The Hymnal 1982: according to the use of the Episcopal Church

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
5O splendor of God's glory brightSPLENDOR PATERNAE GLORIAEText
6Christ, whose glory fills the skiesCHRIST WHOSE GLORYTextPage Scan
7Christ, whose glory fills the skiesRATISBONTextPage Scan
8Morning has brokenBUNESSAN
9Not here for high and holy thingsMORNING SONG
10New every morning is the loveKEDRONTextPage Scan
11Awake, my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMNTextPage Scan
12The golden sun lights up the skyDANBY
13The golden sun lights up the skyVERBUM SUPERNUM PRODIENS (54571)
14O God, creation's secret forceO HEILAND, REISS
15O God, creation's secret forceTE LUCIS ANTE TERMINUM
16Now let us sing our praise to GodDICAMUS LAUDES DOMINO
17Now let us sing our praise to GodSOLEMNIS HAEC FESTIVITAS
18As now the sun shines down at noonJESU DULCIS MEMORIA
20Now Holy Spirit, ever OneWAREHAM
21O God of truth, O Lord of mightSONG 34
22O God of truth, O Lord of mightRECTOR POTENS, VERAX DEUS
23The fleeting day is nearly goneDU MEINER SEELEN
24The day thou gavest, Lord, is endedST. CLEMENTTextPage Scan
25O gracious Light, Lord Jesus ChristTHE EIGHTH TUNE
26O gracious Light, Lord Jesus ChristCONDITOR ALME SIDERUM
27O blest Creator, source of lightLUCIS CREATOR OPTIME
28O blest Creator, source of lightBROMLEY (Haydn)
29O Trinity of blessed lightBROMLEY (Haydn)TextPage Scan
30O Trinity of blessed lightO LUX BEATA TRINITASText
31Most Holy God, the Lord of heavenDUNEDIN
32Most Holy God, the Lord of heavenIMMENSE CAELI CONDITOR
33Christ, mighty Savior, Light of all creationCHRISTE, LUX MUNDI
34Christ, mighty Savior, Light of all creationINNISFREE FARM
35Christ, Mighty Savior, Light of all creationMIGHTY SAVIORText
36O gladsome Light, O graceLE CANTIQUE DE SIMÉONText
37O brightness of the immortal Father's faceEVENING HYMN (Near)Text
38Jesus, Redeemer of the worldJESU, NOSTRA REDEMPTIO
39Jesus, Redeemer of the worldWILDERNESS
40O Christ, you are both light and dayCHRISTE, QUI LUX ES ET DIES
41O Christ, you are both light and dayCOMPLINE
42Now the day is overMERRIALText
43All praise to thee, my God, this nightTHE EIGHTH TUNEText
44To you before the close of dayTE LUCIS ANTE TERMINUM
45To you before the close of dayTE LUCIS ANTE TERMINUM
46The duteous day now closethO WELT, ICH MUSS DICH LASSENTextPage Scan
47On this day, the first of daysGOTT SEI DANKText
48O day of radiant gladnessES FLOG EIN KLEINS WALDVÖGELEIN
49Come, let us with our Lord ariseMEADVILLEText
50This is the day the Lord hath madeLONDON NEWText
51We the Lord's people, heart and voice unitingDECATUR PLACE
52This day at thy creating wordRUSHFORDText
53Once he came in blessingGOTTES SOHN IST KOMMENText
54Savior of the nations, come!NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND
55Redeemer of the nations, comeVENI REDEMPTOR GENTIUM
56O come, O come, EmmanuelVENI, VENI, EMMANUEL
57Lo! he comes, with clouds descendingHELMSLEYTextPage Scan
58Lo! he comes, with clouds descendingST. THOMAS (Wade)TextPage Scan
59Hark! a thrilling voice is soundingMERTONTextPage Scan
60Creator of the stars of nightCONDITOR ALME SIDERUM
61"Sleepers, wake!" A voice astounds usWACHET AUF
62"Sleepers, wake!" A voice astounds usWACHET AUF
63O heavenly Word, eternal LightVERBUM SUPERNUM PRODIENS
64O heavenly Word, eternal LightO HEILAND, REISS
65Prepare the way, O ZionBEREDEN VÄG FÖR HERRAN
66Come, thou long-expected JesusSTUTTGARTText
67Comfort, comfort ye my peoplePSALM 42 TextPage Scan
68Rejoice! rejoice, believersLLANGLOFFANTextPage Scan
69What is the crying at Jordan?ST. MARK'S, BERKELEY
70Herald, sound the note of judgmentHERALD, SOUND
71Hark! the glad sound! the Savior comesBRISTOLText
72Hark! the glad sound! the Savior comesRICHMONDText
73The King shall come when morning dawnsST. STEPHENTextPage ScanAudio
74Blest be the King whose comingVALET WILL ICH DIR GEBENText
75There's a voice in the wilderness cryingASCENSIONText
76On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cryWINCHESTER NEWTextPage Scan
77From east to west, from shore to shoreVON HIMMEL KAM DER ENGEL SCHARTextPage Scan
78O little town of BethlehemFOREST GREENTextPage Scan
79O little town of BethlehemST. LOUISTextPage Scan
80From heaven above to earth I comeVON HIMMEL HOCH
81Lo, how a Rose e'er bloomingES IST EIN ROSPage Scan
82Of the Father's love begottenDIVINUM MYSTERIUMTextPage Scan
83O come, all ye faithfulADESTE FIDELESTextAudio
84Love came down at ChristmasGARTANText
85O Savior of our fallen raceCHRISTE, REDEPTOR OMNIUM
86O Savior of our fallen raceGONFALON ROYAL
87Hark! the herald angels singMENDELSSOHNText
88Sing, O sing, this blessed mornENGLAND'S LANEText
89It came upon the midnight clearCAROLTextPage Scan
90It came upon the midnight clearNOELTextPage Scan
91Break forth, O beauteous heavenly lightERMUNTRE DICH
92On this day earth shall ringPERSONENT HODIE
93Angels, from the realms of gloryREGENT SQUARETextPage Scan
94While shepherds watched their flocks by nightWINCHESTER OLDText
95While shepherds watched their flocks by nightHAMPTON (Robinson)Text
96Angels we have heard on highGLORIATextPage Scan
97Dost thou in a manger lieDIES EST LAETITIAETextPage Scan
98Unto us a boy is bornPUER NOBIS NASCITURText
99While shepherds kept their watchingGO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAINText
100Joy to the world! the Lord is comeANTIOCHTextPage Scan
101Away in a manger, no crib for his bedCRADLE SONGTextPage Scan
102Once in royal David's cityIRBY
103A child is born in Bethlehem, AlleluiaPUER NATUS IN BETHLEHEM
104A stable lamp is lightedANDÚJAR

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