[Sgaw Karen Baptist Hymnal, 1963] | Burma Baptist Convention | 1963 |
A Baptist Hymn Book, Designed Especially for the Regular Baptist Church and All Lovers of Truth | Primitive Baptists | 1844 |
A Choice Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the use of the Baptist Church and all lovers of song | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1877 |
A Collection of Divine Hymns from Various Authors | Free Will Baptists | 1814 |
A Collection of Evangelical Hymns | Baptist Church | 1793 |
A Collection of Sacred Songs | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1883 |
A New and Choice Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Use of the Regular Baptist Church. 10th ed. | Regular Baptists | 1877 |
A New Selection of Hymns; designed for the use of conference meetings, private circles, and congregations, as a supplement to Dr. Watts' Psalms and Hymns | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1812 |
A New Selection of Psalms and Hymns from the Most Approved Authors, Adapted to Public and Private Worship. 2nd ed. | Seventh-Day Baptist General Conference | 1832 |
A New Selection of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: from the best authors; designed for the use of conference meetings, private circles, and congregations (21st ed. with an appendix) | Baptist | 1839 |
A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1826 |
A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: designed (especially the former part) for the use of congregations as an appendix to Dr. Watt's Psalms and Hymn | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1809 |
A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: in two parts, part I. containing the hymns; part II. containing the songs...(3rd ed. corr. and enl. by author) | Baptist | 1817 |
A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors, intended to be an Appendix to Dr. Watts' Psalms & Hymns. 2nd Baltimore ed. | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1804 |
A Selection of Hymns, from Various Authors: adapted to Public Worship and Social Prayer Meetings | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1831 |
A Selection of Hymns: including a few originals, designed to aid the friends of Zion in their private and social worship | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1829 |
A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under appointment of the Philadelphian Association (2nd ed) | Philadelphia Baptist Association | 1801 |
A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the Philadelphian Association | Philadelphia Baptist Association | 1790 |
A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the Philadelphian Association (4th ed.) | Philadelphia Baptist Association | 1819 |
Abiding Songs | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1936 |
Alabanza Cubana Para las Naciones | Convención Bautista de Cuba Oriental | 2010 |
American Baptist Hymnal | American Baptist Association | 1960 |
Baptismal Harmonies: or, Baptismal Hymns: prepared with special reference to the design and singifcancy of the ordinance, in its relation to the work of Christ and the experience and profession of... | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1862 |
Baptist Chorals: a tune and hymn book designed to promote general congregational singing; containing one hundred and sixty four tunes adapted to about four hundred choice hymns | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1860 |
Baptist Church Hymnal (Revised) | Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland | 1933 |
Baptist Harmony | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1876 |
Baptist Hymn Book | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1847 |
Baptist Hymnal (1975 ed) | Southern Baptist Convention | 1975 |
Baptist Hymnal 1991 | Southern Baptist | 1991 |
Baptist Hymnal 2008 | Southern Baptist | 2008 |
Baptist Songs with Music | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1879 |
Baptist Student Missionary Movement Hymnal | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1916 |
Beginners Teachers' Manual | Northern Baptist Convention | 1912 |
Celestial Showers No. 1, a collection of gospel songs used in Rev. I. Toliver's Meetings | National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. | 1895 |
Cheerful Tidings | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1882 |
Cherokee Hymn Book compiled from several authors and revised - ᏣᎳᎩ ᏗᎧᏃᎩᏍᏗ (tsalagi dikanogisdi) | Baptist | 1896 |
Children's Praises | Northern Baptist Convention | 1914 |
Choice Songs [No. 1] | National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. | 1894 |
Choice Songs: a collection of Sunday school and gospel songs for use in churches, Sunday schools, young people's societies, revival meetings and conventions | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1902 |
Christian Praise: hymns and tunes for the use of the Baptist churches | Baptist | 1871 |
Christian Worship: a hymnal | Northern Baptist Convention | 1941 |
Conference Hymns. 2nd ed. | Free Will Baptists | 1828 |
Conference Hymns. a new collection of hymns, designed especially for use in conference and prayer meetings, and family worship. | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1849 |
