1 While struggling in a maze of doubt,
With sore temptations vexed,
I seemed to hear our Father say:
“My child, be not perplexed.
I’ll guide thee with My sleepless eye;
My word is ever sure;
Strength shall be equal to thy day;
Endeavor and endure.”
2 When great afflictions compassed me
And laid my loved ones low,
And filled the garden of my joys
With plants of pain and woe,
The Father’s voice still cheered my heart:
“My child, My word is sure;
Sufficient grace shall meet they need;
Endeavor and endure.”
3 “Endeavor and endure, My child,
Along the narrow way.
What tho’ the night be long and dark?
It ends in glorious day.
Go bravely on, and trust My love;
My promises are sure;
I’m with thee always, never fear!
Endeavor and endure.”