1 Behold a host like mountains bright!
Lo! who are these, arrayed in white,
A glorious band, with palms in hand
Around the throne of light?
Lo, these are they who overcame
Great tribulation in his Name,
And with his Blood the Lamb of God
Hath washed away their shame.
Before God's face they sing and pray,
Their voices blend with angels' lay,
And all conspire, a joyous choir,
To laud him night and day.
2 Then sing, ye conquering legions white,
Let myriad voices hail his might,
And praise the Lord, who by his word
Hath stablished you in light.
Ye, who all earthly lure did flee,
Who sowed and toiled, but tears to see,
With rapture bring your sheaves and sing
A heavenly melody.
Lift up your palms, your voices raise
Through heaven's vault and endless days.
To God and to the Lamb is due
Eternity of praise.