New Manual of Praise: for Sabbath and Social Worship

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
477aBlow ye the trumpet, blowST. GODRICPage Scan
477bBlow ye the trumpet, blowLENOXPage Scan
478The morning light is breakingGOODWINPage Scan
479Hail to the Lord's AnointedVALENSPage Scan
480Roll on, thou mighty ocean!MADISONPage Scan
481When shall the voice of singingMADISONPage Scan
482Now be the gospel bannerMADISONPage Scan
483From Greenland's icy mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
484The whole wide world for Jesus!MISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
485Our country's voice is pleadingMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
486On the mountain's top appearingMANNHEIMPage Scan
487O'er the gloomy hills of darknessZIONPage Scan
488aHail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning!ORIENTPage Scan
488bHail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning!WESLEYPage Scan
489Jesus shall reign where'er the sunWARRINGTONPage Scan
490Soon may the last glad song ariseMISSIONARY CHANTPage Scan
491Look from thy sphere of endless dayREPOSEPage Scan
492Ye Christian heralds! go proclaimREPOSEPage Scan
493Sovereign of worlds! display thy powerREPOSEPage Scan
494Watchman, tell us of the nightMORNINGPage Scan
495Hasten, Lord, the glorious timeELTHAMPage Scan
496Hark! the song of jubileeST. NICOLAIPage Scan
497O Lord, our God! ariseBADEAPage Scan
498Come, Lord! and tarry notBADEAPage Scan
499aHow beauteous are their feetST. GEORGEPage Scan
499bHow beauteous are their feetNEBOPage Scan
500Ye servants of the LordBENEDICTUSPage Scan
501We bid thee welcome in the nameETHELBERGPage Scan
502All things are thine: no gift have weALL SAINTSPage Scan
503On deep foundations have we rearedALL SAINTSPage Scan
504Thou whose unmeasured temple standsST. GERONTIUSPage Scan
505We love the venerable housePALESTRINAPage Scan
506Behold the Mountain of the LordPALESTRINAPage Scan
507Rise, crowned with light, imperial Salem, riseSAVANNAHPage Scan
508Triumphant Zion1 lift thy headMENDONPage Scan
509Glorious things of thee are spokenAUSTRIAPage Scan
510Hear what God the Lord hath spokenWORTHINGPage Scan
511Oh, where are the kings and empires nowST. ANNSPage Scan
512Far down the ages nowST. MICHAELPage Scan
513With willing hearts we treadST. MICHAELPage Scan
514Hark, my soul! it is the LordST. BEESPage Scan
515People of the living GodST. BEESPage Scan
516Jesus, Master! hear me nowSOLITUDEPage Scan
517At the Lamb's high feast we singSOLITUDEPage Scan
518Oh, happy day that fixed my choiceWARDPage Scan
519O thou thro' suff'ring perfect madeMONTAGUEPage Scan
520O Holy Lord content to liveMONTAGUEPage Scan
521Witness, ye men and angels, nowARLINGTONPage Scan
522The promise of my father's loveARLINGTONPage Scan
523How large the promise, how divineARLINGTONPage Scan
524We long to move and breathe in TheeARLINGTONPage Scan
525Oh, sweetly breathe the lyres aboveSPOHRPage Scan
526No more, my God, I boast no moreSPOHRPage Scan
527Oh, the sweet wonders of the crossHAMBRUGPage Scan
528Draw near, O holy Dove, draw nearHAMBRUGPage Scan
529Amidst us our Beloved standsHAMPTONPage Scan
530O bread to pilgrims givenST. HILDAPage Scan
531Bread of heaven, on thee I feedGETHSEMANEPage Scan
532Bread of the world, in mercy brokenSACRAMENTPage Scan
533A parting hymn we singDENNISPage Scan
534Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to facePAX DEIPage Scan
535If human kindness meets returnST. AGNESPage Scan
536How sweet, how heavenly is the sightST. AGNESPage Scan
537Blest be the dear, uniting loveHOLY TRINITYPage Scan
538I love thy kingdom, LordFRANCONIAPage Scan
539Dear Saviour! we are thineFRANCONIAPage Scan
540Blest be the tie that bindsBOYLSTONPage Scan
541The Church's one foundationAURELIAPage Scan
542By cool Siloam's shady rillSILOAMPage Scan
543Happy the home, when God is thereSILOAMPage Scan
544See the kind Shepherd, Jesus, standsWANSFELLPage Scan
545There is a little, lonely foldWANSFELLPage Scan
546aSaviour, like a Shepherd lead usALVANPage Scan
546bSaviour, like a Shepherd lead usWILDERSMOUTHPage Scan
547Gracious Saviour, gentle ShepherdREQUIEMPage Scan
548Saviour, blessed SaviourASAPHPage Scan
549Dear Jesus ever at my sideDEAR JESUS, EVER AT MY SIDEPage Scan
550Around the throne of God in heavenAROUND THE THRONEPage Scan
551Jesus, meek and gentleJESUS, MEEK AND GENTLEPage Scan
552I think, when I read that sweet story of oldSWEET STORYPage Scan
553Saviour, who thy flock art feedingST. OSWALDPage Scan
554Jesus, Holy, UndefiledFERRIERPage Scan
555Brightly gleams our bannerST. THERESAPage Scan
556Loving Shepherd of thy sheepBUCKLANDPage Scan
557There's a Friend for little childrenIN MEMORIAMPage Scan
558Jesus, Saviour, pilot mePILOTPage Scan
559Shepherd of tender youthKIRBY BEDONPage Scan
560Take my life, and let it beHYMN OF JOYPage Scan
561Purer yet and purerPURER YET AND PURERPage Scan
562Children's voices high in heavenMOUNT ZIONPage Scan
563O God, beneath thy guiding handDUKE STREETPage Scan
564God, the All terrible! thou who ordainestMOSCOWPage Scan
565God of our fathers, known of oldKIPLINGPage Scan
566My country, 'tis of theeAMERICAPage Scan
567God bless our native land!AMERICAPage Scan
568Lord! while for all mankind we prayFARRANTPage Scan
569Praise to God, immortal praiseFERRIERPage Scan
570Praise, oh, praise our God and KingFERRIERPage Scan
571Come, ye thankful people, comeHENDONPage Scan
572Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKETPage Scan

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