# | Text | Tune | | | | | | |
1 | Cantad al Señor un cántico nuevo (O sing to the Lord, O sing God a new song) | CANTAI AO SENHOR | | | | | | |
2 | De colores (Sing of colors) | DE COLORES | | | | | | |
3 | Te invito a cantar al Señor (I invite you to sing praises to God) | SING PRAISES | | | | | | |
4 | Alabad a Dios en su santuario (Praise God in his sanctuary) | | | | | | | |
5 | Cuando por el Oriente (As we arise each morning) | CARLOS ROSAS | | | | | | |
6 | This is the day the Lord has given us (Este es el día que Dios nos ha dado) | | | | | | | |
7 | Cuando el pueblo del Señor (When God's people lift their song) | CUANDO EL PUEBLO | | | | | | |
8 | Bueno es alabarte, Señor (It is good to give thanks to the Lord) | BUENO ES ALABARTE SEÑOR | | | | | | |
9 | De todos bajo el brillante sol (From all that dwell below the skies) | PRAISE | | | | | | |
10 | ¿Cómo pagale al Señor (What shall I render to God) | GARCÍA | | | | | | |
11 | Alabemos y demos gracias a Dios (Let us praise and give thanks to God) | | | | | | | |
12 | ¿Quién es el que vive? (Who's the one who lives?) | BUENO ES ALABARTE | | | | | | |
13 | Si el Espíritu está aqui, hay paz (If the Spirit here abides, there is peace) | SANTO ESPÍRITU | | | | | | |
14 | Cristo lleno de esplendor (Christ, whose glory fills the skies) | LIGHT DIVINE | | | | | | |
15 | Jubilosos, jubilosos ofrecen los pueblos (Sing rejoicing! It is right for the faithful to sing) | DE COLORES | | | | | | |
16 | En esta reunión Cristo está (Christ Jesus is present today) | PRESENCIA DE CRISTO | | | | | | |
17 | Solamente en Cristo (Only in Christ Jesus) | SOLAMENTE EN CRISTO | | | | | | |
18 | Con mi voz y con mi vida (With my life and with my voice) | TE ALABO | | | | | | |
19 | ¡Dios mío eres tú! (O God, you are my God) | | | | | | | |
20 | ¿Con qué pagaremos amor tan inmenso (How can we repay you for love to amazing?) | PAGAREMOS | | | | | | |
21 | Al romper el llanto de nacer (I was there to hear your borning cry) | WATERLIFE | | | | | | |
22 | Hay un lugar de gran quietud (There is a place of quiet rest) | McAFEE | | | | | | |
23 | Eran cien ovejas (Once a loving shepherd) | VISIÓN | | | | | | |
24 | ¡Gloria en las alturas (Glory in the highest) | GLORIA | | | | | | |
25 | He aquí el coro celestial (Behold the heavenly choir sings) | | | | | | | |
26 | ¿Quién es el Rey de gloria? (Who is this King of glory) | KING OF GLORY | | | | | | |
27 | La Virgen María tuvo un bebé (The Virgin Mary had a baby boy) | THE VIRGIN MARY | | | | | | |
28 | ¡Jesucristo ha nacido (Christ is born, give him glory!) | CHRIST IS BORN | | | | | | |
29 | ¡Todos los dias nace el Señor! (Every new morning Jesus is born! | | | | | | | |
30 | Niñito Jesús, eres Emanuel (O little child Jesus! Thou Immanuel) | DASSING | | | | | | |
31 | En aquel tiempo Jesús vino al Jordán (When Jesus came to the Jordan) | BAUTISMO DEL SEÑOR | | | | | | |
32 | Al establo de Jesús (Will you come and see the light) | WREN | | | | | | |
33 | ¡Gloriosa luz, visión sin par! (O wondrous sight! O vision fair) | BRILLANTE LUZ | | | | | | |
34 | Es bueno estar aquí (How good, Lord, to be here!) | ST. THOMAS | | | | | | |
