生命聖詩 - Hymns of Life, 1986

Publisher: Chinese Alliance Press, 1986
Language: Chinese
Notes: ISBN: 978-962-244-122-4
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1榮耀都歸與聖父, (Glory be to the Father)GLORIA PATRI (GREATOREX)
2榮耀都歸與聖父, (Glory be to the Father)MIENEKE
3求大君王來臨, (Come, Thou Almighty King)MOSCOWText
4榮耀歸與至尊聖父, (Glory be to God)REGENT SQUARE
6天上父親,慈愛淵深, (Father of Heaven)HESPERUS (QUEBEC)Text
7永遠讚美聖父, (We give immortal praise)CHRISTCHURCHText
8榮耀歸於真神, (To God be the Glory)[To God be the Glory]
10屬主眾僕人, (Ye servants of God)LYONSText
11我眾虔誠聚集, (We gather together)KREMSERText
12主阿!我神,我每逢舉目觀看, (How great Thou art!)O STORE GUD
13讓我心靈稱頌上主, (Bless the Lord, O my soul)MARTYRDOM/AVONText
14信徒讚美至高真神, (God of Gods, we sound His praises)[God of Gods, we sound His praises]Text
15我靈,我心,宣揚我主為大, (Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord)WOODLANDS
16日月所照萬國萬方, (Jesus shall reign where'er the sun)DUKE STREETText
17當世界還未曾創造, (Of the Father's love begotten)CORDE NATUS (DIVINUM MYSTERIUM)Text
18你的信實廣大, (Great is Thy faithfulness)FAITHFULNESSText
19亞伯拉罕的神, (The God of Abraham praise)LEONIText
20真神所造萬象生靈, (All creatures of our God and King)LASST UNS ERFREUENText
21讚美我天父, (Praise to the Father)CHRISTE SANCTORIUMText
22快樂,快樂,我們祟拜, (Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee)HYMN TO JOYText
23今齊來感謝神, (Now thank we all our God)NUN DANKETText
24神在殿中,信徒崇敬, (God is here; as we His people meet)SZE LINGText
25上主選召之民, (Stand up, and bless the Lord)CARLISLEText
26讚美上主,全能真神, (Praise to the Lord, the Almight)LOBE DEN HERRENText
27普天之下萬民萬族OLD 100THText
28世間屬主我聖民, (O God, Thou art the Father)DURROW
29日月星宿,上主鋪陳, (The Maker of the sun and moon)NEWBURY
30歌頌父神偉大權能, (I sing the mighty power of God)ELLACOMBEText
31上主作為何等奧祕, (God moves in a mysterious way)DUNDEEText
32榮耀全歸至高真神, (All glory be to God on high)ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HOH'Text
34願我有千千萬萬舌頭, (O that I had a thousand voices)O DASS ICH TAUSEND ZUNGEN HATTE (KONIG)Text
35永生神就是靈, (Immortal, invisible God only wise)ST. DENIOText
36大哉!我全能神! (The Kingdom of God)RUSSIAText
37先聖之神,你用全能聖手, (God of our fathers, whose Almighty Hand)NATIONAL HYMNText
38仰看天空,浩大無窮, (The Spacious Firmament on High)CREATION
39神是慈愛,真理,美麗, (God of love and truth and beauty)CHUN SENG
40真神妙愛,堅固永恆, (O love of God, how strong and true)EISENACHText
41真神之愛,偉大無窮, (The love of God)[The love of God]Text
42我靈,讚美天上君王LAUDA ANIMAText
43當永遠讚美我主宰, (Give to our God immortal praise!)LASST UNS ERFREUENText
44神聖主愛超乎萬愛, (Love divine, all loves excelling)BEECHERText
45真神慈悲寬如海洋, (There's a wideness in God's mercy)WELLESLEYText
46我要舉目,抬頭仰望聖山, (Unto the hills around do I lift up)SANDONText
47主是我大能拯救, (God is my strong salvation)CHRISTUS, DER IST MEIN LEBENText
48神的路最美善,雖我不明瞭為何憂愁試煉常把我環繞; (God's way)[God's way]Text
49真神是人千古保障ST. ANNEText
50上主是我堅固堡壘, (A mighty fortress is our God)EIN` FESTE BURGText
51仁愛君王是我善牧, (The King of love my Shepherd is)DOMINUS REGIT METext
