Hymnal and Order of Service: for churches and Sunday-schools

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
150bO Jesus Christ, Thy grace us lendWENN WIR IN HÖCHSTEN NÖTHEN SEINTextPage Scan
151aBlessed Jesus, at Thy wordLIEBSTER JESUTextPage Scan
151bBlessed Jesus, at Thy wordLIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIERTextPage Scan
152Open now thy gates of beautyUNSER HERRSCHER, UNSER KÖNIGTextPage Scan
153In Thy Name, O Lord, assemblingDULCE CARMENTextPage Scan
154Oh! enter, Lord, Thy templeMIG KLÄD I HELIG PRYDNADTextPage Scan
155aCome, Thou Fount of every blessingHAR DU MOD ATT FÖLJA JESUSTextPage Scan
155bCome, Thou Fount of every blessingARUNDELTextPage Scan
156aSafely through another weekÄN EN VECKA FRÅN OSS FLYRTextPage Scan
156bSafely through another weekSABBATHTextPage Scan
157O day of rest and gladness!LAUSANNETextPage Scan
158aGuardian of pure hearts, and HearerWERDE MUNTER, MEIN GEMÜTHETextPage Scan
158bGuardian of pure hearts and HearerWERDE MUNTER, MEIN GEMÜTHETextPage Scan
159Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessingSICILIAN MARINERS' HYMNTextPage Scan
160Abide with us, our SaviourCHRISTUS DER IST MEIN LEBENTextPage Scan
161Almighty God, Thy Word is castBELMONTTextPage Scan
162For a season called to partSOLITUDETextPage Scan
163On what has now been sownZEBULONTextPage Scan
164aNow our worship sweet is o'erLIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIERTextPage Scan
164bNow our worship weet is o'erLIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIERTextPage Scan
165Blest be the tie that bindsDENNISTextPage Scan
166Awake, my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMNTextPage Scan
167Now that the sun is beaming brightVARINATextPage Scan
168While yet the morn is breakingDEN BLOMSTERTID NU KOMMERTextPage Scan
169My inmost heart now raisesADESTE FIDELES (PORTUGUESE HYMN)TextPage Scan
170Again Thy glorious sun doth riseNUN DANKET ALL UND BRINGET EHRTextPage Scan
171All praise to Thee, my God, this nightTALLIS' CANONTextPage Scan
172Abide with me! Fast falls the eventideEVENTIDETextPage Scan
173Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dearHURSLEYTextPage Scan
174Softly now the light of dayWEBER. (SEYMOUR).TextPage Scan
175Sunk is the sun's last beam of lightHAMBURGTextPage Scan
176Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear meBATTY (RINGE RECHT WENN GOTTES GNADE).TextPage Scan
177aSaviour, breathe an evening blessingSALVATORTextPage Scan
177bSaviour, breathe an evening blessingVESPER HYMNTextPage Scan
178Hear my prayer, O Heavenly FatherDEVOTIONTextPage Scan
179Now the day is overNOW THE DAY IS OVERTextPage Scan
180I love to steal awhile awayJAG ÄR SÅ GLAD, NÄR JAG FÅR GÅTextPage Scan
181aFather, merciful and holyWERDE MUNTER, MEIN GEMÜTHETextPage Scan
181bFather, merciful and holyWERDE MUNTER, MEIN GEMÜTHETextPage Scan
182aOnce more a day is at its closeNUN SICH DER TAG GEENDET HATTextPage Scan
182BOnce more a day is at its closeDUNDEETextPage Scan
183God bless our native landAMERICATextPage Scan
184My country 'tis of theeTextPage Scan
185Zion stands with hills surroundedJESUS, LÅT DIN RÄDDA DUFVATextPage Scan
186aGlorious things of Thee are spokenAUSTRIATextPage Scan
186bGlorious things of Thee are spokenHARWELLTextPage Scan
187The church's one foundationAURELIATextPage Scan
188aI love Thy Zion, LordST. THOMASTextPage Scan
188bI love Thy Zion, LordTHATCHERTextPage Scan
189My church! My church! my dear old church!ATHENSTextPage Scan