Convention Songbook: Hymns Selected from Broadman Songbooks | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1944 |
Convention Songs | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1944 |
Crusade Songs | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1954 |
Die Pilgerharfe: eine sammlung evangelischer lieder, für den Gebrauch gläubig getauster Christen und der Gemeinden des Herrn in Nordamerika | German Baptist Conference (U.S.) | 1854 |
Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs for ... Religious Assemblies and Private Christians ... 9th ed. | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1799 |
Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs: for the Use of Religious Assemblies and Private Christians (7th Ed. Rev.) | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1800 |
Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs: for the use of religious assemblies and private Christians (Latest and largest ed.) | Baptist Church - New Hampshire Association | 1794 |
Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs: for the use of religious assemblies and private Christians: being formerly a collection (12th ed.) | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1811 |
Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs: for the Use of Religious Assemblies and Private Christians. 8th ed. | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1797 |
Dyer's Psalmist: A Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs for the use of Baptist Churches (Rev. & Corrd. ed.) | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1851 |
Ein Angenehmer Geruch der Rosen und Lilien die in Thal der Demuth unter den Dornen hervor gemachsen. Alles aus der Schwesterlichen Gesell schafft in Saron | Seventh-Day (German) Baptists, 1728- (Ephrata Comm | 1756 |
Eine Sammlung von Psalmen, Lobgesaengen, und Geistlichen Liedern | North American (German) Baptist General Conference | 1893 |
Evangelistic songs | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1948 |
Falls Creek Songs | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1948 |
First Baptist Favorites | American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. | 1997 |
Free Will Baptist Hymn Book | Free Will Baptists | 1964 |
Fridsroester Sangbok foer Vaeckelsemoeten, Boenemoeten, Ungdomsmoeten, Soenddagsskilan och Hemmet | Swedish Baptist General Conference of America | 1910 |
Frohe Lieder und Brüder-Harfe: eine Sammlung von Liedern für Sonntagschulen und Jugendvereine (Spezialle Aufl.) | German Baptist Conference (U.S.) | 1898 |
General Baptist Hymn Book | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1859 |
Glorious Praise: specially prepared for use in the prayer meeting, the church service, the young people's meetings, the Sunday school, the evangelistic and other religious gatherings | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1904 |
Gospel Hymnal | Baptist General Conference of America | 1950 |
Gospel Jubilee and Soul Melodies | National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. | 1918 |
Gospel Pearls | National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. | 1921 |
Gottiche Liebes und Lobesgethoene | Seventh-Day (German) Baptists, 1728- (Ephrata Comm | 1730 |
Himnario Bautista | Southern Baptist Convention | 1978 |
Hymn and Tune Book for Use in Old School or Primitive Baptist Churches | Primitive Baptists | 1886 |
Hymnbook for Christian Worship | American Baptist Convention | 1970 |
Hymns and Songs of the Spirit | American Baptist Convention | 1966 |
Hymns and Spiritual Songs | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1766 |
Hymns and Spiritual Songs, selected from Several Approved Authors, Recommended by the Baptist General Committee of Virginia | Baptist | 1793 |
Hymns for Christian Melody | Free Will Baptists | 1835 |
Hymns for Social Worship, Compiled for the Use of Canadian Baptist Churches | Canadian Baptists | 1869 |
Hymns for the Sixth Baptist World Congress at Atlanta | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1939 |
Hymns of Zion | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1829 |
Hymns on Different Spiritual Subjects. Part I | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1792 |
Hymns on Various Subjects | Philadelphia Baptist Association | 1792 |
Hymns, Psalms and Gospel Songs with Responsive Readings | Northern Baptist Convention | 1911 |
Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs, including Some Never Before in Print | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1825 |
In Spirit and In Truth: a worship hymnal | American Baptist Association | 1987 |
Jacobs Kampff- und Ritter-Platz allwo der Nach Seinem Ursprung... | Seventh-Day (German) Baptists, 1728- (Ephrata Comm | 1736 |
Jehovah's Praise: a choice collection of hymns and gospel songs for church, Sunday school, young people's meeting and revival work | Southern Baptist Convention | 1925 |
Junior Hymnal | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1964 |
Junior Hymns and Songs: for use in Church School, Sunday Session, Week Day Session, Vacation Session, Junior Societies (Judson Ed.) | Northern Baptist Convention | 1927 |
