allen (Author)2
Bethesda's pool, through virtue givenWilliam Allen (Author)2
Blest are men of lives uprightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Blest be the Lord, my strength and shieldWilliam Allen (Author)2
Blest is he, that feareth GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Blest is he, whose prudent feetWilliam Allen (Author)2
Blest is he, whose sin's forgivenWilliam Allen (Author)2
Blest is the man who loves the poorWilliam Allen (Author)3
Blest is the man, whose feet ne'er strayWilliam Allen (Author)2
Blest Savior, may I never beWilliam Allen (Author)2
Blest the nation, which the LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Boast not in mischief, man of mightWilliam Allen (Author)2
By the apostle thrice deniedWilliam Allen (Author)2
Captives in distant land we roamWilliam Allen (Author)2
Captives, we sat by Babel's streamWilliam Allen (Author)2
Cease, ye mourners, cease to sorrowWilliam Allen (Author)2
Cheer by the orb of dayWilliam Allen (Author)2
Children of Zion praise the LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Christ, my Shepherd, is my guideWilliam Allen (Author)2
Clap your hands and loud rejoiceWilliam Allen (Author)2
Cleaving to the dust, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Come and make a joyful noiseWilliam Allen (Author)2
Come and the works of God beholdWilliam Allen (Author)2
Come hearken unto meWilliam Allen (Author)3
Come, let us awake, our arms letWilliam Allen (Author)2
Come, O come, and let us singWilliam Allen (Author)2
Come sinners attend, And make no delayWilliam Allen (Author)English11
Come ye saints, and loudly singWilliam Allen (Author)2
Come ye with us, we'll do you goodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Daughter of Zion, hearWilliam Allen (Author)2
Death has struck his fatal blowWilliam Allen (Author)2
Dismiss us with thy blessing, Lord, To thy greatWilliam Allen (Author)2
Distressed, on God I callWilliam Allen (Author)2
Dwells love to Christ within thy breastWilliam Allen (Author)2
Dying, full of joy, I singWilliam Allen (Author)2
Earth and all its storesWilliam Allen (Author)2
Earth thy treasures, Lord, displaysWilliam Allen (Author)2
Earth, with joy and loud acclaimWilliam Allen (Author)2
Earth's foundations God hath laidWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ere the mountains lifted highWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ever, Lord, in heaven aboveWilliam Allen (Author)2
Farewell, thou friend of God, farewellWilliam Allen (Author)2
Fear not, Jehovah criesWilliam Allen (Author)2
Floating on the inland seaWilliam Allen (Author)2
Fools in their hearts have saidWilliam Allen (Author)2
For salvation, Lord, I sighWilliam Allen (Author)2
For thee, O Lord, with strong desireWilliam Allen (Author)2
For weary souls there is a restWilliam Allen (Author)2
For Zion, Lord, arise in mightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Frail, dying man, choose thou this dayWilliam Allen (Author)2
From darkness and the dreary graveWilliam Allen (Author)2
From Jesse's Root a Branch shall springWilliam Allen (Author)2
Gay youth, hope's delusive beamsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Gently, Lord, O gently guide usWilliam Allen (Author)2
Gird now thy sword upon thy thighWilliam Allen (Author)2
Gird thy sword, O King of gloryWilliam Allen (Author)2
Give ear, O Lord, unto my cryWilliam Allen (Author)2
Give thanks to God above (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
Give thanks to God beyond the skyWilliam Allen (Author)2
Give thanks to God, whose word is sureWilliam Allen (Author)2
Give thanks to the Lord, who is mighty in powerWilliam Allen (Author)2
Give thanks unto the Lord, and come in rapturous needWilliam Allen (Author)2
Give to the Lord, ye sons of mightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Give, ye mighty, praise to GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Gladly I heard them sayWilliam Allen (Author)2
Glorious God, though now retiringWilliam Allen (Author)2
Go and preach to every creatureWilliam Allen (Author)3
Go, ye messengers of lightWilliam Allen (Author)2
God for sun hath pitched a tentWilliam Allen (Author)2
God from out the whirlwind saidWilliam Allen (Author)2
God hath said to Zion's KingWilliam Allen (Author)2
God looked from heaven to earthWilliam Allen (Author)2
God loveth Zion wellWilliam Allen (Author)2
God, my strength and my high towerWilliam Allen (Author)2
God of love, behold my sadnessWilliam Allen (Author)2
God, our Father, whom we loveWilliam Allen (Author)2
God, our Strength, is ever nearWilliam Allen (Author)2
God reigns, let all the earth rejoiceWilliam Allen (Author)2
God, the horn of my salvationWilliam Allen (Author)2
God, the Lord, is throned on highWilliam Allen (Author)2
God, the Lord of hosts on highWilliam Allen (Author)2
