New Manual of Praise: for Sabbath and Social Worship

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
99To thy temple I repairSEYMOURPage Scan
100Lord! we come before thee nowSEYMOURPage Scan
101Softly fades the twilight raySEYMOURPage Scan
102Softly now the light of daySEYMOURPage Scan
103Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly DovePETERBORO'Page Scan
104Spirit Divine! attend our prayerPETERBORO'Page Scan
105aO thou that hearest prayer!ST. GODRICPage Scan
105bO Thou that hearest prayer!ZEBULONPage Scan
106Why should the children of a KingELVETPage Scan
107Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathedELVETPage Scan
108Thy home is with the humble, Lord!BARBYPage Scan
109Spirit of peace! celestial Dove!BARBYPage Scan
110Come, Holy Spirit, come!STATE STREETPage Scan
111O Lord, thy work reviveSTATE STREETPage Scan
112Thou art, O Christ, the WayDETROITPage Scan
113Holy Ghost, with light divineMERCYPage Scan
114Holy Spirit! Lord of lightMERCYPage Scan
115Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly DoveERNANPage Scan
116aLove divine, all love excellingST. JOSEPHPage Scan
116bLove divine, all love excellingBEECHERPage Scan
117Come Holy Ghost,--in loveFIAT LUXPage Scan
118Thou, whose almighty wordNEW HAVENPage Scan
119Pass me not, O gentle SaviourBULLINGERPage Scan
120aApproach, my soul, the mercy-seatST. JOHN'S WESTMINSTERPage Scan
120bApproach, my soul, the mercy-seatEVANPage Scan
121As pants the hart for cooling streamsCALVARYPage Scan
122From every stormy wind that blowsRETREATPage Scan
123What various hindrances we meetRETREATPage Scan
124Jesus, where'er thy people meetCANONBURYPage Scan
125My soul, repeat His praiseBOYLSTONPage Scan
126Jesus, who knows full wellBOYLSTONPage Scan
127Sweet is thy mercy, Lord!MONSELL (ST. ANDREW)Page Scan
128Behold the throne of graceMONSELL (ST. ANDREW)Page Scan
129Come at the morning hourMONSELL (ST. ANDREW)Page Scan
130With joy we meditate the graceBELMONTPage Scan
131While thee I seek, protecting PowerBRATTLE STREETPage Scan
132My God! is any hour so sweetREPOSEPage Scan
133O that I could for ever dwellREPOSEPage Scan
134I need thee every hourI NEED THEEPage Scan
135aStill, still with thee, when purple morning breakethSTOWEPage Scan
135bStill, still with thee, when purple morning breakethOBERLINPage Scan
136Father, again in Jesus' name we meetFELIXPage Scan
137As pants the wearied hart for cooling springsPAX DEIPage Scan
138Come, my soul, thy suit prepareFULTONPage Scan
139Saviour, teach me, day by dayFULTONPage Scan
140Sweet the time, exceeding sweet!CONSECRATIONPage Scan
141When, streaming from the eastern skiesST. PETERSBURGHPage Scan
142O Christ! with each returning mornKEBLEPage Scan
143Now, when the dusky shades of night retreatingBARNBY'S HYMNARY, TUNE 53Page Scan
144Sun of my soul! thou Savior dearHURSLEYPage Scan
145Awake, my soul, and with the sunTALLI'S CANONPage Scan
146Glory to thee, my God, this nightTALLI'S CANONPage Scan
147Thus far the Lord has led me onHEBRONPage Scan
148If on our daily course our mindWINCHESTER, NEWPage Scan
149My God, how endless is thy love!GRATITUDEPage Scan
150Great God! to thee my evening songST. IGNATIUSPage Scan
151I love to steal, awhile, awayWOODSTOCKPage Scan
152Far from the world, O Lord, I fleeWOODSTOCKPage Scan
153aLord! in the morning thou shalt hearBELMONTPage Scan
153bLord! in the morning thou shalt hearWINCHESTER, OLDPage Scan
154When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINIPage Scan
155The day is past and goneVESPERPage Scan
156Now all the woods are sleepingGERHARDTPage Scan
157Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!SWEET HOUR OF PRAYERPage Scan
158The day is past and overST. ANATOLIUS, NO. 1Page Scan
159Now the day is overMERRIALPage Scan
160Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raiseBENEDICTION (ELLERS)Page Scan
161As swiftly, silently draws near the nightBENEDICTION (ELLERS)Page Scan
162Abide with me! fast falls the eventideEVENTIDEPage Scan
163Jesus, I live to theeTROYTE, NO. 1 (CHANT)Page Scan
164Still with thee, O my GodGREENWOODPage Scan
165The day, O Lord, is spentGREENWOODPage Scan
166Our day of praise is doneGREENWOODPage Scan
167How sweet the melting layGREENWOODPage Scan
168Holy Father, cheer our wayVESPERI LUXPage Scan
169The day is past and goneSCHUMANNPage Scan
170Thro' the day thy love hath spared usGUNTHERPage Scan
171Father of love and powerKIRBY BEDONPage Scan
172Saviour, breathe an evening blessingSALVATORPage Scan
173Silently the shades of eveningSTOCKWELLPage Scan
174Vainly through night's weary hoursWILLISPage Scan
175Tarry with me, O my Saviour!WILLISPage Scan
176Now on sea and land descendingWILLISPage Scan
177When this song of praise shall ceaseWILLISPage Scan
178Sweet the moments, rich in blessingSICILIAN MELODYPage Scan
179Lord, dismiss us with thy blessingDORRNANCEPage Scan
180Heavenly Father, grant thy blessingDORRNANCEPage Scan
181May the grace of Christ the SaviourDORRNANCEPage Scan
182Gracious Saviour, thus before theeDORRNANCEPage Scan
183Keep us, Lord, oh, keep us ever!TANTUM ERGOPage Scan
184Lord, dismiss us with thy blessingTANTUM ERGOPage Scan
185Lord, thy Word abidethRAVENSHAWPage Scan
186Father of mercies, in thy wordHOLY TRINITYPage Scan
187A glory gilds the sacred pageCHESTERFIELDPage Scan
188Oh that the Lord would guide my waysCHESTERFIELDPage Scan
189Lamp of our feet, whereby we traceHOWARDPage Scan
190How precious is the book divineDOWNSPage Scan
191How shall the young secure their heartsDOWNSPage Scan
192O word of God incarnateKÖNIGSBERGPage Scan
193The heavens declare thy gloryKÖNIGSBERGPage Scan

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