Lead Me, Guide Me (2nd ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
692Ride on, King Jesus, no man can a-hinder me[Ride on, King Jesus, no man can a-hinder me]TextPage Scan
693You will hear the trumpet soundWHAT A MORNINGText
694Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordBATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLICTextPage Scan
695There's a better day a comin', fare ye well, fare ye wellFARE YE WELLTextPage Scan
696Sign me up for the Christian jubilee[Sign me up for the Christian jubilee]Page Scan
697When judgment day is drawing nighJUDGMENT DAYTextPage Scan
698The sky shall unfold, preparing his entranceWE SHALL BEHOLD HIM
699Keep your lamps trimmed and burning[Keep your lamps trimmed and burning]Page Scan
700When I think about the hour[When I think about the hour]
701My Lord, he calls meSTEAL AWAYTextPage Scan
702Deep river, my home is over JordanDEEP RIVERText
703No more weeping and a-wailingSOON-A WILL BE DONETextPage Scan
704I looked over Jordan, and what did I seeSWING LOWTextPage Scan
705There's a land that is fairer than daySWEET BY AND BYTextPage Scan
706Come, we that love the LordMARCHING TO ZIONTextPage Scan
707I got a crown up in-a that kingdomGOOD NEWSTextPage Scan
708I've got a new name over in glory[I've got a new name over in glory]Text
709Some glad morning when this life is o'erI'LL FLY AWAY
710Fix me for my long, white robeFIX METextPage Scan
711Come and go with me to my Father's houseCOME AND GO WITH METextPage Scan
712John said the city was just foursquareBE READYTextPage Scan
713On Jordan's stormy banks I standSTORMY BANKSText
714I would not be a sinner[I would not be a sinner]TextPage Scan
715Sing the wondrous love of JesusHEAVENTextPage Scan
716Shall we gather at the riverHANSON PLACETextPage Scan
717If you miss me singing down here[If you miss me singing down here]TextPage Scan
718There's a long white robe in the heaven, I know[There's a long white robe in the heaven]TextPage Scan
719Come to me, all you wearyRESURRECTIONPage Scan
720I never been to Heaven[I never been to Heaven]Page Scan
721If you don't believe that I'm singing it right[If you don't believe that I'm singing it right]Page Scan
722Transform us as you, transfiguredPICARDYPage Scan
723Salve Regína, mater misericórdiae (Hail, Queen of Heaven, hail, our Mother compassionate)SALVE REGINAPage Scan
724Hail, holy Queen enthroned aboveSALVE REGINA COELITUMTextPage Scan
725When I survey the wondrous crossHAMBURGTextPage Scan
726Come, Christians, follow where the Savior trodCRUCIFERTextPage Scan
727On a hill far away stood an old rugged crossOLD RUGGED CROSSTextPage Scan
728For all the saints, who from their labors restSINE NOMINETextPage Scan
729O when the saints go marching inWHEN THE SAINTSTextPage Scan
730Ye watchers and ye holy onesLASST UNS ERFREUENTextPage Scan
731Stand, O stand firm[Stand, O stand firm]TextPage Scan
732Immaculate Mary, your praises we singLOURDES HYMNPage Scan
733Ave María, grátia plenaAVE MARIATextPage Scan
734O sanctíssima, O piíssima (O most holy one, O most lowly one)O DU FRÖLICHEPage Scan
735Anointing fall on me[Anointing fall on me]
736Take me to the waterTO THE WATERTextPage Scan
737Wash, O God, our sons and daughtersBEACH SPRINGPage Scan
738See that host all dressed in whiteWADE IN THE WATERTextPage Scan
739We offer Christ to you, oh, my brother[We offer Christ to you, oh, my brother]
740I've just come from the fountain[I've just come from the fountain]TextPage Scan
741I know, I know, I know, I know[I know, I know my name is written there]Page Scan
742Mold me, Lord[Mold me, Lord]Page Scan
743Come to Jesus, Come to JesusCOME TO JESUSTextPage Scan
744Ah tol' Jesus it would be all right if he changed mah name[Ah tol' Jesus it would be all right if he changed mah name]TextPage Scan
745Bear with one another in love and charity[Bear with one another in love and charity]Page Scan
746Baptized in waterBUNESSANTextPage Scan
747Do you reject old SatanCERTAINLY LORDPage Scan
748We need the power of the Holy Spirit[We need the power of the Holy Spirit]Page Scan
749This is my body given up for you[This is my body given up for you]
750I will bless the Lord at all times[I will bless the Lord at all times]Page Scan
751Do not let your old hearts be troubled[Do not let your old hearts be troubled]Page Scan
752Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!HYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
753Christ is the bread of life[Christ is the bread of life]Page Scan
754I come with joy, a child of GodLAND OF RESTTextPage Scan
755I am the Bread of lifeBREAD OF LIFEPage Scan
756Lord, who at your first Eucharist did prayUNDE ET MEMORESTextPage Scan
757As when the shepherd calls his sheepBICENTENNIALPage Scan
758Let us talents and tongues employLINSTEADTextPage Scan
759Jesus says: I am the BreadLIVING GODPage Scan
760Gentile or Jew, servant or freeONE BREAD, ONE BODY
761Lord, we praise you for your sacrifice[Lord, we praise you for your sacrifice]
762Let us enter into covenant with Christ[Let us enter into covenant with Christ]Page Scan
763Do this in remembrance of me[Do this in remembrance of me]Page Scan
764We are the dwelling of God[We are the dwelling of God]
765I am the Word that spoke and light was madeCORPUS DOMINIPage Scan
766Come, you sinners, poor and needyRESTORATIONText
767Pass me not, O gentle SaviorPASS ME NOTTextPage Scan
768If I have wounded any soul todayEVENINGTextPage Scan
769Softly and tenderly Jesus is callingTHOMPSONTextPage Scan
770Yield not to temptationYIELD NOTText
771Our Father, we have wanderedPASSION CHORALE
772Oh, happy day, oh, happy day[Oh, happy day, oh, happy day]TextPage Scan
773He'll take away all your heartaches[He'll take away all of your heartaches]Page Scan
774I know that my Redeemer lives[I know that my Redeemer lives]TextPage Scan
775Create in me a clean heart, O God[Create in me a clean heart, O God]Page Scan
776Cast down, O God, the idolsPASSION CHORALEPage Scan
777Victory is mineVICTORY
778Be still, my soul: the Lord is on your sideFINLANDIATextPage Scan
779Shackled by a heavy burdenHE TOUCHED ME
780Precious Lord, take my handPRECIOUS LORDPage Scan
781Did ever you see the like before?HANDS ON METextPage Scan
782When the storms of life are ragingSTAND BY METextPage Scan
783I am weak but thou art strongCLOSER WALKTextPage Scan
784Nearer, my God, to theeBETHANYTextPage Scan
785If when you give the best of your serviceWELL DONETextPage Scan
786I call you to my Father's houseNEW BRITAINPage Scan
787God of our fathers, whose almighty handNATIONAL HYMNTextPage Scan
788O beautiful for spacious skiesMATERNATextPage Scan
789O say can you see by the dawn's early lightSTAR SPANGLED BANNERTextPage Scan
790The right hand of God is writing in our land[The right hand of God is writing in our land]Page Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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