Christian Worship: Hymnal

Editor: Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Publisher: Northwestern Publishing House, Milwaukee, 2021
Denomination: Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
401There is a fountain filled with bloodCLEANSING FOUNTAINTextPage Scan
402Glory be to JesusWEM IN LEIDENSTAGENTextPage Scan
403As high as the heav'ns are over the earthCOMPASSIONATE LAMB
404Jesus, grant that balm and healingDER AM KREUZTextPage Scan
405On my heart imprint your imageDER AM KREUZTextPage Scan
406In the hour of trialST. MARY MAGDALENETextPage Scan
407When I survey the wondrous crossHAMBURGTextPage Scan
408He stood before the courtMARLEEText
409Jesus, refuge of the wearyO DU LIEBE MEINER LIEBETextPage Scan
410Alas! and did my Savior bleedMARTYRDOMTextPage Scan
411Ride on, ride on in majesty!WINCHESTER NEWTextPage Scan
412You are the King of IsraelVALET WILL ICH DER GEBENText
413Hosanna, loud hosannaELLACOMBETextPage Scan
414No tramp of soldiers' marching feetKINGSFOLDTextPage Scan
415Exult today, Jerusalem!ZEHNDER
416When you woke that Thursday morningJOYOUS LIGHT
417It was a dark and dismal nightWENN WIR IN HÖCHSTEN NÖTEN SEINText
418The Father sees his children's chainsBLOOD OF THE LAMBPage Scan
419Sing, my tongue, the glorious battleFORTUNATUS NEW
420Jesus, I will ponder nowJESU KREUZ, LEIDEN UND PEINTextPage Scan
421Son of God, by God forsakenOMNI DIE
422A Lamb goes uncomplaining forthAN WASSERFLÜSSEN BABYLON
423Oh, to see the dawnTHE POWER OF THE CROSS
424The Garden of GethsemaneTHE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANEPage Scan
425Go to dark GethsemaneGETHSEMANETextPage Scan
426Were you there when they crucified my Lord?WERE YOU THERETextPage Scan
428O sacred head, now woundedHERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN (Isorhytmic)
429O sacred head, now woundedHERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN
430Stricken, smitten, and afflictedO MEIN JESU, ICH MUSS STERBENText
431O perfect life of love!SOUTHWELLText
432O dearest Jesus, what law have you brokenHERZLIEBSTER JESUTextPage Scan
433God was there on CalvaryGOD WAS THERE ON CALVARYPage Scan
434Upon the cross extendedO WELT, ICH MUSS DICH LASSENText
435Jesus, in your dying woesSEPTEM VERBAText
436Their nails were freshly drivenHERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGENPage Scan
437Rest, O Christ, from all your laborO MEIN JESU, ICH MUSS STERBEN
438Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Alleluia!EASTER HYMNTextPage Scan
439Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bandsCHRIST LAG IN TODESBANDENTextPage Scan
440Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bandsNORTHRIDGEText
441I know that my Redeemer lives!DUKE STREETTextPage Scan
442Christ the Lord is ris'n today; Alleluia!LLANFAIRTextPage Scan
443Awake, my heart, with gladnessAUF, AUF, MEIN HERZText
444Jesus lives! The vict'ry's won!JESUS, MEINE ZUVERSICHTText
445He's risen, he's risen, Christ Jesus, the LordWALTHER
446Jesus Christ, my sure defenseJESUS, MEIN ZUVERSICHTText
447How can it be, the One who diedCHRIST IS RISEN
448Now let the heav'ns be joyfulPROVENÇALText
449This joyful EastertideVRUECHTENText
450The day of resurrection!LANCASHIRETextPage Scan
451See, what a morning, gloriously brightSEE, WHAT A MORNING
452The strife is o'er, the battle doneVICTORYTextPage Scan
453The tomb is empty, is empty!THE TOMB IS EMPTY
455Alleluia! Jesus lives!FRED TIL BODText
456O sons and daughters of the KingGELOBT SEI GOTTTextPage Scan
457O sons and daughters of the KingO FILII ET FILIAEText
458Christ is arisenCHRIST IST ERSTANDEN
459Christ the Lord is ris'n againCHRIST IST ERSTANDENTextPage Scan
460Alleluia, alleluia!HYMN TO JOYTextPage Scan
461He is arisen! Glorious Word!WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET (Isorhythmic)TextPage Scan
462Come, you faithful, raise the strainGAUDEAMUS PARITERText
463All the fair beauty of earthSALVE FESTA DIESText
464I am content! My Jesus lives againES IST GENUGTextPage Scan
465"Christ the Lord is ris'n today!"ORIENTIS PARTIBUSTextPage Scan
466Christ has arisen, alleluiaMFURAHINI HALELUYA
467With high delight let us uniteMIT FREUDEN ZART
468These things did Thomas count as realDISTRESS
469"Welcome, happy morning!"SEI DU MIR GEGRÜSSETTextPage Scan
470Like the golden sun ascendingWERDE MUNTERTextPage Scan
471Now all the vault of heav'n resoundsLASST UNS ERFREUEN
472A hymn of glory let us sing!LASST UNS ERFREUENTextPage Scan
473Look, ye saints, the sight is gloriousGLORIOUS VISIONText
474Hail the day that sees him riseORIENTIS PARTIBUSText
475We thank you, Jesus, dearest friendERSCHIENEN IST DER HERRLICH TAGTextPage Scan
476On Christ's ascension I now buildNUN FREUT EUCH
477O day full of grace that now we seeDEN SIGNEDE DAG
478When God the Spirit cameVINEYARD HAVENText
479God's Holy Spirit cameYIGDALTextPage Scan
480Sing praise to our CreatorGOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN
481Alleluia! Let praises ring!WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTETText
482Triune God, O be our stayGOTT DER VATER, WOHN UNS BEITextPage Scan
483Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!NICAEATextPage Scan
484Oh, that I had a thousand voicesO DASS ICH TAUSEND ZUNGEN HÄTTE (König)
485Day of wrath, O day of mourning!DIES IRAE
486"Wake, awake, for night is flying"WACHET AUFText
487Lo! He comes with clouds descendingHELMSLEYTextPage Scan
488The day is surely drawing nearES IST GEWISSLICHTextPage Scan
489The King will come at age's endAGE'S ENDPage Scan
490The clouds of judgment gatherLLANGLOFFAN
491Come, you thankful people, comeST. GEORGE'S, WINDSORTextPage Scan
492A few more years shall rollTALENTSText
493Rejoice, rejoice, believersHAF TRONES LAMPA FÄRDIGText
494See, he comes, the King of glorySEE, HE COMESPage Scan
495The King shall come when morning dawnsFLIGHT OF THE EARLSText
496Jesus! Name of wondrous loveGOTT SEI DANK DURCH ALLE WELTText
497O Light of Gentile nationsMUNICHTextPage Scan
498Stars of the morning, so gloriously brightO QUANTA QUALIATextPage Scan
499Christ, the Lord of hosts, unshakenFORTUNATUS NEW
500Lord God, to you we give all praiseERHALT UNS, HERRText

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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