190Be not dismayed, thou little flockFÖRFÄRAS EJ, DU LILLA HOPTextPage Scan
191Jesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREETTextPage Scan
192aThy scepter, Jesus, shall extendES IST GEWISSLICH AN DER ZEITTextPage Scan
192bThy scepter, Jesus, shall extendES IST GEWISSLICH AN DER ZEITTextPage Scan
193aA mighty Fortress is our GodEIN FESTE BURG IST UNSER GOTTTextPage Scan
193bA mighty Fortress is our GodEIN FESTE BURG IST UNSER GOTTTextPage Scan
194Abide with us, O Saviour dearACK, BLIF HOS OSS, O JESU KRISTTextPage Scan
195Chosen seed and Zion's childrenLAMMETS FOLK OCH SIONS FRÄNDERTextPage Scan
196With God and His mercy, His Spirit and WordACK, SALIGA STUNDERTextPage Scan
197On the mountain's top appearingREGENT SQUARETextPage Scan
198Christ, Thou art the sure FoundationBLIF MIN KONUNGTextPage Scan
199aHow beauteous are their feetFRANCONIATextPage Scan
199bHow beauteous are their feetST. MICHAELTextPage Scan
200Saviour, sprinkle many nationsGREENVILLETextPage Scan
201Thou, whose almighty wordITALIAN HYMNTextPage Scan
202The morning light is breakingWEBBTextPage Scan
203From Greenland's icy mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNTextPage Scan
204Now be the gospel bannerO, DU MITT HJÄRTAS TRÄNGTANTextPage Scan
205Mighty Lord, extend Thy kingdomCORONAETextPage Scan
206aO Lord our God, ariseST. THOMASTextPage Scan
206bO Lord our God, ariseEMMAUSTextPage Scan
207aHow wondrous and greatLYONSTextPage Scan
207bHow wondrous and greatHANOVERTextPage Scan
208Who is on the Lord's side?SUMUS TIBITextPage Scan
209O Word of God IncarnateEVERTSTextPage Scan
210aHow precious is the Book divineST. PETERTextPage Scan
210bHow precious is the Book divineMEDFIELDTextPage Scan
211Father of mercies, in Thy WordST. AGNESTextPage Scan
212Lord, keep us steadfast in Thy WordERHALT UNS, HERR, BEI DEINEM WORTTextPage Scan
213aHow shall the young secure their heartsHVAD HÖR JAG?TextPage Scan
213bHow shall the young secure their heartsST. STEPHENTextPage Scan
214What gives the power, what gives the mightHVAD ÄR DEN KRAFT?TextPage Scan
215Lord of all power and mightFIAT LUXTextPage Scan
216The Bible! The Bible! more precious than goldVÅR BIBEL, VÅR BIBELTextPage Scan
217Tell me the old, old storyTELL ME THE OLD, OLD STORYTextPage Scan
218aBlessed Jesus, here we standLIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIERTextPage Scan
218bBlessed Jesus, here we standLIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIERTextPage Scan
219God, in human flesh appearingJESUS ÄR MIN VÄN DEN BÄSTETextPage Scan
220aFather, who hast created allDU FRIEDEFÜRST, HERR JESU CHRISTTextPage Scan
220bFather, who hast created allRESIGNATIONTextPage Scan
221Baptized into Thy Name most holyWER WEISS, WIE NAHE MIR MEIN ENDETextPage ScanAudio
222The death of Jesus Christ, our LordMEIN SEEL, O HERR, MUSS LOBEN DICHTextPage Scan
223Thine own, O loving SaviourO JESU! ÄN DE DINATextPage Scan
224aDeck thyself, my soul, with gladnessSCHMÜCKE DICH, O LIEBE SEELETextPage Scan
224bDeck thyself, my soul, with gladnessSCHMÜCKE DICH, O LIEBE SEELETextPage Scan
225O Living Bread from heavenHERZLICH THUT MICH VERLANGENTextPage Scan
226aLord Jesus Christ! To Thee we prayACK, BLIF HOS OSS, O JESU KRISTTextPage Scan
226bLord Jesus Christ! To Thee we prayI KRISTI SÅR JAG SOMNAR INTextPage Scan
227aWith holy joy my heart doth beatMEIN SEEL, O HERR, MUSS LOBEN DICHTextPage Scan
227bWith holy joy my heart doth beatSIONSTONER, NO. 388TextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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