The Book of Common Praise: being the Hymn Book of the Church of England in Canada. Annotated edition

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
196How oft, O Lord, Thy face hath shonePage Scan
197We sing the glorious conquestPage Scan
198O Sion, open wide Thy gatesPage Scan
199In His temple now behold HimPage Scan
200Bishop of the souls of menPage Scan
201Praise we the Lord this dayPage Scan
202The God Whom earth and sea and skyPage Scan
203We praise Thy grace, O SaviourPage Scan
204King of saints, we offerPage Scan
205O Son of God, our Captain of SalvationPage Scan
206Lo! from the desert homesPage Scan
207Lamb of God, to Thee we raisePage Scan
208Forsaken once, and thrice deniedPage Scan
209For all Thy Saints, a noble throngPage Scan
210King of saints, to Whom the numberPage Scan
211Behold, the Master passeth by!Page Scan
212Stars of the morning, so gloriously brightPage Scan
213Praise to God, Who reigns abovePage Scan
214Around the throne of God a bandPage Scan
215They come, God's messengers of lovePage Scan
216What thanks and praise to Thee we owePage Scan
217Thou Who sentest Thine apostlesPage Scan
218Who are these like stars appearingPage Scan
219For all the saints who from their labors restPage Scan
220The saints of God! their conflict passPage Scan
221The eternal gifts of Christ the KingPage Scan
222Captains of the saintly bandPage Scan
223Behold the messengers of ChristPage Scan
224Hark! the sound of holy voicesPage Scan
225How bright the glorious spirits shine!Page Scan
226Let our choir new anthems raisePage Scan
227For all Thy saints, O LordPage Scan
228Give me the wings of faith to risePage Scan
229For ever we would gaze on TheePage Scan
230Upon the holy mount they stoodPage Scan
231O Master, it is good to bePage Scan
232Bread of heaven, on Thee we feedPage Scan
233And now, O Father, mindful of the lovePage Scan
234O Holy Father, Who in tender lovePage Scan
235Till he come—O let the wordsPage Scan
236Bread of the world, in mercy brokenPage Scan
237My God, and is Thy table spreadPage Scan
238Be still, my soul, for God is nearPage Scan
239According to Thy gracious wordPage Scan
240I am not worthy, Holy LordPage Scan
241By Christ redeemed, in Christ restoredPage Scan
242Draw nigh and take the Body of the LordPage Scan
243O Christ, our God, Who with Thine own hast beenPage Scan
244Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to facePage Scan
245Thee we adore, O unseen Saviour, TheePage Scan
246Not worthy, Lord, to gather up the crumbsPage Scan
247I hunger and I thirstPage Scan
248Now, my tongue, the mystery tellingPage Scan
249Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendourPage Scan
250O God, unseen, yet ever nearPage Scan
251Once, only once, and once for allPage Scan
252The sun is set the twilight's o'erPage Scan
253Jesu, to Thy table ledPage Scan
254The heavenly Word proceeding forthPage Scan
255Thou, Who at Thy Eucharist didst prayPage Scan
256In the Name of God the FatherPage Scan
257Jesu, Thou joy of loving hearts!Page Scan
258We pray Thee, heavenly FatherPage Scan
259We hail Thee now, O JesuPage Scan
260Author of life divinePage Scan
261Jesu, gentlest SaviourPage Scan
262Sweet feast of love divinePage Scan
263Lord, to whom except to TheePage Scan
264In token that Thou shalt not fearPage Scan
265O Father, Thou Who hast created allPage Scan
266Saviour, Who Thy flock art feedingPage Scan
267Tis done! that new and heavenly birthPage Scan
268Come, Holy Ghost, descend from highPage Scan
269O Father, bless the childrenPage Scan
270My God, accept my heart this dayPage Scan
271Thine for ever! Thine for ever!Page Scan
272Holy Spirit, Lord of LovePage Scan
273Awake my soul, stretch every nervePage Scan
274Come ever blessèd Spirit, comePage Scan
275The voice that breathed o'er EdenPage Scan
276We lift our hearts, O FatherPage Scan
277O perfect Love, all human thought transcendingPage Scan
278O Father all creatingPage Scan
279God of the living, in Whose eyesPage Scan
280Now the labourer's task is o'erPage Scan
281Hush! blessèd are the deadPage Scan
282Sleep thy last sleepPage Scan
283Tender Shepherd, Thou hast stilledPage Scan
284Safely, safely gathered inPage Scan
285Christ is gone up; yet ere He passedPage Scan
286O Thou who makest souls to shinePage Scan
287Lord, pour Thy Spirit from on highPage Scan
288Lord of the living harvestPage Scan
289Shine Thou upon us, LordPage Scan
290Go, labor on; spend and be spentPage Scan
291O Master, let me walk with TheePage Scan
292The Son of ConsolationPage Scan
293Jesus, Master, Whom I servePage Scan
294Almighty God, Whose only SonPage Scan
295Arm of the Lord, awake, awakePage Scan

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