God, the mighty God, hath spokenWilliam Allen (Author)2
God's my Shepherd, and his eyeWilliam Allen (Author)2
God's praise ever shall endureWilliam Allen (Author)2
Good, according to thy wordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Great God, entroned aboveWilliam Allen (Author)2
Great God, thy judgments, all are rightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Great is God, and great his praiseWilliam Allen (Author)2
Great is our God, and he doth keepWilliam Allen (Author)2
Great is thy power, Thou, Lord, wilt bringWilliam Allen (Author)2
Great King of Zion, Thou shalt reignWilliam Allen (Author)2
Guard me, for in thee I trustWilliam Allen (Author)3
Guilt, Lord, deep guilt is mineWilliam Allen (Author)2
Had not God been on our sideWilliam Allen (Author)2
Hark, that shriek at dawning hourWilliam Allen (Author)2
Hark, the archangel's trump is soundingWilliam Allen (Author)6
Hark, the final trump is soundingWilliam Allen (Author)2
Hark, the trump sounding, and the earWilliam Allen (Author)2
Hark, we hear a voice outcryingWilliam Allen (Author)2
Hast thou an arm like GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Have mercy, God of loveWilliam Allen (Author)2
Have mercy, O, my God, on meWilliam Allen (Author)2
Have mercy on my soulWilliam Allen (Author)2
Have mercy on thy people, LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
He is risen, Then why, ye weepingWilliam Allen (Author)2
He, who with his God doth dwellWilliam Allen (Author)2
Hear me, O my God, most highWilliam Allen (Author)2
Hear, O Lord, my mournful cryWilliam Allen (Author)2
Hear, O, my God, my earnest prayerWilliam Allen (Author)2
Heard ye not ring a shout of joyWilliam Allen (Author)2
Help, Lord, the godly man has fledWilliam Allen (Author)2
Her shorn and mitred merchants weepWilliam Allen (Author)2
Here in Zion, dwell foreverWilliam Allen (Author)2
He's blest, who stands in aweWilliam Allen (Author)2
Holy anointed king divineWilliam Allen (Author)2
Home, the scene of love and gladnessWilliam Allen (Author)2
How beautiful the seatWilliam Allen (Author)2
How blest is this dayWilliam Allen (Author)2
How blest the holy hillWilliam Allen (Author)2
How calm this day of restWilliam Allen (Author)2
How long shall wicked men, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
How lovely is Thy dwelling place, O Lord, supreme in majesty?William Allen (Author)English2
How lovely is thy house, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
How pleasant is the loveWilliam Allen (Author)2
How shall young man cleanse his wayWilliam Allen (Author)2
How soon the wicked go astrayWilliam Allen (Author)2
How sweet I find thy wordWilliam Allen (Author)2
How sweet the Sabbath bellWilliam Allen (Author)2
How the word my soul did rouseWilliam Allen (Author)2
How wide the torrent of my woesWilliam Allen (Author)2
I am hated, Lord by thoseWilliam Allen (Author)English4
I bear the pillars of the stateWilliam Allen (Author)2
I lift my soul, O Lord, to theeWilliam Allen (Author)2
I loved them, but my life they soughtWilliam Allen (Author)2
I saw a throne uplifted highWilliam Allen (Author)2
I see the mighty Judge appearWilliam Allen (Author)2
I sought the Lord in my distressWilliam Allen (Author)2
I was blind, but now I seeWilliam Allen (Author)2
I will extol thee, O my King, And joyous bless thy name and singWilliam Allen (Author)3
If Christ be truly here confessedWilliam Allen (Author)2
If, sinners, ye in heaven would dwellWilliam Allen (Author)2
I'm banished from thy house, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
In all my straits to thee I'll cryWilliam Allen (Author)2
In Christian land must millions dieWilliam Allen (Author)2
In God, most high, rejoiceWilliam Allen (Author)2
In goodness and love God reigneth on highWilliam Allen (Author)2
In Judah God, the Lord, doth dwellWilliam Allen (Author)2
In Justice Lord we ownWilliam Allen (Author)2
In mercy help me LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
In mercy, Lord and loveWilliam Allen (Author)2
In silence of the nightWilliam Allen (Author)2
In the lands, which seem accurstWilliam Allen (Author)2
In the Lord I put my trust, God Almighty and most justWilliam Allen (Author)English2
In thee, O Lord, I put my trust, Shamed never let me beWilliam Allen (Author)English7
In trouble, Lord, to thee I prayWilliam Allen (Author)3
In truth, O my soul, upon God thou dost waitWilliam Allen (Author)2
In yon blue heavens thy mercy dwellsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Into thy house I bringWilliam Allen (Author)2
