Hymnal and Prayer Book: compiled by the Lutheran Church Board for Army and Navy of the Ev. Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and other states, and of the joint Ev. Lutheran Synod of...(3rd. ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1God bless our native land!TextPage Scan
2Lord, while for all mankind we prayTextPage Scan
3Lord Jesus Christ, to us attendTextPage Scan
4Abide, O dearest JesusTextPage Scan
5O holy, blessed TrinityTextPage Scan
6Come, Thou almighty KingTextPage Scan
7Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!TextPage Scan
8O bless the Lord, my soul!TextPage Scan
9Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord, God Almighty!TextPage Scan
10Now the shades of night are goneTextPage Scan
11Jesus shall reign where'er the sunTextPage Scan
12Jesus! and shall it ever beTextPage Scan
13All hail the power of Jesus' name!TextPage Scan
14In the cross of Christ I gloryTextPage Scan
15Jesus, Lover of my soulTextPage Scan
16From heaven above to earth I comeTextPage Scan
17Let us all with gladsome voiceTextPage Scan
18Hark! the herald-angels singTextPage Scan
19Silent night! Holy night!TextPage Scan
20O Lamb of God, most holy!TextPage Scan
21O bleeding Head, and woundedTextPage Scan
22There is a fountain filled with bloodTextPage Scan
23Christ, the Life of all the livingTextPage Scan
24Jesus Christ, my sure DefenseTextPage Scan
25Welcome, Thou Victor in the strifeTextPage Scan
26I know that my Redeemer lives!TextPage Scan
27Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly DoveTextPage Scan
28A mighty Fortress is our GodTextPage Scan
29My hope is built on nothing lessTextPage Scan
30Rock of Ages, cleft for meTextPage Scan
31Just as I am, without one pleaTextPage Scan
32I lay my sins on JesusTextPage Scan
33Nearer, my God, to TheeTextPage Scan
34Jesus, Thy blood and righteousnessTextPage Scan
35Savior, I follow onTextPage Scan
36Guide me, O Thou great JehovahTextPage Scan
37O God, forsake me not!TextPage Scan
38My faith looks up to TheeTextPage Scan
39Soldiers of Christ, ariseTextPage Scan
40Onward, Christian soldiersTextPage Scan
41Lord, as Thou wilt, deal Thou with meTextPage Scan
42O God, Thou righteous, faithful LordTextPage Scan
43Lord Jesus, Thou art truly good!TextPage Scan
44Help, Helper, help in fear and needTextPage Scan
45I need Thee ev'ry hourTextPage Scan
46Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleepTextPage Scan
47Who knows how near my end may be?TextPage Scan
48Abide with me! fast falls the eventideTextPage Scan
49God be with you till we meet again!TextPage Scan
50We thank Thee, Lord, with one accordTextPage Scan
51Praise God, from whom all blessings flowTextPage Scan
[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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