The Chapel Hymnal with Tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
98Hail the day that sees Him riseASCENSIONPage Scan
99Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspireVENI CREATOR SPIRITUSPage Scan
100Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathedST. CUTHBERTPage Scan
101Why should the children of a KingELVETPage Scan
102Forgive them, O My FatherST. MARGARETPage Scan
103Come unto Me, ye wearyCOME UNTO MEPage Scan
104I heard the Voice of Jesus sayVOX DILECTIPage Scan
105O Thou, That hear'st the prayer of faithST. AUGUSTINPage Scan
106Lord, we raise our cry to TheeMILMANPage Scan
107Weary of earth, and laden with my sinLANGRANPage Scan
108I lay my sins on JesusMOSCOWPage Scan
109Soldiers of Christ, ariseMINISTER YARDPage Scan
110Onward, Christian soldiersONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERSPage Scan
111Father, I know that all my lifeST. BEDEPage Scan
112O Jesus, I have promisedDAY OF RESTPage Scan
113Forward! be our watchwordST. BONIFACEPage Scan
114O Lord of heaven and earth and seaWORDSWORTHPage Scan
115My faith looks up to TheeFAITHPage Scan
116Jesus, I my cross have takenJERUSALEM CHAMBERPage Scan
117Go forward, Christian soldierST. THEODULPHPage Scan
118Christian, dost thou see themST. ANDREW OF CRETEPage Scan
119Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead usMANNHEIMPage Scan
120Thy way, not mine, O LordST. CAECILIAPage Scan
121My God, is any hour so sweetPRAYERPage Scan
122Inspirer and Hearer of prayerST. JEROMEPage Scan
123Our Father, Thou in Heaven aboveTHE OLD ONE HUNDRED AND TWELFTHPage Scan
124When the weary, seeking restINTERCESSIONPage Scan
125Nearer, my God, to TheeHORBURYPage Scan
126My God, my Father, while I strayST. GABRIELPage Scan
127Sweet is Thy mercy, LordMONSELLPage Scan
128Art thou weary, art thou languidCHRISTUS CONSOLATORPage Scan
129Son of God! to Thee I cryLITANYPage Scan
130If thou but suffer God to guide theeNEUMARCKPage Scan
131The starry firmament on highHAMMERSMITHPage Scan
132Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloomLUX BENIGNAPage Scan
133Sometimes a Light surprisesBENTLEYPage Scan
134Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsEXCELSIUSPage Scan
135Father, whate'er of earthly blissBEATITUDOPage Scan
136'Tis a pleasant thing to seeUNITYPage Scan
137Not in anger, Mighty GodROSENMÜLLERPage Scan
138I journey thro' a desert drear and wildST. MAURPage Scan
139When languor and disease invadeHOLY TRINITYPage Scan
140When our heads are bowed with woeREDHEADPage Scan
141O Son of God, our Captain of SalvationST. BARNABASPage Scan
142Deck thyself, my soul, with gladnessUPSALPage Scan
143Sleep thy last sleepOMEGAPage Scan
144Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!BRESLAUPage Scan
145Unveil thy bosom, faithful tombBRESLAUPage Scan
146Hark! a Voice divides the skySALZBURGPage Scan
147Now the laborer's task is o'erREQUIESCAT IN PACEPage Scan
148Our God stands firm, a Rock and Tow'rWORMSPage Scan
149From Greenland's icy mountainsLANCASHIREPage Scan
150The Church's one FoundationAURELIAPage Scan
151On the mountain's top appearingREGENT SQUAREPage Scan
152Uplift the banner! Let it floatUPLIFT THE BANNERPage Scan
153Jesus, my Lord, how rich Thy grace!GRONINGENPage Scan
154We give Thee but Thine ownWE GIVE THEE BUT THINE OWNPage Scan
155Thro' midnight gloom from MacedonOFFERTORYPage Scan
156In sweet consent let all the anthem singIN SWEET CONSENTPage Scan
157Days and moments quickly flyingST. SYLVESTERPage Scan
158That day of wrath, that dreadful dayDIES IRAEPage Scan
159Songs of praise the angels sangCULFORDPage Scan
160Let our Choir new anthems raiseST. JOSEPH OF THE STUDIUMPage Scan
161Head of the Church TriumphantGLORIA TIBIPage Scan
162O happy band of pilgrimsST. ANSELMPage Scan
163Safe home, safe home in port!SAFE HOMEPage Scan
164For all the saints, who from their labors restREQUIESCATPage Scan
165Blessed city, Heav'nly SalemURBS BEATA HIERUSALEMPage Scan
166There is a blessed HomeEGMONDPage Scan
167O Paradise! O Paradise!PARADISEPage Scan
168Jerusalem, the goldenEWINGPage Scan
169Ten thousand times ten thousandALFORDPage Scan
170Upward where the stars are burningBONARPage Scan
171Hark! hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swellingPILGRIMSPage Scan
172I'm but a stranger hereHEAVEN IS MY HOMEPage Scan
173Hark! the sound of holy voicesETONPage Scan
174How bright these glorious spirits shine!ST. AGNESPage Scan
175Come, children, lift your voicesHARVESTPage Scan
176Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation!LAUDATE DOMINUMPage Scan
177We plough the fields and scatterWE PLOUGH THE FIELDSPage Scan
178Come, ye thankful people, comeST. GEORGE'S, WINDSORPage Scan
179Fierce was the wild billowNEALEPage Scan
180When through the torn sail the wild tempest is streamingHEBERPage Scan
181Standing at the portal of the opening yearNEW YEARPage Scan
182Now thank we all our GodMARENZOPage Scan
183When, His salvation bringingAMSTERDAMPage Scan
184Little children, Advent bids youADVENTPage Scan
185By cool Siloam's shady rillHOLY TRINITYPage Scan
186O Thou, Who by a star didst guideST. ETHELDREDAPage Scan
187We are but little children weakALSTONEPage Scan
188Jesus, meek and lowlyEENDRACHTPage Scan
189Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear meINNOCENTS' DAYPage Scan
190Jesus, Holy, UndefiledFERRIERPage Scan
191There is a glorious World of lightCOELI GAUDIAPage Scan
192Saviour, Who Thy flock art feedingDYKESPage Scan
193Tomorrow, Lord, is ThineMONSELLPage Scan
194Jesus Christ our SaviourPENRHYNPage Scan
195Gracious Saviour, gentle ShepherdREQUIEMPage Scan
196Angel voices, ever singingANGEL VOICESPage Scan
197There is a happy landEDENPage Scan

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