Isr'l's Shepherd, O give earWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jehovah is my light, my trust, and shieldWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jesus, blest be thou, victoriousWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jesus is standing at the doorWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jesus, Lord, how excellentWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jesus, over the grave victorious, Rose the firstWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jesus reigns from sea to seaWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jesus, save me, or I perishWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jesus, Savior, Thee I love, Not for hope of joys aboveWilliam Allen (Author)English2
Jesus, Savior, who didst dieWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jesus shall reign, where'er the lightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jesus the mount ascendsWilliam Allen (Author)3
Jesus, thou dost reign aboveWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jesus, thy great salvationWilliam Allen (Author)2
Jesus, when the floods of griefWilliam Allen (Author)2
Judge me, O God, maintain my rightWilliam Allen (Author)3
Judge me, O Lord, with heart uprightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Justice, Lord, dwells in Thy sightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Justly have I walked, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Let children hear God's mighty deedsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Let earth rejoice, for God aloneWilliam Allen (Author)2
Let my cry to thee come nearWilliam Allen (Author)2
Let not an envious spirit riseWilliam Allen (Author)2
Let the harp your hands employWilliam Allen (Author)2
Let thy mercies come to meWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lift up your heads, ye starry gatesWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lo before the throne there stoodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lo in yon glorious world beholdWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lo on the mountains how fairWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lo on Zion's glorious heightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lo the creeping worm that windethWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lo the earth arrayed in lightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lo what tumult rises highWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, behold the slave, when, kneelingWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Let ourWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, have mercy on my soulWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, hearken to my mournful cryWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, I have a ready tongueWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, in dark, afflictive hourWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, in troublous day be near meWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, my conscience once was calmWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, my eyes are turned to theeWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, my soul on thee dependsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, our present help in troubleWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, our songs we lift to theeWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, supreme in majestyWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, the God of my salvationWilliam Allen (Author)English1
Lord, the heavens thy power proclaimWilliam Allen (Author)3
Lord, the King of Zion joyethWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, thou searchest all my heartWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, thy judgments true and deepWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, thy mercy far transcendethWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, to thee I lift mine eyesWilliam Allen (Author)4
Lord, to thee I raised my cryWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, we mourn thy servant sleepingWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, what is feeble manWilliam Allen (Author)2
Lord, when I cry to thee, give earWilliam Allen (Author)2
Make me, O Lord, mine end to knowWilliam Allen (Author)2
Make me, O Lord, mine end to know My lifeWilliam Allen (Author)2
Man is the childWilliam Allen (Author)2
Master of slaves am IWilliam Allen (Author)2
Mercy and truth now meetWilliam Allen (Author)2
Mine enemies have laid their snareWilliam Allen (Author)2
Most firm is thy good wordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Mount Zion, the city of God, O how fairWilliam Allen (Author)English2
Mourner, wert thou one that dreamethWilliam Allen (Author)2
My days, like shadows do declineWilliam Allen (Author)2
My God, my Father and my GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
My God, my God, my sorrows seeWilliam Allen (Author)3
