The Minstrel of Zion: a book of religious songs, accompanied with appropriate music, chiefly original

Editor: Rev. William Hunter, Rev. Samuel Wakefield
Publisher: Sorin & Ball, Philadelphia, 1845
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number. Letters are added to hymns that start on the same page.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
126Come, come, comeEXHORTATIONTextPage Scan
127Dark was that day in natureDARK WAS THAT DAYTextPage Scan
128Ye people, awayYE PEOPLE, AWAYTextPage Scan
129Repent, the voice celestial criesA CALL TO REPENTANCETextPage Scan
130aThis may be thy latest callTHE LATEST CALLTextPage Scan
130bNo, I cannot, cannot yetTextPage Scan
131Christian sailors, strike the chorusCHRISTIAN SAILORSTextPage Scan
132"Ah! never was sorrow like mine"THE IMPOTENT MANTextPage Scan
133Child of sin and sorrowCHILD OF SIN AND SORROWTextPage Scan
134Who shall forbid our grateful woAT THE GRAVE OF A CHILDTextPage Scan
135Once upon the heaving oceanPEACE, BE STILL!TextPage Scan
136Pilgrim and strangerTHE TEMPTED PILGRIMTextPage Scan
138I have sought round the verdant earthTHE CONTRASTTextPage Scan
139On the mountain's top appearingTHE HERALDTextPage Scan
140How brightly beams the day of grace"THE YEAR OF JUBILEE"TextPage Scan
142The gloomy night of sadnessGOSPEL DAYTextPage Scan
144Friend after friend departsDEPARTING FRIENDSTextPage Scan
145To Jesus, the crown of my hope"THE CROWN OF MY HOPE"TextPage Scan
146How happy are the favour'd fewTHE HAPPY FEWTextPage Scan
148The morning light is breaking"MORNING LIGHT"TextPage Scan
149Speed, speed the temperance shipTEMPERANCE SHIPTextPage Scan
150aJesus, save my dying soulTHE PENITENT'S PRAYERTextPage Scan
150bPraise to God, the great CreatorUNIVERSAL PRAISETextPage Scan
151Return and come to GodTHE SINNER'S CALLTextPage Scan
152To Sabbath-school, to Sabbath-school"THE SABBATH-SCHOOL"TextPage Scan
153aGuide me, O thou great JehovahPILGRIM'S PRAYERTextPage Scan
153bJesus , incarnate Son of GodPRAYER FOR PARDONTextPage Scan
154Our Captain leads us onBE FAITHFUL UNTO DEATHTextPage Scan
155Take the pledge, take the pledgeTAKE THE PLEDGETextPage Scan
156Hail the day so long expected"BABYLON IS FALLEN"TextPage Scan
157The music of his steps was soughtTHE ITINERANT'S DEATHTextPage Scan
159There is a land of pure delight"THE LAND OF CANAAN"TextPage Scan
160aSovereign Ruler, Lord of allGODLY SORROWTextPage Scan
160bThough trouble assailTHE LORD WILL PROVIDETextPage Scan
161Lord, how large thy bounties areCOMPEL THEM TO COME INTextPage Scan
162The Prince of salvation in triumph is riding"THE PRINCE OF SALVATION"TextPage Scan
163Zion, dreary and in anguishZION COMFORTEDTextPage Scan
164O! my soul, what means this sadnessWHAT MEANS THIS SADNESSTextPage Scan
165Watchmen, onward to your stationsMISSION SONGTextPage Scan
167The Lord is my Shepherd, he makes me repose"THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD"TextPage Scan
168aOh! tell me, thou life and delight of my soulTextPage Scan
168bIn seasons of grief, to my God I'll repair"THE ROCK"TextPage Scan
170By faith I see my Saviour dyingMERCY'S FREETextPage Scan
172Come, ye sinners, poor and needyINVITATIONTextPage Scan
173When for eternal worlds we steer"VAIN WORLD, ADIEU"TextPage Scan
175Our Father, our Father in heavenTHE LORD'S PRAYERTextPage Scan
176Away from his home and the friends of his youth"TELL MY BRETHREN THAT I DIED AT MY POST"*TextPage Scan
178When I set out for heavenOLDEN TIMESTextPage Scan
179aWhy sinks my soul despondingTextPage Scan
179bSweet Liberty! Thou soothing soundSWEET LIBERTYTextPage Scan
180Ah! how my days, and months, and yearsNEW YEARTextPage Scan
181aAnother Sabbath calls our feetTextPage Scan
181bOh! when shall I see JesusCHRISTIAN SOLDIERTextPage Scan
183Rise, ye heralds of salvationRISE, YE HERALDSTextPage Scan
184Ah! cottage of Bethany, happy wast thouCOTTAGE OF BETHANYTextPage Scan
185Delay not, delay not, O sinner, draw nearTextPage Scan
186How sweet to reflect on those joys that await me EDEN OF LOVETextPage Scan
187Oh that I could for ever dwellCOMMUNIONTextPage Scan
188I send the joys of earth awayTextPage Scan
189To delight and solace manHOPETextPage Scan
190Awake, sweet gratitude, and singHARVEST HYMNTextPage Scan
191aLord, let my prayer like incense riseTextPage Scan
191bThe drink that's in the drunkard's bowlTHE DRINK FOR METextPage Scan
192The world their fancied pearl may craveTextPage Scan
193Glorious things of thee are spokenZION'S GLORYTextPage Scan
194aKnow, my soul, thy full salvationTextPage Scan
194bPeople of the living GodTHE HAPPY CHOICETextPage Scan
195Come, ye weary souls oppress'dTextPage Scan
196Now in the heat of youthful bloodADVICE TO YOUTHTextPage Scan
197aGive me, O God, a contrite heartTextPage Scan
197bHow sweet to be allow'd to prayTHY WILL BE DONETextPage Scan
198Let worldly minds the world pursueTextPage Scan
199See the lovely, blooming flow'rTHE FADING FLOWERTextPage Scan
200aWho are these that come from farTextPage Scan
200bThe Shepherd loves to traceTHE GOOD SHEPHERDTextPage Scan
201From Egypt's bondage come TextPage Scan
202Free from slumber, free from careMORNING SONGTextPage Scan
203Our Father, God, who art in heav'nTHE LORD'S PRAYERTextPage Scan
204aSay, sinner, hath a voice withinTextPage Scan
204bCan there a balm on earth be foundFRIENDSHIPTextPage Scan
206Pilgrim! pilgrim! whither bound?THE PILGRIM AND THE TEMPTERTextPage Scan
208The pearl that worldlings covetTHE PEARL OF GREAT PRICETextPage Scan
210And canst thou, sinner, slightTHE SPIRIT'S CALLTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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