35 | Por el sendero Cuaresmal (From ashes to the living font) | AMAZING GRACE | | | | | | |
36 | Jerusalén, Ciudad de Dios (Jerusalem, the city of God) | CIUDAD DE DIOS | | | | | | |
37 | Ten piedad de mí, ¡oh Dios! (Lord, be merciful to me) | PIEDAD SEÑOR | | | | | | |
38 | Asi en ayunas vio Moisés | AYUNO | | | | | | |
39 | Dios todopoderoso, te amado Hijo (Almighty God, you blessed Son) | | | | | | | |
40 | Cabalga majestuoso tan alto embajador (Hosanna, loud hosanna the little children sang) | HOSANNA AL REY | | | | | | |
41 | Manos cariñosas (Loving hands of Jesus) | MANOS CARIÑOSAS | | | | | | |
42 | Celebremos del Señor (Hail the day that sees him rise) | VICTORIA | | | | | | |
43 | ¿Qué veníais conversando? (Tell me, friends, why look so troubled) | EMAÚS | | | | | | |
44 | Ya la batalla terminó (The strife is o'er, the battle won) | BRILLANTE LUZ | | | | | | |
45 | Cristo ha resucitado (Christ is risen! Shout hosanna!) | CHRIST IS RISEN | | | | | | |
46 | Este amanecer brilla con la luz (The dawn shines with the light) | | | | | | | |
47 | Viento que produce vientos (Wind who makes all winds that blow) | VIENTO DE VIENTOS | | | | | | |
48 | Abre mis ojos a la luz (Open my eyes that I may see) | ABRE MIS OJOS | | | | | | |
49 | Crea en mí, oh Dios, un corazón limpio (Create in me a pure heart, O God) | | | | | | | |
50 | Gracias, Señor, por este don (We thank you, Lord, for gift of tears) | MERUBIA | | | | | | |
51 | Hacia los montes miraré (Unto the hills I lift my eyes) | MI SOCORRO | | | | | | |
52 | Dios de nuestras jornadas (Lord of all our journeys) | | | | | | | |
53 | Vos sos el Dios de los pobres (You are the God of the poor) | MEJÍA | | | | | | |
54 | Oh Sanador de Galilea (O Healer of Galilee) | | | | | | | |
55 | Es Jesucristo mi Pastor (My Shepherd will supply my need) | EL BUEN PASTOR | | | | | | |
56 | Si tuvieras fe como un granito de mostaza (If you only had faith, just like a little seed of mustard) | MUSTARD SEED | | | | | | |
57 | Cariñoso Salvador (Jesus, Lover of my soul) | CARIÑOSO SALVADOR | | | | | | |
58 | Por el toque transformador de tu mano (O Loving God, for the mystical touch of your hand) | | | | | | | |
59 | Dios es nuestro amparo (The Lord is our refuge) | AMPARO | | | | | | |
60 | Cuando ruge la tormenta cruel (In the midst of foes I cry to thee) | PUNJABI | | | | | | |
61 | Oh que amigo nos es Cristo (What a friend we have in Jesus) | FAITHFUL FRIEND | | | | | | |
62 | Sobre mí, Dios, están los votos que te hice (My vows to you I must perform, O God) | | | | | | | |
63 | Haz de mi vida (Make me a blessing) | SERVANTHOOD | | | | | | |
64 | ¡Sublime gracia del Señor (Amazing grace! How sweet the sound) | GRACIA SUBLIME | | | | | | |
65 | Dios todopoderoso, tú nos has dado te gracia (Almighty God, yo uhave given us grace) | | | | | | | |
66 | No hagas mal por palabra o acción (Do no harm by any word or deed) | WESLEY | | | | | | |
67 | Vamos, vamos al altar (To the altar now we bring) | OFRENDA | | | | | | |
68 | Que mi vida entera esté (Take my life and let it be) | CONSAGRACIÓN | | | | | | |