My heart, O Lord, is dark with fearsWilliam Allen (Author)2
My joyful heart exults in theeWilliam Allen (Author)2
My Savior and my King (Allen)William Allen (Author)English2
My Shepherd is the Lord, my God (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
My Shepherd, my soul he will feedWilliam Allen (Author)2
My sins oppress my soulWilliam Allen (Author)2
Never doth the sun ariseWilliam Allen (Author)2
No eagle on his pinions strongWilliam Allen (Author)3
No man, who dwells in dustWilliam Allen (Author)2
No revellers are hereWilliam Allen (Author)2
Not a freckle, or a stainWilliam Allen (Author)2
Not unto us be praiseWilliam Allen (Author)2
Now go, thou little bookWilliam Allen (Author)2
Now on the gladdened sightWilliam Allen (Author)3
Now tell me, who hath woeWilliam Allen (Author)2
O, blessed day, when all shall knowWilliam Allen (Author)2
O blest indeed is he whose sinWilliam Allen (Author)2
O clap your hands, all ye people, with joyWilliam Allen (Author)2
O come and let us singWilliam Allen (Author)2
O come, and praise the Lord with meWilliam Allen (Author)English3
O come, Jehovah's praiseWilliam Allen (Author)2
O come, ye nations, praise the LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
O day of rapture sweetWilliam Allen (Author)2
O, day of wrath, O dreadful dayWilliam Allen (Author)2
O give thanks to the LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
O, give thanks unto the Lord (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
O God, be merciful to me (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
O God, in Zion shall thy nameWilliam Allen (Author)2
O God, my God, for thee I thirstWilliam Allen (Author)2
O God of hosts, no arm but thineWilliam Allen (Author)2
O God of mercy, hear my prayerWilliam Allen (Author)2
O God of my salvation, how oftenWilliam Allen (Author)2
O God, why hast thou cast us off? Is it forevermore?William Allen (Author)English2
O had I but wings like a doveWilliam Allen (Author)2
O hear me in distressWilliam Allen (Author)2
O how cheating, O how fleeting is the life of mortalsWilliam Allen (Author)2
O how good and excellentWilliam Allen (Author)2
O how great thy goodness LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
O how I love thy law, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
O how lovely and how fairWilliam Allen (Author)2
O how much I love thy wordWilliam Allen (Author)2
O how pleasant and how goodWilliam Allen (Author)2
O how sweet in heaven to singWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Lord, bow down thy gracious earWilliam Allen (Author)2
O, Lord, enthroned aboveWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Lord have pity on my soulWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Lord, I trust in thee (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
O, Lord, I'm ever in thine eyeWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Lord, in thy love thy mercies bestowWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Lord, in thy regardless earWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Lord, my heart, once proud and blindWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Lord, my Rock, to thee I cry (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
O, Lord, now hear my prayerWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Lord, on darkness shed thy lightWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Lord, rebuke me not in wrath (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
O Lord, supreme in mightWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Lord, the glorious King aboveWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Lord, to Thee I cry, Let Thy strong arm be nighWilliam Allen (Author)English2
O Lord, why standest thou afarWilliam Allen (Author)2
O, make a glad noise unto GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
O my God, to thee on highWilliam Allen (Author)2
O praise the Lord on highWilliam Allen (Author)2
O praise ye the Lord, from earth here belowWilliam Allen (Author)2
O, praise ye the Lord, from heaven on ighWilliam Allen (Author)2
O praise ye the Lord in his temple of loveWilliam Allen (Author)2
O praise ye the Lord, who dwelleth on highWilliam Allen (Author)2
O, praise ye the Lord, ye nations aroundWilliam Allen (Author)2
O righteous Lord, for me appearWilliam Allen (Author)2
O shall God's house lie wasteWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Sufferer on the crossWilliam Allen (Author)2
O thou loving Savior, JesusWilliam Allen (Author)2
O thou, my God and KingWilliam Allen (Author)2
O thou, my heavenly KingWilliam Allen (Author)2
O thou who art the hopeWilliam Allen (Author)2
O 'tis a fearful thing to dieWilliam Allen (Author)2
O what lovely flower how bloomingWilliam Allen (Author)2
O ye gates, be opened wideWilliam Allen (Author)3
