Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
CISee, O my soul, with wonder seeTextPage Scan
CIIWhen God would prove his loveTextPage Scan
CIIIMortals awake, with Angels joinTextPage Scan
CIVWhat condescending grace and loveTextPage Scan
CVThe Lord is come, the heav'ns proclaimTextPage Scan
CVIHow strange the tidings, how profound!TextPage Scan
CVIIAwake, awake the sacred songTextPage Scan
CVIIIWhile shepherds watch'd their flocks by nightTextPage Scan
CIXWe celebrate the praise to dayTextPage Scan
CXHark! the herald Angels singTextPage Scan
CXILet all the nations of the earthTextPage Scan
CXIIArise, and hail the happy dayTextPage Scan
CXIIICome, join with angel hosts to cryTextPage Scan
CXIVO sight of anguish, view it nearTextPage Scan
CXVTh' Almighty spake, and Gabr'el spedTextPage Scan
CXVIJoy to the world: the Lord is comeTextPage Scan
CXVIISee, my soul, with wonder seeTextPage Scan
CXVIIIAll hail, thou great first bornTextPage Scan
CXIXAs Jordan rolls his waveTextPage Scan
CXXThis is the fas that I will chooseTextPage Scan
CXXIFor forty mystic daysTextPage Scan
CXXIIO Christ, what gracious wordsTextPage Scan
CXXIIIJesus, we bless thy powerTextPage Scan
CXXIVBehold the blind their sight receiveTextPage Scan
CXXVYe scarlet colored sinners, comeTextPage Scan
CXXVISons of men, behold from farTextPage Scan
CXXVIIAs Jesus stood on Tabor's moundTextPage Scan
CXXVIIIHark, 'tis the Saviour of mankindTextPage Scan
CXXIXAwake, and sing the songTextPage Scan
CXXXSaviour of men, and Lord of loveTextPage Scan
CXXXIJesus, how glorious is thy grace!TextPage Scan
CXXXIISo fair a face bedew'd with tears!TextPage Scan
CXXXIIIJesus, thy beauties I explore!TextPage Scan
CXXXIVDear Lamb! thy humble state we singTextPage Scan
CXXXVWhat grace and love divineTextPage Scan
CXXXVIWhat equal honours shall we bringTextPage Scan
CXXXVIIHoly wonder, heav'nly graceTextPage Scan
CXXXVIIIDeep in our hearts let us recordTextPage Scan
CXXXIXO Lamb, my Lord, my God, my KingTextPage Scan
CXLHail, Jesus, perfect God and ManTextPage Scan
CXLIThus saith the Ruler of the skiesTextPage Scan
CXLIIThy conflicts, Christ, in agonyTextPage Scan
CXLIIINow for a tune of lofty praiseTextPage Scan
CXLIVJesus, bow'd down by mighty woeTextPage Scan
CXLVMy song shall be of him who diedTextPage Scan
CXLVIWorthy is Christ, our Paschal LambTextPage Scan
CXLVIIWhen all mankind corruptTextPage Scan
CXLVIIIJesus and him crucifiedTextPage Scan
CXLIXHere at thy cross, my dying GodTextPage Scan
CLStretch'd on the cross the Saviour diesTextPage Scan
CLIMy dear Master, Jesus ChristTextPage Scan
CLIINo more, dear Savior, will I boastTextPage Scan
CLIIIHe dies! the friend of sinners dies!TextPage Scan
CLIVWake thou, my sowrd! Jehovah saidTextPage Scan
CLVYonder—amazing sight! I seeTextPage Scan
CLVILet us our hearts and voices raiseTextPage Scan
CLVIIGlory unto Jesus beTextPage Scan
CLVIIIYes, the Redeemer roseTextPage Scan
CLIXOur glorious Lord is ris'n indeed!TextPage Scan
CLXThe Sun of Righteousness appearsTextPage Scan
CLXIAll is hush, the battle's o'er!TextPage Scan
CLXIIBlest morning, whose young, dawning raysTextPage Scan
CLXIIIAgain the Lord of life and lightTextPage Scan
CLXIVIn Jesus who was crucifiedTextPage Scan
CLXVChrist, the Lord is ris'n to dayTextPage Scan
CLXVIWhen I the holy grave surveyTextPage Scan
CLXVIIHosanna to the Prince of lightTextPage Scan
CLXVIIIGod is gone up, our Lord and kingTextPage Scan
CLXIXChrist, our Head's gone up on highTextPage Scan
CLXXOur Lord is risen from the deadTextPage Scan
CLXXIClap your hands, ye people allTextPage Scan
CLXXIILord, when thou didst ascend on highTextPage Scan
CLXXIIIHail the day that sees him riseTextPage Scan
CLXXIVAngels, roll the rock awayTextPage Scan
CLXXVO for a shout of sacred joyTextPage Scan
CLXXVINow let us raise our cheerful strainsTextPage Scan
CLXXVIIExalted Prince of life, we ownTextPage Scan
CLXXVIIIJesus, thou highest, loveliest nameTextPage Scan
CLXXIXThus the eternal Father spake TextPage Scan
CLXXXThe mighty frame of glorious graceTextPage Scan
CLXXXIAll hail the power of Jesus' name!TextPage Scan
CLXXXIINot unto us, but thee aloneTextPage Scan
CLXXXIIIJesus, before thy throneTextPage Scan
CLXXXIVThy covenant, O LordTextPage Scan
CLXXXVAll gracious Lord, we sing thy loveTextPage Scan
CLXXXVIHe lives, the great Redeemer livesTextPage Scan
CLXXXVIIOur Shepherd aloneTextPage Scan
CLXXXVIIIHe comes! he comes! the Judge severeTextPage Scan
CLXXXIXHail,!the last, the mighty AngelTextPage Scan
CXCThe Ancient of eternal daysTextPage Scan
CXCILo! the man of God appointedTextPage Scan
CXCIIOn Sion, his most holy mountTextPage Scan
CXCIIIO'er the gloomy hills of darknessTextPage Scan
CXCIVLoud let the tuneful trumpet soundTextPage Scan
CXCVShout Jehovah strong in battleTextPage Scan
CXCVICome, tho' we can truly singTextPage Scan
CXCVIIHail, Alpha and Omega, hail!TextPage Scan
CXCVIIIFaithful and true, the Man divineTextPage Scan
CXCIXNow are we sons of GodTextPage Scan
CCJesus, in ancient daysTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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