English and Latin Hymns, or Harmonies to Part I of the Roman Hymnal: for the Use of Congregations, Schools, Colleges, and Choirs

Editor: Rev. J. B. Young, S. J.
Publisher: Fr. Pustet and Co., New York, 1884
Denomination: Roman Catholic Church
Language: English; Latin
Notes: The sections of the Mass in the Appendix are numbered by page numbers.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
99Ave, maris stellaPage Scan
100Inviolata, Integra, et casta es, MariaPage Scan
101Tota pulchra es, MariaPage Scan
102Omni die dic MariaePage Scan
103Psalle, plaude, meus devotaPage Scan
104Salve, Regina coelitum, O Maria!Page Scan
105O sanctissima, O piiesimaPage Scan
106O God! how ought my grateful heartPage Scan
107Dear angel, ever, at my sidePage Scan
108Dear angel, ever at my sidePage Scan
109Hail! holy Joseph, hail!Page Scan
110Holy patron! thee salutingPage Scan
111Te Joseph, célebrent agmina coelitumPage Scan
112Joy of the Saints! who didst upholdPage Scan
113Why are those lilies in thy handPage Scan
114Salvéto centies, Salvéto melliesPage Scan
115Hail! holy guide of youthful daysPage Scan
116O juvenis angélice, O sancte StanislaePage Scan
117Creator of the starry heightPage Scan
118O come, O come, EmmanuelPage Scan
119Rorate, coeli, désuper, et nubes pluant JustumPage Scan
120On this festal day we singPage Scan
121Once in royal David's cityPage Scan
122See! amid the winter's snow[See! amid the winter's snow]Page Scan
123Why, Most Highest, art Thou lyingPage Scan
124To the nations Light has risenPage Scan
125Come, ye lofty, come, ye lowlyPage Scan
126O divinest ChildhoodPage Scan
127Adeste fideles, laeti triumphantesPage Scan
128Magnum nomen Domine, EmmanuelPage Scan
129O Jerusalem belovédPage Scan
130Nunc dimittis servum tuum, DominePage Scan
131Now are the days of humblest pray'rPage Scan
132Now, my soul, thy voice upraisingPage Scan
133My Jesus! say what wretch has daredPage Scan
134Hail! Jesus, hail! Who for my sakePage Scan
135O Sacred Head surroundedPage Scan
136O come and mourn with me awhilePage Scan
137O'erwhelmed in depths of woePage Scan
138Jesu, as though Thyself wert herePage Scan
139O faithful Cross! O noblest tree!Page Scan
140Crux fidelis, inter omnes Page Scan
141Defensor noster aspice!Page Scan
142O Jesus! Who for the love of mePage Scan
143From pain to pain, from woe to woePage Scan
144By the Cross her station keepingPage Scan
145Stabat mater dolorosaPage Scan
146What a sea of tears and sorrowPage Scan
147Pueri Hebracorum portantes ramos olivarumPage Scan
148Gloria, laus, et honor tibi sitPage Scan
149Pange, lingua, gloriosiPage Scan
150Vexilla Regis prodeuntPage Scan
151Christ, the Lord, is ris'n todayPage Scan
152Christ is risen from the deadPage Scan
153Hail! the holy day of daysPage Scan
154O sons and daughters let us singPage Scan
155Victimae Pashali laudesPage Scan
156Pater de coelis DeusPage Scan
157Sing we triumphant hymns of praisePage Scan
158Aeterne Rex, aeterne Rex altissimePage Scan
159Come Holy Ghost, Creator blestPage Scan
160Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blestPage Scan
161Veni, sancte SpiritusPage Scan
162All hail, adoréd Trinity!Page Scan
163Lauda, Sion, SalvatoremPage Scan
164Sacris solemniis juncta sint gaudiaPage Scan
165aVerbum supérnum prodiensPage Scan
165bSalutis humanae SatorPage Scan
165cMagnificat anima mea DominumPage Scan
166Benedictus Dominus Deus IsraelPage Scan
167Hail! Virgin, dearest MaryPage Scan
168Glorious Mother! from high heavenPage Scan
169Hear thy children, gentlest MotherPage Scan
170aMaiden Mother, meek and mildPage Scan
170bConcordi laetitia. Propulsa moestitiaPage Scan
171Ave, maris stellaPage Scan
172It is no earthly summer's rayPage Scan
173Sing, sing, ye angel bandsPage Scan
174Uplift the voice and singPage Scan
175Thee, O Chris,t the Father's splendorPage Scan
176Corde natus ex paréntisPage Scan
177Blesséd city, heavenly SalemPage Scan
178Angulare fundaméntumPage Scan
179Jerusalem, my happy homePage Scan
180Lamb most holy! King most lowlyPage Scan
181O quanta qualia sunt illa SabbataPage Scan
182O turn to Jesus, Mother, turnPage Scan
183Jesus, ever loving SaviourPage Scan
184Faith of our father! living stillPage Scan
185Blest is the faith divine and strongPage Scan
186Orémus pro Pontifice nostro, LeonePage Scan
187Da pacem Domine, in diébus nostrisPage Scan
188Parce, Domine, parce populo tuoPage Scan
189Miserere mei DeusPage Scan
190Attende, Domine, et miserere quia peccavimus tibiPage Scan
191Te Deum laudamusPage Scan
A370Kyrie eléisonPage Scan
A371Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatisPage Scan
A375Patrem omnipotentem, factorem coeliPage Scan
A382Santus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus SabaothPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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