O Zion, now awakeWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Zion, praise thy GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
O Zion, sacred seatWilliam Allen (Author)2
O'erwhelmed, to God I criedWilliam Allen (Author)2
Of mercy, O, my heavenly KingWilliam Allen (Author)2
Of thee I'll say, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
On Zion's holy hillWilliam Allen (Author)2
Once the Savior condescendedWilliam Allen (Author)2
Our ears have heard, O God, with joyWilliam Allen (Author)2
Our God above, the God of loveWilliam Allen (Author)2
Our griefs we sure hath borneWilliam Allen (Author)2
Our refuge is the God of powerWilliam Allen (Author)2
Our sword no blood drop stainsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Out of the depths, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Out of the depths to thee I've criedWilliam Allen (Author)2
Peaceful is the Sabbath evenWilliam Allen (Author)2
Persecutors wake my fearsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Pilgrim, no clouds of grief and woeWilliam Allen (Author)2
Praise God, all ye that in his nameWilliam Allen (Author)2
Praise Jehovah, O my soulWilliam Allen (Author)2
Praise the Lord, for He is goodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Praise the Lord ye holy throngWilliam Allen (Author)2
Praise the Lord, ye saints belowWilliam Allen (Author)2
Praise to God, ye righteous, singWilliam Allen (Author)2
Praise ye the Lord, extol his nameWilliam Allen (Author)2
Praise ye the Lord of grace and mightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Praise ye the Lord on highWilliam Allen (Author)2
Praise ye the Lord, 'tis good to sing (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
Prisoners Jesus now doth callWilliam Allen (Author)2
Promised blessings let me seeWilliam Allen (Author)2
Pure the stream of life is flowingWilliam Allen (Author)2
Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord, For sureWilliam Allen (Author)2
Rivers into a wildernessWilliam Allen (Author)2
Roll on, thou mighty ocean! And as thy billows flowWilliam Allen (Author)English1
Salvation it is nearWilliam Allen (Author)2
Save me God of might and loveWilliam Allen (Author)2
Save me Lord by thy great nameWilliam Allen (Author)2
Save me my God the sufferer criedWilliam Allen (Author)2
Savior, who didst die for meAllen (Author)2
Seamen, who plough the watery fieldWilliam Allen (Author)2
See me, pierced with sorrow's dartWilliam Allen (Author)2
See the Lord of life expiringWilliam Allen (Author)2
See, what a glorious stoneWilliam Allen (Author)2
See'st thou that glistening eyeWilliam Allen (Author)2
See'st thou that worldly heartWilliam Allen (Author)2
Shall blood still flow as waterWilliam Allen (Author)2
Shall the sleepers sleep foreverWilliam Allen (Author)2
She has passed through fire and floodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Shepherd of Israel, guard Thy sheepWilliam Allen (Author)English2
Shout, ye people, unto GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sing a new and grateful songWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sing aloud to God, most highWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sing to God, to God sing praisesWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sing to God with joy aloudWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sing, ye nations, songs of joyWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sinner, wilt thou still delayWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sinners, hear you not the thunderWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sinners, lo, the message tenderWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sinners, will ye scorn the kindnessWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sinners, will ye scorn the thunderWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sinners, you're in the pathWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sitting down by Babel's streamWilliam Allen (Author)2
Solemn is the message sentWilliam Allen (Author)2
Soon through all the jarring earthWilliam Allen (Author)2
Sweet is the dawn of holy dayWilliam Allen (Author)3
Sweet is the day of restWilliam Allen (Author)2
Teach, Lord, the measure of my daysWilliam Allen (Author)3
Teach thy statutes, God of lightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Tempted, oppressed, o'erwhelmed with griefWilliam Allen (Author)2
That man is blest alwayWilliam Allen (Author)2
That man is blest indeedWilliam Allen (Author)3
The accepted time is nowWilliam Allen (Author)2
The act of baptism doneWilliam Allen (Author)2
The angel lifted high the stoneWilliam Allen (Author)2
The anger of the LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
The anxious search was vainWilliam Allen (Author)2
The dry and barren groundWilliam Allen (Author)2