52任遭何事不要驚怕,天父必看顧你, (God will take care of you)GOD CARES
53天父兒女何等安全, (Children of the heavenly Father)TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA
54齊讚耶穌大能聖名, (All hail the power of Jesus' name)DIADEM
55頌讚取穌聖名 (All hail the power of Jesus' name)CORONATION
56齊來敬拜基督, (We come, o Christ, to Thee)CHRISTCHURCH
57惟有基督是世上真光, (The uniqueness of Christ)CHRISTE SANCTORIUM
58耶穌聖名,何等甜美, (How sweet the name of Jesus sounds)ORTONVILLE
59親愛救主,我敬拜你, (Glorious is Thy name)MCKINNEY
60慈祥,和藹,尊貴,威嚴, (Majestic sweetness sits enthroned)ORTONVILLE
61基督我主,我心盼望, (O Christ, our hope, our hearts' desire)LOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTEN
62讚美救主犧牲大愛, (Lord Christ, we praise your sacrifice)WELLS, WELLSPRING
63頌讚榮耀都歸主宰, (Blessed be the name)[Blessed be the name]
64基督贖罪救恩完成, (What a wonderful Saviour)[What a wonderful Saviour]
65美哉主耶穌,宇宙萬物主宰! (Fairest Lord Jesus!)SCHONSTER HERR JESU (ASCALON)
66樂哉,救主為王, (Rejoice, the Lord is King)CROFTS 136TH
67我要頌主大慈愛,口舌永說不盡; (Sweeter as the years go by)[Sweeter as the years go by]Text
68歌頌基督救世! (Christ for the world we sing)KIRBY BEDON
69你是否認識祂, (Jesus the son of God)[Jesus the son of God]Text
70救主耶穌,仁者之樂, (Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts)HESPERUS (QUEBEC)Text
71拿撒勒人耶穌面前, (My Saviour's love)[My Saviour's love]
72慈悲主是我救恩,我善牧, (Gracious Lord, our Shepherd and Salvation)COVENANT
73耶穌慈愛,大哉,深哉! (O the deep, deep love of Jesus)ARMSTRONG
74縱然匯合一切尊貴佳美名號, (Join all the glorious names)DARWALL
75主耶穌最奇妙君王, (O Jesus, King most wonderful)ABRIDGE
76全能真神,萬福源頭, (Come, Thou Fount)NETTLETON
77耶穌我主,每想起你, (Jesus, the very thought of Thee)ST. AGNES (DYKES)Text
78來頌讚曾受辱耶穌! (Hail, Thou once despised Jesus!)FAUXBOURDONText
79但願萬民都來歌唱, (O for a thousand tongues to sing)AZMON
80讚美!讚美!主耶穌我們的救主! (Praise Him! Praise Him!)JOYFUL SONGText
81祂是主,祂是主, (He is Lord)[He is Lord]
82願我口能述說稱揚, (O could I speak the matchless worth)ARIEL
83耶穌聖名,何等甜美, (How sweet the name of Jesus sounds)LLOYD
84我來到主捨命十架前, (Glory to His name)[Glory to His name]
85當我見那寶貴血泉, (I will praise Him)I WILL PRAISE HIMText
86惟獨耶穌是我信息, (Jesus only)[Jesus only]
87惟獨耶穌是我信息, (Jesus only)ALLIANCE
88齊來,忠信聖徒, (O come, all ye faithful)ADESTE FIDELES
89普世歡騰,救主降臨! (Joy to the world!)ANTIOCH
90天使初報聖誕佳音, (The first Noel)THE FIRST NOEL
91當年夜半,天際傳來, (It came upon the midnight clear)CAROLText
92正當牧人看守群羊, (What Child is this, who, laid to rest?)GREENSLEEVES
93平安夜,聖善夜,真寧靜。 (Silent night! Holy night!)STILLE NACHTText
94美哉聖城,小伯利恆, (O little town of Bethlehem)ST. LOUISText
95榮耀國度天使成群, (Angels, from the realms of glory)REGENT SQUAREText
96慶賀真神所膏立, (Hail to the Lord's Anointed)ELLACOMBE
97牧人夜間看守群羊, (While Shepherds watched their flocks)INNOCENTS
98聽阿!天使高聲唱: (Hark! the herald angels sing)MENDELSSOHNText
99天使歌唱 (Angels we have heard on high)[Angels we have heard on high]
100遠遠在馬槽裡, (Away in a manger)CRADLE SONGText

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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