Kind Words | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1891 |
Kind Words: a new collection of hymns and tunes for sunday schools and the social circle | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1871 |
Little Book of Favorite Hymns: designed as a supplement for the Primitive Baptist Hymn and Tune Book | Primitive Baptists | 1993 |
Look and Live Songs | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1945 |
Manly's Choice | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1891 |
Manual of Christian Psalmody: a collection of psalms and hymns for public worship | Baptist | 1832 |
Missionary Hymnal | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1906 |
Missionary Hymns | North American (German) Baptist General Conference | 1890 |
Missionary Hymns, with Tunes | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1892 |
Missionary Melodies | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1950 |
Nachklang zum Gesäng der einsamen Turtel Taube, enthaltend eine neue Sammlung Geistlicher Lieder | Seventh-Day (German) Baptists, 1728- (Ephrata Comm | 1755 |
National Baptist Convention Hymnal | National Baptist Convention of America | 1919 |
National Jubilee Melodies | National Baptist Convention of America | 1916 |
National Tidings of Joy | National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. | 1878 |
New Baptist Hymnal: containing standard and Gospel hymns and responsive readings | Northern Baptist Convention | 1926 |
New Revival Gems: a Small Book with a Big Mission | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1935 |
New Sacred Songs, Prepared Expressly for the National Baptist S. S. Convention | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1872 |
North American Hymnal (2nd ed.) | North American Baptist Conference | 1960 |
Nya Psalmisten: sånger för allmän och enskild uppbyggelse | Swedish Baptist General Conference of America | 1903 |
Nyimbo za Imani Yetu | Baptist Convention of Kenya | 2003 |
Nyimbo Za Imani Yetu | Baptist Convention of Kenya | 1994 |
Ocean Melodies, and Seamen's Companion: a collection of hymns and music; for the use of Bethels, Chaplains of the Navy and private devotion of Mariners | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1849 |
Old School Sonnets, or a Selection of Choice Hymns | Primitive (Old School) Baptists | 1836 |
Old-Line Primitive Baptist Hymn and Tune Book | Primitive Baptists | 2016 |
Our Favorite Hymnal | Primitive (Old School) Baptists | 1938 |
Our Hymns: compiled for use in the services of the Baptist Temple | Philadelphia Baptist Association | 1903 |
Our Service of Song | Canadian Baptists | 1875 |
Our Song Book: a collection of songs selected and edited expressly for the Sunday School of the First Baptist Peddie Memorial Church, Newark, N. J. | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1890 |
Our Treasury of Song, for Use in the Emmanuel Baptist Church | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1883 |
Pocket Hymns: original and selected. designed for the use of the regular Baptist church, and all who love our Lord Jesus Christ | United Baptist Church | 1867 |
Praise and Service | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1907 |
Primary Teachers' Manual | Northern Baptist Convention | 1913 |
Primitive Baptist Hymn and Tune Book | Primitive Baptists | 1952 |
Primitive Baptist Hymn and Tune book | Primitive (Old School) Baptists | 1907 |
Primitive Baptist Hymn and Tune Book. Rev. | Primitive (Old School) Baptists | 1935 |
Primitive Baptist hymn book for all lovers of sacred song (4th ed.) | Primitive Baptists | 1887 |
Primitive Baptist Hymn Book for All Lovers of Sacred Song. 3rd ed. | Primitive (Old School) Baptists | 1887 |
Primitive Baptist Hymnal | Primitive (Old School) Baptists | 1961 |
Programm fuer den 29 Kindertag | North American (German) Baptist General Conference | 1913 |
Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs ... for the Use of the United Church of Christ, Commonly Called Free Will Baptist | Free Will Baptists | 1823 |
Rejoice: The Free Will Baptist hymn book | National Association of Free Will Baptists | 1995 |
Religious Education Music Manual | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1927 |
Revival Hymns | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1878 |
Revival Songs | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1929 |
Sacred Melodies for Conference and Prayer Meetings, and for Social and Private Devotion (13th ed.) | Free Will Baptists | 1856 |
Sacred Melodies: for conference and prayer meetings and for social and private devotion (5th ed.) | Free Will Baptists | 1842 |
Sacred Melodies: for conference and prayer meetings and for social and private devotion. | Free Will Baptists (1780?-1911) | 1836 |
Select Gems: a choice collection of popular hymns and music for use in prayer meetings, the home and Sunday schools | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1889 |
Select Hymns | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1850 |
Select Hymns: adapted to the devotional exercises of the Baptist denomination (2nd ed.) | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1837 |
Select Sacred Songs | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1929 |