The earth thou dost visit in loveWilliam Allen (Author)2
The evening sky was brightWilliam Allen (Author)2
The God and Father of our LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
The God of gods, Jehovah, spokeWilliam Allen (Author)2
The good man's steps and waysWilliam Allen (Author)2
The guilty man is blestWilliam Allen (Author)2
The heathen feet have stoodWilliam Allen (Author)2
The idol gods of yellow goldWilliam Allen (Author)2
The Lord did Isr'lWilliam Allen (Author)2
The Lord hath heard my voiceWilliam Allen (Author)2
The Lord is great, O praise him, every nationWilliam Allen (Author)2
The Lord is merciful and kindWilliam Allen (Author)2
The Lord is my SalvationWilliam Allen (Author)2
The Lord is my Shepherd, I never shall needWilliam Allen (Author)2
The Lord Jehovah reigns o'er worlds of lightWilliam Allen (Author)2
The Lord, my God, I loveWilliam Allen (Author)2
The Lord, my Shepherd, is on highWilliam Allen (Author)2
The Lord our God is greatWilliam Allen (Author)2
The Lord, the everlasting GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
The man who fears the Lord (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
The mighty God hath spokenWilliam Allen (Author)2
The monarch on his throneWilliam Allen (Author)2
The nations, thou hast madeWilliam Allen (Author)2
The night is far spent, then awakeWilliam Allen (Author)2
The orbs celestial, as they shineWilliam Allen (Author)2
The prosperous nations is brought lowWilliam Allen (Author)2
The sun withdraws his light (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
The time is short how many dieWilliam Allen (Author)2
The wicked bend their bowWilliam Allen (Author)2
The wicked thou wilt slayWilliam Allen (Author)2
The winter is past that was drearWilliam Allen (Author)2
The works of God are greatWilliam Allen (Author)2
The wrathful angel's swordWilliam Allen (Author)2
The year is well nigh fledWilliam Allen (Author)2
The year, that is fledWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thee I praise, my God, O KingWilliam Allen (Author)2
There, that parting breath has endedWilliam Allen (Author)2
These glorious spirits brightWilliam Allen (Author)2
They, who in God do trustWilliam Allen (Author)2
They, who in riches put their trustWilliam Allen (Author)3
They, who in riches trustWilliam Allen (Author)2
They, who in Zion's God confideWilliam Allen (Author)2
They, who ocean's pathway keepWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thine eye, intent on all my waysWilliam Allen (Author)2
This at length I know full wellWilliam Allen (Author)2
This do, remembering me, Yes, Lord, we drink the wineWilliam Allen (Author)2
This do, said Christ, remembering meWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thou art, Lord, my God and RockWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thou art my portion, Lord on highWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thou art our moveless Rock, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thou hast built my wondrous frameWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thou hast heard my cry, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thou the moon didst set, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thou, to whom revenge belongsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Though chosen friend betraysWilliam Allen (Author)2
Though fig tree cease to deck the fieldWilliam Allen (Author)2
Though I deserve thy chastening rodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Though oft our griefs we wailWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thy face, why dost thou hideWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thy God, O Zion, reignsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thy name, O God, be blestWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thy perfect law, O LordWilliam Allen (Author)3
Thy servants, in their zeal and loveWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thy word is to my feet a lamp of brightest beamWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thy word, O Lord, is light, outbeaming from the skyWilliam Allen (Author)2
Thy works, how wonderful and greatWilliam Allen (Author)2
'Tis good our course to runWilliam Allen (Author)2
'Tis good to give thanks to God in the skyWilliam Allen (Author)2
'Tis well, she has entered the restWilliam Allen (Author)2
To anger God is slowWilliam Allen (Author)2
To God I lift mine eyes, by whom the heavens were madeWilliam Allen (Author)2
To God, who rides the storm in mightWilliam Allen (Author)2
To my paths thy word's a lightWilliam Allen (Author)2
To pass through death to lifeWilliam Allen (Author)2
To thee, Lord, Zion's KingWilliam Allen (Author)2
To thee, O Lord, I criedWilliam Allen (Author)2
To thee, O Lord, my Rock, I cryWilliam Allen (Author)2
