The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
838Jesus, high in gloryGLENFINLAS
839There's a Friend for little childrenIN MEMORIAM
840God, my Father, loving mePEACEFIELD
841aJesus, Friend of little childrenWESTRIDGE
841bJesus, Friend of little childrenDERWENT
842aGentle Jesus, meek and mildINNOCENTS
842bGentle Jesus, meek and mildGENTLE JESUS
843In our dear Lord's gardenCASTLE EDEN
844Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear meEVENING PRAYER
845God make my life a little lightCAPEL
846Lord, when we have not any lightTHIS ENDRIS NYGHT
847O Jesus, we are well and strongSOLOTHURN
848Hushed was the evening hymnSAMUEL
849Father, lead me day by daySUPPLICATION
850Looking upward every dayEXCELSIOR
851aEach little flower that opensALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL (KEATS)
851bEach little flower that opensROYAL OAK
852All things which live below the skyRODMELL
853A little child may knowNEWLAND
854It is a thing most wonderfulHERONGATE
855I love to think, though I am youngNEWBURY
856I love to hear the storyANGELS' STORY
857God has given us a Book full of storiesTHE STORY OF JESUS
858Tell me the stories of JesusSTORIES OF JESUS
859Once in royal David's cityIRBY
860Away in a manger, no crib for a bedAWAY IN A MANGER
861O come little children, I pray ye come allTEMPLE FORTUNE
862Wise men, seeking JesusWORSHIP
863The shepherds had an angelCHRISTINA
864Remember all the peopleHOLMBRIDGE
865I think, when I read that sweet story of oldATHENS
866When mothers of SalemSALEM
867Day by day we magnify TheeSLINGSBY
868Lord and Saviour, true and kindBOYCE (SHARON)
869Praise to our God, who with love never swervingBEDE
870aLord, behold us with Thy blessingPILGRIMAGE
870bLord, behold us with Thy blessingTONBRIDGE SCHOOL
871In our work and in our playASHBURTON
872We bless Thee, Lord, for all this common lifeCHILTON FOLIAT
873Thou gracious God, whose mercy lendsWENDELL
874Away with our fears!BUILTH
875O happy home where Thou art loved the dearestSTRENGTH AND STAY
876Omnipresent God, whose aidBENEVENTO
877How do Thy mercies close me roundSAXBY
878O God, our help in ages pastST. ANNE
879God save our gracious QueenNATIONAL ANTHEM
880God bless our native land!MOSCOW
881Lord, while for all mankind we prayLINCOLN
882Rejoice, O land, in God thy mightGONFALON ROYAL
883Judge eternal, throned in splendourRHUDDLAN
884Before Thy throne, O God, we kneelSTRASBURG
885Rejoice today with one accordGLORIA IN EXCELSIS
886To Thee our God we flyGRATITUDE
887God of our fathers, unto TheeSANNOX
888O King of kings, O Lord of hostsREX REGUM
889God of our fathers, known of oldLEST WE FORGET
890Lift up your heads, ye mighty gatesMARAZION
891King of the City SplendidURBIS REX
892Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless roundSONG 1
893O ye who taste that love is sweetDELHI
894Father, who on man dost showerQUEM PASTORES LAUDAVERE
895Where cross the crowded ways of lifeST. BARTHOLOMEW
896Now praise we great and famous menBRYNHYFRYD
897What service shall we render TheeFOREST GREEN
898Once to every man and nationADRIAN
899Land of our birth, we pledge to theeLAND OF OUR BIRTH
900I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things aboveTHAXTED
901God the All-terrible! King, who ardainestRUSSIA
902All glory to God in the skyST. CYPRIAN
903O God of love, O King of peaceERHALT' UNS, HERR
904Behold, the mountain of the LordGLASGOW
905Ring out, wild bells, to the wild skyGRENOBLE
906Lord Christ, when first Thou cam'st to menELBERFELD
907Almighty Father, who dost giveVERMONT
908Life of ages, richly pouredBRANDENBURG
909When wilt Thou save the peopleCOMMONWEALTH
910These things shall be: a loftier raceARIZONA
911O brother man, fold to thy heart thy brother!INTERCESSOR
912Turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish waysOLD 124TH
913With the sweet word of peaceVERBUM PACIS
914God be with you till we meet againRANDOLPH
915Father, who art aloneINGS
916Holy Father, in Thy mercyST. HELEN'S
917Eternal Father, strong to saveMELITA
918O Love divine, that stooped to shareST. PETROX
919Thine arm, O Lord, in days of oldST. MATTHEW
920Thou to whom the sick and dyingEVENSONG
921From Thee all skill and science flowLAND OF REST
922O Thou before whose presenceKOMM, SEELE
923We give Thee but Thine ownWINDERMERE
924Christ, whose glory fills the skiesHEATHLANDS
925The star of morn has risenMOSELEY
926My Father, for another nightST. TIMOTHY
927O timely happy, timely wiseMELCOMBE
928Morning comes with light all-cheeringGOUNODText
929Come, my soul, thou must be wakingMEINE ARMUTH
930O Lord of life, Thy quickening voiceDORKING
931Awake, my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMN
932aO Splendour of God's glory brightST. VENANTIUS
932bO Splendour of God's glory brightDEVENTER

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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