1 O Lamb, my Lord, my God, my King,
I could for ever speak of thee!
Thy suff'rings, and thy conquests sing,
O! the dear Lamb, who died for me.
2 What suff'rings didst not thou sustain!
From chains and bonds my soul to free;
What horrours, grief, and unknown pain!
O! the dear Lamb, who felt for me.
3 At supper with thy family,
The pains of wrath caught hold on thee;
Them the important hour drew nigh,
That my dear Lamb should die for me.
4 When to the garden he withdrew,
How sore amaz'd and griev'd was he,
Beyond what mortals ever knew;
O! that dear Lamb who griev'd for me.
5 Prostrate himself he humbly lays;
Great ruddy drops of sweat I see
Fall from him, whilst he weeps and prays;
O! that dear Lamb, who pray'd for me.
6 They buffeted my Lord and God;
Yea, on thy cheek, O Christ, smote thee,
The Judge of Isr'el, with a rod;
O! that dear Lamb, thus smote for me.
7 Revil'd, and scourg'd, spit on, abus'd,
Condemned to the fatal tree,
Of all that's vile and base, accus'd;
O! that dear Lamb, accus'd for me.
8 The cross they on his shoulders lay;
To bear the same the Lamb was free,
Until, oppress'd, he faints away;
O! the dear Lamb, who faints for me.
9 They nail'd him to the tort'ring wood;
His pierced hands and feet I see;
From ev'ry wound fresh streams of blood;
O! the dear Lamb, who bled for me.
10 They lift him high upon the cross,
Naked in blood, that all might see;
Whilst Angels gaze, and bow, and blush;
O that dear Lamb, accurst for me.