To thy house, O Lord, we'll goWilliam Allen (Author)2
To vain thoughts my heart is steeledWilliam Allen (Author)2
To you the Savior callsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Triumphant from the deadWilliam Allen (Author)2
Turn thee, in mercy turnWilliam Allen (Author)2
Tyrants, do ye judge arightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Unless the Lord the house uprearWilliam Allen (Author)2
Unto God ye sons of mightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Unto my prayer, O God, give earWilliam Allen (Author)2
Unto the house of GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Up to the hills I lift mine eyes, Aloud for help I callWilliam Allen (Author)English2
Upraised on Zion's holy hillWilliam Allen (Author)2
Valleys thou didst fill with springsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Waiting for the Lord in prayerWilliam Allen (Author)2
Wake, my soul, and as the sunWilliam Allen (Author)2
Washed is the crimson stainWilliam Allen (Author)2
We bring these children, Lord, to theeWilliam Allen (Author)2
We lift our eyes to theeWilliam Allen (Author)2
We praise for his good wordWilliam Allen (Author)2
We wept by proud Euphrates' streamWilliam Allen (Author)2
We wept, where Babel's river flowsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Welcome is the evening shadeWilliam Allen (Author)2
Welcome, O day, in dazzling glory brightWilliam Allen (Author)2
When awake at noon of nightWilliam Allen (Author)2
When from Egypt Isr'l cameWilliam Allen (Author)2
When heaven's wide arch attracts my sightWilliam Allen (Author)2
When Israel marched from Egypt's landWilliam Allen (Author)English2
When Jesus prayed, thou, Lord, wast nighWilliam Allen (Author)2
When, Lord, thou didst redeemWilliam Allen (Author)2
When o'erwhelmed with grief and woeWilliam Allen (Author)2
When the Lord set Zion freeWilliam Allen (Author)2
When thou shalt pass through waters deepWilliam Allen (Author)2
When to God the Sufferer criedWilliam Allen (Author)2
When to my God on high I criedWilliam Allen (Author)2
When Zion was restoredWilliam Allen (Author)2
Where flows in silence Babel's streamWilliam Allen (Author)2
Where from thee, can I, Lord, goWilliam Allen (Author)2
Where once the temple's powersWilliam Allen (Author)2
Where's your God, the heathen cryWilliam Allen (Author)2
Who are these, mine eyes surveyWilliam Allen (Author)2
Who can count God's wonders o'erWilliam Allen (Author)2
Who his errors can surveyWilliam Allen (Author)2
Who in his hollow handWilliam Allen (Author)2
Who shall dwell in heaven aboveWilliam Allen (Author)2
Who shall dwell, O Lord, with theeWilliam Allen (Author)English2
Who shall within thy house abideWilliam Allen (Author)2
Why do God's enemies ariseWilliam Allen (Author)2
Why, O my soul, art thou cast lowWilliam Allen (Author)2
Why, O sinner, dost thou boastWilliam Allen (Author)2
Why, O sinner, wilt thou dieWilliam Allen (Author)2
Why o'er the sun is spread a pallWilliam Allen (Author)2
Why ye mourners are ye weepingWilliam Allen (Author)2
Wise men have measured mountainsWilliam Allen (Author)2
With full heart to thee I prayWilliam Allen (Author)2
With my whole heart thy praise I'll singWilliam Allen (Author)2
Within thy holy temple's boundWilliam Allen (Author)2
Within thy house with songsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Would you win a soul from hellWilliam Allen (Author)2
Wouldst thou with God be justWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye angel hosts above (Allen)William Allen (Author)2
Ye gates, lift up your head, Ye doors of heaven be spreadWilliam Allen (Author)English2
Ye isles of the west, although once in deepWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye judges of the earth, beholdWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye mountain heights, why look with prideWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye nations, once in darkest nightWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye people, be ye gladWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye people, praise the LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye saw the scoffer's prideWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye see, that the LordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye servants of the Lord, Trust in his faithful wordWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye servants of the Lord, Your God on high extolWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye sinful, dying thrallsWilliam Allen (Author)2
Ye wide spread realms of GodWilliam Allen (Author)2
Your arduous work is donWilliam Allen (Author)2
Zion, extol thy God and KingWilliam Allen (Author)2
Zion, O how blest thy mountainWilliam Allen (Author)2

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