1 Hear the call for willing service,
Loyal hearts, with one accord
Hasten forth to do His bidding,
Do not disappoint your Lord.
You may be a burden-bearer,
When you long for peace and rest,
D not slight the task He gives you,
Jesus needs your very best.
2 All upon the altar yield Him,
Ev’ry talent joyful give,
Let your Savior do the planning,
Glorify Him while you live.
Follow His command with gladness,
Strive to meet each task and test;
Look to Him, then struggle onward,
Jesus needs your very best.
3 Faith will bring the promise nearer,
Well you know His keeping pow’r;
Daily like the Master growing,
Shine for Him each passing hour.
Hear the call for willing service,
Blessing others, you’ll be blessed;
Nothing counts but His approval,
Jesus needs your very best.