Select Sunday School Songs | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1885 |
Song Evangel | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1940 |
Songs and Choruses of our Southern Baptist Young People | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1928 |
Songs for Juniors | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1953 |
Songs for Primaries | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1948 |
Songs for the Lord's House | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1880 |
Songs of Life, for Use in the Sunday School ... | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1946 |
Songs of Redemption | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1920 |
Songs of the Kingdom: prepared for the use of young people's societies and adapter for prayer meetings, Sunday schools and the home | Baptist | 1896 |
Songs of Victory | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1937 |
Soul Songs. Souvenir & Prospectus ed. | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1902 |
Soul-stirring Songs and Hymns (Rev. ed.) | Independent Fundamental Baptist | 1989 |
Springtime and the Children (Six Nature and Bible Lessons for the Primary Department, culminating in the Easter Lesson) | Northern Baptist Convention | 1915 |
Sunday School Hymns of the Second Baptist Church ... Germantown | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1872 |
Sursum Corda: a book of praise | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1898 |
Temple Hosannas | Northern Baptist Convention | 1913 |
The American Baptist Sabbath-School Hymn-Book | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1842 |
The Baptist Church Hymnal (Rev. ed.) | Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland | 1933 |
The Baptist Church Hymnal: chants and anthems with music | Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland | 1900 |
The Baptist Harmony | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1834 |
The Baptist Harmony | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1842 |
The Baptist Harp: a new collection of hymns for the closet, the family, social worship, and revivals | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1849 |
The Baptist Hymn and Praise Book | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1904 |
The Baptist Hymn and Tune Book for Public Worship | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1873 |
The Baptist Hymn and Tune Book, for Public Worship | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1871 |
The Baptist Hymn and Tune Book: being "The Plymouth Collection" enlarged and adapted to the use of Baptist churches | Baptist | 1858 |
The Baptist Hymn Book | Baptist | 1871 |
The Baptist Hymn Book, in Two Parts | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1825 |
The Baptist Hymn Book: comprising a large and choice collection of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, adapted to the faith and order of the Old School, or Primitive Baptists (2nd stereotype Ed.) | Primitive Baptists | 1859 |
The Baptist Hymn Book: original and selected: in two parts | Baptist | 1842 |
The Baptist Hymnal, for Use in the Church and Home | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1883 |
The Baptist Hymnal: for use in the church and home | American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. | 2012 |
The Baptist Hymnal. Shaped notes ed. | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1905 |
The Baptist Praise Book | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1872 |
The Baptist Psalmody: a selection of hymns for the worship of God | Southern Baptist Convention | 1850 |
The Baptist Sabbath School Hymn Book | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1851 |
The Baptist Standard Hymnal: with responsive readings: a new book for all services | National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. | 1924 |
The Broadman Hymnal | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1940 |
The Calvary Hymnal: for Sunday School, Prayer Meeting and Church Service | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1891 |
The Canadian Baptist Hymn Book | Canadian Baptists | 1873 |
The Canadian Baptist Hymnal for the use of Churches and Families | Canadian Baptists | 1889 |
The Carol | Seventh-Day Baptist General Conference | 1854 |
The Chapel Choir Sings | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1956 |
The Children's Choir | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1860 |
The Choralist | Free Will Baptists | 1859 |
The Chord | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1903 |
The Christian Harmonist: containing a set of tunes adapted to all the metres in Mr. Rippon's Selection of Hymns, in the collection of hymns by Mr. Joshua Smith, and in Dr. Watt's Psalms and Hymns... | Baptist | 1804 |
The Church Musician. Vol. l8, No. 8 | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1967 |
The Concord Choir Sings | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1956 |
The Confederate Sunday School Hymn Book | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1864 |
The Coronation Hymnal: a selection of hymns and songs | American Baptist Missionary Union | 1894 |