69 | Dios celestial, el mundo nos enseña (Heavenly God, the world teaches us) | | | | | | | |
70 | Tu poder, O Jesucristo (May the mind of Christ my Savior) | NUEVA VIDA | | | | | | |
71 | Recordemos a Jesús (Let us remember Jesus) | | | | | | | |
72 | Pon aceite en mi lámpara, Señor (Fill my lamp, fill my lamp, O Lord, I pray) | FILL MY LAMP | | | | | | |
73 | Si yo hablara en lengue humana (If I speak with moral accent) | AMOR PERFECTO | | | | | | |
74 | Dios de toda sabiduría y santidad (O God of all wisdom and holiness) | | | | | | | |
75 | Queremos connocerte más y más (Dear Lord, we want to know you more and more) | SANTIFICACIÓN | | | | | | |
76 | Yo quiro ser (I want to be) | VASO NUEVO | | | | | | |
77 | Tú eres el Alfarero (You are the beloved Potter) | ALFARERO | | | | | | |
78 | Estamos de fiesta con Jesús (All come to the fiesta of the Lord) | FIESTA | | | | | | |
79 | Mirad que bueno y maravilloso es (How good and pleasant, how wonderful it is!) | MIRAD QUE BUENO | | | | | | |
80 | Hoy me levanto muy temprano (I will rise in the early morning) | EL BANQUETE | | | | | | |
81 | Pastor amante, tú eres nuestro refugio y sostén (Loving Shepherd, you are our refuge and strength) | | | | | | | |
82 | Es un don ser sencillo ('Tis a gift to be simple) | SIMPLE GIFTS | | | | | | |
83 | Oh, Señor, en justicia guíame (Lead me, Lord, lead me in thy righteousness) | LEAD ME, LORD | | | | | | |
84 | En todo haz el bien (Do all the good you can) | DO ALL THE GOOD YOU CAN | | | | | | |
85 | Por Cristo y por su reino (For Christ and for his kingdom) | WEBB | | | | | | |
86 | Busca primero el reino de Dios (Seek ye first the kingdom of God) | REINO DEL SEÑOR | | | | | | |
87 | Alzad, alzad la voz, oh pueblo de Dios (Arise, arise, arise, O people of God) | OUR MISSION | | | | | | |
88 | Bienaventurados son quienes aman a Dios (Blessed are those who, with courage) | | | | | | | |
89 | Aquí tus siervos en tu altar (Here at your altar kneel, O Lord) | EN TU ALTAR | | | | | | |
90 | En amor hay fortaleza juntos al servir (Nurturing the growth of one another as we serve) | GLORIA A DIOS | | | | | | |
91 | Mi pequeñita luz (This little light of mine) | LITTLE LIGHT | | | | | | |
92 | Señor, alumbra nuestro sendero (Lord, light our path) | | | | | | | |
93 | Oh Luz divina, Fuego eternal (O Light from heaven, O Radiant Star) | DIVINA LUZ | | | | | | |
94 | Pan de vina eterna (Bread of life from heaven) | SANTO | | | | | | |
95 | Cordero de Dios que quitas el pecado del mundo (O Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world) | AGNUS DEI | | | | | | |
96 | En este día, oh Señor, nos encontramos (On this day, O Lord, we gather around) | | | | | | | |
97 | Somos pueblo que camina (Welcome, pilgrims, on the journey) | SOMOS PUEBLO | | | | | | |
98 | Somos bautizados, somos renovados (Through baptismal waters we have found renewal) | RENOVACIÓN | | | | | | |
99 | Con aguas bautismales su amor derramará (Through the baptismal waters we are wrapped in Jesus' love) | AGUA BAUTISMAL | | | | | | |
100 | Buen Dios, por nuestras madres cantamos tu loor (O Lord of all creation, our praise to you we raise) | WEBB | | | | | | |