The Christian Harmonist: containing a set of tunes adapted to all the metres in Mr. Rippon's Selection of Hymns, in the collection of hymns by Mr. Joshua Smith, and in Dr. Watt's Psalms and Hymns...

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201Brethren, those who come to blissPage Scan
202The God I trustPage Scan
203The fear of the LordPage Scan
204The great God of LovePage Scan
205Come, friends and relations, let's join heart & handPage Scan
206Hail, sov'reign love! that first beganPage Scan
207As shepherds in Jewry were guarding their sheepPage Scan
208From whence doth this union arisePage Scan
209Still out of the deepest abyssPage Scan
210Blow ye the trumpet, blow!Page Scan
211Almighty love, inspirePage Scan
212"Mercy, O thou Son of David!"Page Scan
213Come away to the skiesPage Scan
214The voice of free grace cries, escape to the mountainPage Scan
215Now the Saviour stands a pleadingPage Scan
216Great God, the heav'ns well-order'd framePage Scan
217Ye holy souls, in God rejoicePage Scan
218The Lord, the Sov'reign, sends his summons forthPage Scan
219The God of glory sends his summons forthPage Scan
220Judges, who rule the world by lawsPage Scan
221O God of my salvation, hearPage Scan
222Think, mighty God, on feeble manPage Scan
223The Lord of glory reigns, he reigns on highPage Scan
224The Lord Jehovah reignsPage Scan
225Not to our names, thou only Just and TruePage Scan
226How pleas'd and blest was IPage Scan
227How pleasant 'tis to seePage Scan
228Along the banks, where Babel's current flowsPage Scan
229I'll praise my Maker with my breathPage Scan
230Ye tribes of Adam, joinPage Scan
231Ah! lovely appearance of death!Page Scan
232Sov'reign grace has pow'r alonePage Scan
233We've found the Rock, the trav'llers cry'dPage Scan
234A beggar poor at mercy's doorPage Scan
235Farewell, farewell, a sad, a long farewellPage Scan
236Gird thy loins, up, Christian WarriorPage Scan
237House of our God, with cheerful anthems ringPage Scan
238Hear our pray'r, hear our pray'rPage Scan
239My soul, Lord, inflamePage Scan
240Kind Teacher & LordPage Scan
241Of Jesus I singPage Scan
242The reason we love friendship we will deny to no manPage Scan
243O when shall I see JesusPage Scan
244A fountain in Jesus, which always runs freePage Scan
245My Christ is my friendPage Scan
246What contradictions meetPage Scan
247Christ is set on Zion's hillPage Scan
248Come on, my fellow pilgrims, comePage Scan
249Attend, ye saints, & hear me tellPage Scan
250Come, angels, seize your harps of goldPage Scan
251The fields are all white & the harvest is nearPage Scan
252See the Lord of glory dying!Page Scan
253Stop, poor sinner, stop & thinkPage Scan
254Come, all ye dear souls, who are of Adam's loinsPage Scan
255Precious Bible! what a treasurePage Scan
256My soul, now arisePage Scan
257Peace be unto this housePage Scan
258O be joyful in the Lord, be joyful in the Lord, all ye landsPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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