Christian Worship: Hymnal

Editor: Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Publisher: Northwestern Publishing House, Milwaukee, 2021
Denomination: Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
601All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDTHText
602Great is thy faithfulness, O God my FatherFAITHFULNESSTextPage Scan
603All praise to God who reigns aboveLOBT GOTT DEN HERREN, IHR HEIDEN ALLTextPage Scan
604When all your mercies, O my GodWINCHESTER OLDTextPage Scan
605From all that dwell below the skiesLASST UNS ERFREUENTextPage Scan
606Alleluia! Sing to JesusHYMN TO JOYTextPage Scan
607The sun comes up, it's a new day dawningTEN THOUSAND REASONS
608Glory be to God the FatherWORCESTERTextPage Scan
609We praise you, O God, our Redeemer, CreatorKREMSERTextPage Scan
610Sing praise to the Lord! Praise God in the heightLAUDATE DOMINUMTextPage Scan
611Joyously I'll praise my SaviorLASSET UNS MIT JESU ZIEHENPage Scan
612O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonderHOW GREAT THOU ARTTextPage Scan
613The God of Abr'ham praiseYIGDALTextPage Scan
614Immortal, invisible, God only wiseST. DENIOTextPage Scan
615The myst'ry of the cross I cannot comprehendJESUS, THANK YOU
616Hallelujah! Sing praise to your CreatorNYANYIKANLAH
617Praise God, from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDREDTHText
618Praise the Lord with strings and pipesCHRIST TRIUMPHANT
619Praise the Almighty; my soul adore him!LOBE DEN HERREN, O MEINE SEELETextPage Scan
620O worship the King, all-glorious aboveLYONSTextPage Scan
621Praise, my soul, the King of heavenLAUDA ANIMATextPage Scan
622Voices raised to you we offerSONG OF PRAISE
623O bless the Lord, my soul!ST. THOMASText
624Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!LOBE DEN HERRENText
625Splendor and honor, majesty and powerSHADES MOUNTAINText
626My heart is filled with thankfulnessTHANKFULNESS
627To God be the glory, great things he has done!TO GOD BE THE GLORYTextPage Scan
628When in our music God is glorifiedENGELBERGTextPage Scan
629O God from God, O Light from LightO GROSSER GOTTTextPage Scan
630Thy strong word did cleave the darknessEBENEZER
631Speak, O Savior, I am list'ningWERDE MUNTERText
632Lord, open now my heart to hearERHALT UNS, HERR
633Speak, O Lord, as we come to youSPEAK, O LORD
634These are the holy Ten CommandsIN GOTTES NAMEN FAHREN WIR
635From high atop the mount where Moses standsSURSUM CORDA
636Faith and truth and life bestowingBLAENHAFRENText
637The law of God is good and wiseERHALT UNS, HERRText
638The gospel shows the Father's graceHERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND
639God has spoken by his prophetsREX GLORIAETextPage Scan
640God's Word is our great heritageREUTERTextPage Scan
641Lord Jesus Christ, with us abideACH BLEIB BEI UNSTextPage Scan
642O Word of God incarnateMUNICHTextPage Scan
644Almighty God, your Word is castDUNDEEText
645One thing's needful; Lord, this treasureEINS IST NOTText
646See this wonder in the makingTRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA
647Word and water, filled with promiseSUO GAN
648Dearest Jesus, we are hereLIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIERText
649Let the children come to meKAPHAR
650From depths of woe, Lord God, I cryAUS TIEFER NOT
651In hopelessness and near despairHERR, WIE DU WILLST (AUS TIEFER NOT II)
652For what we have done and left undoneLORD, HAVE MERCY
653Lord, to you I make confessionHERR, ICH HABE MISSGEHANDELTTextPage Scan
654Jesus sinners does receiveMEINEN JESUM LASS ICH NICHTTextPage Scan
655Before you, God, the judge of allVATER UNSERTextPage Scan
656"As surely as I live," God saidST. LUKETextPage Scan
657Baptismal waters cover meGOTTLOB, ES GEHT NUNMEHR ZU ENDEText
658With all my heart I praise you, LordAN WASSERFLÜSSEN BABYLONPage Scan
659Jesus Christ, our blessed SaviorJESUS CHRISTUS, UNSER HEILANDTextPage Scan
660Here, O my Lord, I see you face to faceFARLEY CASTLEText
661Draw near and take the body of your LordOLD 124THTextPage Scan
662Draw near and take the body of your LordNEALEText
663Soul, adorn yourself with gladnessSCHMÜCKE DICH
664Wide open stand the gates adorned with pearlJERUSALEM, DU HOCHGEBAUTE STADT
665What is this bread?PREPARATION
667Lord Jesus Christ, you have preparedDU LEBENSBROT, HERR JESU CHRISTTextPage Scan
668Jesus comes today with healingALLES IST AN GOTTES SEGEN
669In this holy, blest communionSUO GAN
670I come, O Savior, to your tableICH STERBE TÄGLICH
671Your body, giv'n for me, O SaviorDIR, DIR JEHOVAH
672Let all mortal flesh keep silencePICARDYText
673O Lord, we praise you, bless you, and adore youGOTT SEI GELOBET UND GEBENEDEIET
674The infant Priest was holy bornROCKINGHAM OLD
675At the Lamb's high feast we singSONNE DER GERECTHTIGKEITText
676I am the Word that spoke and light was madeTAKE AND EAT
677The death of Jesus Christ, our LordGOTTLOB, ES GEHT NUNMEHR ZU ENDETextPage Scan
678Once in the blest baptismal watersWER WEISS, WIE NAHETextPage Scan
679God's own child, I gladly say itBACHOFEN
680Baptized into your name most holyO DASS ICH TAUSEND ZUNGEN HÄTTE (Dretzel)TextPage Scan
681We were buried with him into deathCHRIST IS WITH ME
682All Christians who have been baptizedAUGUSTANA
683We know that Christ is raised and dies no moreENGELBERG
684Little children, come to meFATHER WELCOMES
685Through simple water, drawn and pouredWO GOTT ZUM HAUSPage Scan
686Water, blood, and Spirit cryingFILTER
687If then you have been raised with ChristHICKORY
688The gifts Christ freely givesDENBY
689Renew me, O eternal LightHERR JESU CHRIST, MEINSText
690Blest are they, the poor in spiritBLEST ARE THEY
691Awake, O sleeper, rise and seeKOMM, GOTT SCHÖPFER
692All who believe and are baptizedES IST DAS HEILTextPage Scan
693O gracious Lord, with love draw nearO WALY WALY
694Jesus, I my cross have takenHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
695Take my life and let it bePATMOSTextPage Scan
696Take my life and let it beHENDONTextPage Scan
697May we your precepts, Lord fulfillMERIBAHTextPage Scan
698Seek where you may SUCH, WER DA WILL
699Take the world, but give me JesusGIVE ME JESUSText
700Draw us to theeACH GOTT UND HERRText
701Order my life, Lord, as you willHERR, WIE DU WILLST (AUS TIEFER NOT II)Page Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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