The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
933At Thy feet, O Christ, we layST. JOHN
934All praise to Him who dwells in blissEPWORTH
935Father Divine, I come to TheeMOTHERLAND
936O gladsome light, O graceBRINDLEY
937Hail, gladdening Light of His pure glory pouredSEBASTE
938Father, in high heaven dwellingEVENING HYMN
939The sun is sinking fastST. COLUMBA
940The radiant morn hath passed awayST. GABRIEL
941Lord Jesus, in the days of oldCOMPANION
942aSun of my soul, Thou Saviour dearHURSLEY
942bSun of my soul, Thou Saviour dearABENDS
943Glory to Thee, my God, this nightTALLIS` CANON
944Now the day is overEUDOXIA
945The night is come, wherein at last we restTHE BLESSED REST
946Now all the woods are sleepingINNSBRUCK
947Ere I sleep, for every favourEVENSONG
948Abide with me; fast falls the eventideEVENTIDE
949Behold us, Lord, a little spaceST. BERNARD
950Blest are the pure in heartEGHAM
951aThe day is past and overST. ANATOLIUS (1)
951bThe day is past and overST. ANATOLIUS (2)
952God the Father, be Thou nearPALESTINE
953O Lord, who by Thy presence hast made lightTOULON
954aAnother year is dawningANOTHER YEAR
954bAnother year is dawningCHERRY TREE CAROL
955Standing at the portalFYLDE
956Come, let us anewDERBE
957Father, let me dedicateDEDICATION
958O God, the Rock of AgesHEBER
959Sing to the great Jehovah's praiseNORTHROP
960Join, all ye ransomed sons of graceWINCHESTER OLD
961Across the sky the shades of nightTHE GOLDEN CHAIN
962Come, ye thankful people, comeST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR
963We plough the fields, and scatterWIR PFLÜGEN
964aTo Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raiseGOLDEN SHEAVES
964bTo Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raiseBISHOPGARTH
965The spring again is hereSANDYS
966Earth below is teemingPRINCETHORPE
967Now the year is crowned with blessingMORGENLIED
968aYes, God is good – in earth and skyDANIEL
968bYes, God is good – in earth and skyWILLIAMS
969O Lord of heaven and earth and seaALMSGIVING
970Hear us, O Lord, from heaven, thy dwelling-placePEEL CASTLE
971A gladsome hymn of praise we singTHE BLESSED NAME
972Here, Lord, we offer Thee all that is fairestSPRINGFIELD
973Rejoice for a brother deceasedDAVID
974God of the living, in whose eyesGOD OF THE LIVING
975When the day of toil is doneIRENE
976Now the labourer's task is o'erREQUIESCAT
977Safe home, safe home in portSAFE HOME
978When our heads are bowed with woeREDHEAD NO. 47
979Our Father, by whose servantsMEIRIONNYDD
980O Light, from age to age the sameST. FRANCIS XAVIER
981Christ is the foundationGOSHEN
982Father of men, in whom are oneEXETER
983Be with us, gracious Lord, to-dayWINCHESTER NEW
984O Thou whose hand hath brought usJUBILATE
985dAmen, Amen[Amen, Amen]
985eAmen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, AmenSEVENFOLD AMEN
V1And did those feet in ancient time
V2Thou art my God, and Thee I praiseText
V3And will the sovereign KingText
V4O God, of good the unfathomed sea!
V5The Lord my Righteousness I praiseText
V6Let earth's wide circle roundText
V7O come, let us adore Him
V8O for this love let rocks and hills
V9I thank Thee, uncreated Sun
V10O that the world might taste and see
V11For souls redeemed, for sins forgivenText
V12Ye mountains and vales, in praises abound
V13At the Cross! At the Cross! where I first saw the lightText
V14Plenteous He is in truth and graceText
V15Tired with the greatness of my wayText
V16For you and for meText
V17There for me the Saviour standsText
V18Thou canst o'ercome this heart of mineText
V19Grant me my sins to feelText
V20Jesus, mighty to renewText
V21My soul don't delayText
V22And can I yet delay
V23Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay
V24Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees
V25That mighty faith on me bestowText
V26I will accept His offer nowText
V27Take my poor heart, and let it be
V28What shall I do to keepText
V29Remember, Lord, my sins no moreText
V30Lord, my time is in Thy handText
V31Give me the enlarged desire
V32When Jesus makes my heart His home
V33O that the perfect grace were givenText
V34Deepen the wound Thy hands have made
V35Scatter the last remains of sinText
V36Now let me gain perfection's heightText
V37When God is mine, and I am His
V38How shall I thank Thee for the graceText

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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