1 O God, Thou righteous, faithful Lord,
I have not kept Thy holy Word,
But sinned and oft offended Thee;
Now I repent, it grieveth me.
2 Since Thou, dear Father, callest me,
I, poor lost sinner, come to Thee,
Relying on Christ's precious blood
Which from His holy five wounds flowed.
3 In mercy, Father, let Thy grace
Through Jesus' blood my sins efface;
Then I, the poor lost child, will be
From all my sins forever free.
4 Grant that, according to Thy Word,
I lead a godly life, O Lord,
And let me, after time is o'er
Inherit life forevermore.
Text Information | |
First Line: | O God, Thou righteous, faithful Lord |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1918 |
Notes: | Public Domain. |