The Devotional Hymn and Tune Book: for social and public worship | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1864 |
The Devotional Hymn Book | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1864 |
The Discipline of the United Freewill Baptist Church: together with hymns and spiritual songs, for the use of its members | Baptist | 1819 |
The Dover Selection of Spiritual Songs | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1829 |
The Dover Selection of Spiritual Songs, with an Appendix of Choice Hymns | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1828 |
The Gospel Alarm | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1886 |
The Heart's Offering: with Songs New and Old for The Lord's Memorial | Northern Baptist Convention | 1915 |
The Hymnal | Canadian Baptist Federation | 1973 |
The Hymnary for use in Baptist churches | Canadian Baptists | 1936 |
The Lad and the Loaves | Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions (U.S.) | 1902 |
The Latest Collection of Original and Select Hymns and Spiritual Songs | Free Will Baptists (1780?-1911) | 1813 |
The Little Seraph: in seven character notes, for churches and Sunday-schools | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1874 |
The Lyrica: a collection of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, adapted to general use | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1834 |
The National Baptist Hymn Book | National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. | 1906 |
The National Baptist Hymn Book: a collection of old meter songs (Worded ed.) | National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. | 1906 |
The National Baptist Hymnal: arranged for use in churches, Sunday schools, and young people's socieities (5th ed. Rev.) | National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. | 1904 |
The New Baptist Praise Book: or, Hymns of the Centuries | Northern Baptist Convention | 1914 |
The New Baptist Psalmist and Tune Book: for churches and Sunday-schools | Southern Baptist Convention | 1873 |
The New Laudes Domini: a selection of spiritual songs, ancient and modern for use in Baptist churches | Baptist | 1892 |
The New National Baptist Hymnal | National Baptist Convention of America | 1977 |
The New National Baptist Hymnal (21st Century Edition) | National Baptist Convention of America | 2001 |
The Old Baptist Hymn Book | General Six-Principle Baptists | 1842 |
The Old School Hymnal No. 7. Rev. | Primitive (Old School) Baptists | 1939 |
The People's Praise Book or Carmina Sanctorum | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1889 |
The Primitive Baptist Hymnal: a choice collection of hymns and tunes of early and late composition | Primitive Baptists | 1881 |
The Primitive Hymns: Spiritual Songs and Sacred Poems Regularly Selected, Classified and Set in Order ... Stereotype ed. | Primitive (Old School) Baptists | 1858 |
The Psalmist: a new collection of hymns for the use of Baptist churches; with a supplement | Baptist | 1849 |
The Psalmist: a New Collection of Hymns for the Use of the Baptist Churches | Baptist | 1843 |
The Psalmody: a collection of hymns for public and social worship | Free Will Baptists | 1853 |
The Sabbath Hymn Book. Baptist ed. | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1858 |
The Sacred Harp. New ed. | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1860 |
The Sacred Lute | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1855 |
The Service of Song for Baptist Churches | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1871 |
The Service of Song for Baptist Churches | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1876 |
The Social Psalmist: a new selection of hymns for conference meetings and family worship | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1849 |
The South Western Psalmist | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1852 |
The Southern Psalmist | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1859 |
The Union Hymnal | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1892 |
The Virginia Selection of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs: from the most approved authors; adapted to the various occasions of public and social meetings (New Ed. Enl. and Imp.) | Baptist | 1842 |
The Young Christian's Companion | Baptist | 1826 |
The Young Christian's Companion. 2nd ed. | Baptist hymnals (general) | 1829 |
Total Praise: songs and other worship resources for every generation | National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. | 2011 |
Victorious Praise | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1922 |
Voice of Praise | Southern Baptist Convention, 1845- | 1947 |
Vorspiel der Neuen-Welt | Seventh-Day (German) Baptists, 1728- (Ephrata Comm | 1732 |
Zion's Harp | Free Will Baptists | 1844 |
Zion's Hymns, for the Use of the Original Free-Will Baptist Church of North Carolina | Free Will Baptists | 1854 |
Zionitischer Weyrauchs Huegel; oder, Weyrrhen Berg | Seventh-Day (German) Baptists, 1728- (Ephrata Comm | 1739 |
Русско-американский сборник: Гимны Христиан - Russian-American Hymnal: Christian Hymns | Baptist | 1994 |
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