1 I am not worthy of the love
That God bestows on me,
And yet he sends me from above
Salvation full and free;
Although I wandered far before
He washed away my sin,
Yet, when I knock at heaven’s door,
I know he’ll let me in.
2 I wasted many precious years
Before I sought the Lord,
But when I turned with pray’rs and tears,
I was by grace restored.
Soon as I gave my wand’rings o’er
I felt new life within,
Now when I knock at heaven’s door,
I know he’ll let me in.
3 Drawn by his love, saved by his grace,
Sometime like him I’ll be,
When I shall see my Savior’s face
Through all eternity.
Up Calv’ry’s hill my sins he bore,
He died my soul to win,
So win I knock at heaven’s door,
I know he’ll let me in.