The Book of Common Praise: being the Hymn Book of the Church of England in Canada. Annotated edition

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
496In the cross of Christ I gloryPage Scan
497I heard the voice of Jesus sayPage Scan
498In the hour of trialPage Scan
499Lo! the voice of JesusPage Scan
500Jerusalem, my happy homePage Scan
501O mother dear, JerusalemPage Scan
502Jerusalem on highPage Scan
503Jesus, I my cross have takenPage Scan
504Jesus, I will trust Thee, trust Thee with my soulPage Scan
505Those eternal bowers man hath never trodPage Scan
506Jesus, Lord of life and gloryPage Scan
507Jesus, lover of my soulPage Scan
508Jesu, meek and gentlePage Scan
509Jesu, meek and lowlyPage Scan
510Jesu, my Lord, my God, my AllPage Scan
511Leader of faithful souls, and GuidePage Scan
512Jesus is God: the solid earthPage Scan
513Jesus, Saviour, pilot mePage Scan
514It came upon the midnight clearPage Scan
515Jesu, these eyes have never seenPage Scan
516Praise to the Holiest in the heightPage Scan
517Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
518Jesus, Name of wondrous love!Page Scan
519Jesus, Thy Blood and righteousnessPage Scan
520Jesus lives! thy terrors nowPage Scan
521Jesus, stand among usPage Scan
522O let him whose sorrowPage Scan
523Jesu, where'er Thy people meetPage Scan
524What various hindrances we meetPage Scan
525Jesu, the very Thought of TheePage Scan
526O Jesus, King most wonderfulPage Scan
527Joy to the world! The Lord is comePage Scan
528Just as I am—without one pleaPage Scan
529O Thou the contrite sinner's FriendPage Scan
530Lead us, heavenly Father, lead usPage Scan
531Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloomPage Scan
532Let saints below in concert singPage Scan
533Lift up your heads, ye gates of brassPage Scan
534Lord, as to Thy dear cross we fleePage Scan
535Lord Jesus, think on mePage Scan
536Light's abode, celestial SalemPage Scan
537Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessingPage Scan
538Lord God, the Holy GhostPage Scan
539Lord Jesu, when we stand afarPage Scan
540Lord, speak to me that I may speakPage Scan
541Lord of all power and mightPage Scan
542Thou Whose almighty wordPage Scan
543Lord of our life, and God of our salvationPage Scan
544Lord of the worlds abovePage Scan
545Ye holy angels brightPage Scan
546Look ye saints! the sight is gloriousPage Scan
547Lord, now we part in Thy blest NamePage Scan
548Lord, teach us how to pray arightPage Scan
549Lord, when we bend before Thy thronePage Scan
550Lord, Thy Word abidethPage Scan
551Love of Jesus, all divinePage Scan
552Shepherd of tender youthPage Scan
553My faith looks up to TheePage Scan
554Lo, God is here: let us adorePage Scan
555Lo! round the throne, a glorious bandPage Scan
556My God, how endless is Thy lovePage Scan
557Must Jesus bear the Cross alonePage Scan
558My God, how wonderful Thou artPage Scan
559My God, is any hour so sweetPage Scan
560My God, my Father, while I strayPage Scan
561More holiness give me, more strivings withinPage Scan
562Nearer, my God, to TheePage Scan
563Not for our sins alonePage Scan
564Thy life was given for mePage Scan
565O for a faith that will not shrinkPage Scan
566O God, our help in ages pastPage Scan
567O for a heart to praise my GodPage Scan
568O for a thousand tongues to singPage Scan
569O God of God! O Light of Light!Page Scan
570O God of Bethel, by Whose handPage Scan
571O God of truth, Whose living wordPage Scan
572O happy band of pilgrimsPage Scan
573O heavenly JerusalemPage Scan
574O help us Lord; each hour of needPage Scan
575O Thou, from Whom all goodness flowsPage Scan
576O Holy Spirit, Lord of gracePage Scan
577O Saviour, may we never restPage Scan
578O Holy Ghost, Thy people blessPage Scan
579O Jesus, I have promisedPage Scan
580O Jesu, Thou art standingPage Scan
581O Lord, how happy should we bePage Scan
582O Love Divine, how sweet Thou art!Page Scan
583O Lord, how joyful 'tis to seePage Scan
584O Love, how deep! how broad! how high!Page Scan
585O Love, Who formedst me to wearPage Scan
586Sing praise to the Lord! Praise Him in the heightsPage Scan
587Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimPage Scan
588Oft in danger, oft in woePage Scan
589O what if we are Christ'sPage Scan
590Out of the deep I callPage Scan
591Oh, the bitter shame and sorrowPage Scan
592On the Resurrection morningPage Scan
593Where the Light for ever shinethPage Scan
594Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathedPage Scan
595O what their joy and their glory must bePage Scan

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