The Methodist Hymnal: official hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church

Publisher: The Methodist Publishing House, New York / Cincinnati, 1935
Denomination: Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Methodist Protestant Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
295Lord, as we Thy Name professSAVANNAH
296Go forth to life, O child of earth!RHYS
297Draw Thou my soul, O ChristST. EDMUND
298Courage, brother, do not stumbleCOURAGE, BROTHER
299I want a principle withinGERALD
300Be strong! We are not here to play, to dream, to driftFORTITUDE
301Guide me, O Thou great JehovahCWM RHONDDA
302Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!SWEET HOUR
303Prayer is the soul's sincere desireCAMPMEETING
304Heav'nly Father, bless me nowSEYMOUR
305O gracious Father of mankindST. MICHEL'S
306My God, my Father, while I strayHANFORD
307Lord of our life, God whom we fearLOUVAN
308Jesus, kneel beside meEUDOXIA
309Talk with us, Lord, Thyself revealSOHO
310Blessed Jesus, at Thy wordLIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIER
311Come, O Thou Traveller unknownCANDLER
312Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languishCONSOLATION (Webbe)
313Great Shepherd of Thy people, hearSOMERSET
314Lord, for tomorrow and its needsVINCENT
315aHow firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordADESTE FIDELES (Portugese Hymn)
315bHow firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordFOUNDATION
316I sought the Lord, and afterward I knewPEACE
317From every stormy wind that blowsRETREAT
318O Love that wilt not let me goST. MARGARET
319When by fear my heart is dauntedTANTUM ERGO
320Teach me, my God and KingMORNINGTON
321If, on a quiet seaSELVIN
322My times are in Thy handFERGUSON
323Not so in haste, my heartDOLOMITE CHANT
324God is my strong salvationAURELIA
325I look to Thee in every needO JESU
326Children of the Heavenly KingPLEYEL'S HYMN
327O holy Saviour, Friend unseenFLEMMING
328I worship Thee, most gracious GodABERGELE
329I know that my Redeemer livesTRURO
330My Jesus, as Thou wiltJEWETT
331Christ's life our code, His cross our creedCOPELAND
332Thou art the Way, to Thee aloneST. BERNARD
333No, not despairinglyKEDRON
334My Lord, how full of sweet contentHAMBURG
335Jesus, I live to TheeLAKE ENON
336Jesus, still lead onSEELENBRAEUTIGAM
337Saviour, like a shepherd lead usBRADBURY
338aJesus, Lover of my soulMARTYN
338bJesus, Lover of my soulHOLLINGSIDE
338cJesus, Lover of my soulABERYSTWYTH
339Thou hidden source of calm reposeST. PETERSBURG
340All as God wills, who wisely heedsSTRACATHRO
341'Mid all the traffic of the waysST. AGNES
342Dear Lord and Father of mankindREST (Elton)
343Jesus, my strength, my hopeRICHMOND
344O Thou, who camest from aboveEISENACH
345Jesus, Thou joy of loving heartsRIMINGTON
346O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delightBELOVED
347How sweet the name of Jesus soundsHOLY CROSS
348Jesus, the very thought of TheeST. AGNES
349How tedious and tasteless the hoursCONTRAST
350aCome unto Me, when shadows darkly gatherADRIAN
350bCome unto Me, when shadows darkly gatherHENLEY
351Sometimes a light surprisesPETITION
352In heavenly love abidingDAY OF REST
353The King of love my Shepherd isDOMINUS REGIT ME
354Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?PAX TECUM
355Sing praise to God who reigns aboveMIT FREUDEN ZART
356O how happy are theyRAPTURE
357Joy is a fruit that will not growELIZABETHTOWN
358Rejoice, ye pure in heartMARION
359Awake my soul, stretch every nerveCHRISTMAS
360O Thou to whose all searching sightBERA
361Dear God, our Father, at Thy knee confessingDEEPER LIFE
362Nearer, my God, to TheeBETHANY
363O for a heart of calm reposeSPOHR
364More love to Thee, O ChristMORE LOVE TO THEE
365We hope in Thee, O God!RESIGNATION
366As pants the hart for cooling streamsSPOHR
367Make me a captive, LordLEOMINSTER
368Sunset and evening starCROSSING THE BAR
369Blest are the pure in heartGREENWOOD
370O for a heart to praise my GodBELMONT
371Jesus, Thine all-victorious loveAZMON
372Love divine, all loves excellingLOVE DIVINE
373For ever here my rest shall beMARTYRDOM (Avon)
374O how the thought of God attractsSAWLEY
375Thou hidden love of God, whose heightNEW 113TH
376Dear Master, in whose life I seeHURSLEY
377O come, and dwell in meOLD 134TH (St. Michael)
378Walk in the light! so shalt thou knowMANOAH
379I love Thy kingdom, LordST. THOMAS
380Jesus, with Thy Church abideLITANY (Hervey)
381The Church's one foundationAURELIA
382Glorious things of thee are spokenAUSTRIAN HYMN
383How lovely is Thy dwelling placeSALZBURG
384O where are kings and empires nowST. ANNE
385We come unto our fathers' GodLUTHER
386O Word of God incarnateMUNICH
387Break Thou the bread of lifeBREAD OF LIFE
388A glory gilds the sacred pageBURLINGTON
389Father of mercies, in Thy WordGRÄFENBERG
390Book of books, our people's strengthDESSAU (Liebster Jesu)

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