PLXXVIII. Maschil of Asaph

1 Attend my people to my law,
incline your listning ear;
And the instructions of my mouth
with strict attention hear.
2 My mouth shall parables explain,
and sayings dark of old;
3 What we our selves have heard and known,
and what our fathers told.

4 Them from their children we'll not hide,
but to their race make known,
JEHOVAH's praises, and his strength,
and wonders he hath done.
5 This statute He in Jacobe set,
this law in Isr'el made,
And charg'd our fathers, they should be,
from race to race convey'd:

6 That generations yet to come,
them happily may know;
And children to be born, and rise,
the same to their's may show.
7 That they on the same mighty GOD
Their confidence might set,
God's works and his commandments keep,
and never might forget.

8 And might not like their fathers be,
a stiff, rebellious race;
A race whose heart not right with God,
nor spirit stedfast was.

[2 Part]

9 The sons of Ephraim, tho' well arm'd
and carrying warlike bows,
Yet in the day of battle turn'd
their backs before their foes
10 GOD's covenant they neither kept,
nor in his law would go:
11 His works and wonders they forgot,
Which He to them did show.

12 Things marvellous which he perform'd
their fathers had behold;
Within the land of Egypt wrought,
and done in Zoan's field.
13 He cut the sea, and made them pass,
held back the pressing flood;
While up in heaps on either side,
the waters firmly stood.

14 He led them with a wondrous cloud,
compos'd of shade and light;
A shelt'ring shade it prov'd by day,
a light of fire by night.
15 While in the thirsty wilderness,
the solid rock He clave;
and thence, as from the boundless deeps.
abundant drink He gave

16 Yea from the flinty rock He made
such streams to gush and flow,
That in full rivers down they ran,
and water'd all below.

[3 Part]

17 And yet for all, they more and more
against Him did transgress;
And more provoked the most High,
while in the wilderness.
18 First in their hearts they tempted God,
and did his pow'r distrust;
Then meat requir'd, nor urg'd by want,
but to indulge their lust.

19 Yea spake against the mighty GOD,
and insolently said,
'Can God in such a wilderness,
'for us a table spread?
20 'He smote the flinty rock indeed,
and gushing streams ensu'd;
'But can He bread and flesh provide,
for such a multitude?'

21 The LORD with indignation heard,
and kindled was a flame;
On Jacob, on his Israel,
the burning anger came.
22 Because their unbelieving hearts
would not in GOD confide,
Nor trust in his salvation, who
had them so oft supply'd.

[4 Part]

23 The clouds He order'd ev'ry night,
their cravings to relieve;
The doors of heav'n He op'ned wide,
the choicest food to give.
24 On them He manna rained down,
and round about them spread;
The corn of heav'n He gave to them,
ev'n for their daily bread.

25 So men the food of angels eat,
were fed and satisfy'd;
Yea of his bounty them with meat
He to the full supply'd.
26 He caus'd an east wind thro' the air
to blow at his command;
And then He bro't the south wind forth
by his almighty hand.

27 He rain'd upon them living flesh,
Like summer's dust for store;
And show'red down the feather'd fowls
as sand upon the shoar.
28 Ev'n in their camp and round their tents
He let them gently fall.
29 They eat, were fill'd, and their desire
He fully gave to all.

[5 Part]

30 Yet were they not estranged from
their lust and murm'ring sin;
But while their dainty meat was yet
their loathing mouths within;
31 The wrath of GOD again arose,
in plagues upon them fell;
Which slew the fat ones, and smote down
the flower of Israel.

32 And yet for all, they sinned still;
his gracious soul they grieve:
And tho' his works most wond'rous were,
yet they would not believe.
33 Therefore their sinful days He made,
in vanity to spend;
Short'ned their years, and made them waste
in trouble to their end.

34 When He among them slaughters made,
They sought him speedily;
Yea they return'd, and after God
enquired earnestly.
35 For then they to remembrance call'd,
how GOD, their rock had been;
And how they had the most high God
their great redeemer seen.

36 But basely flatter'd with their mouths,
their tongues ev'n to Him ly'd.
37 Their heart was false, nor did they in
his covenant abide.
38 Yet full of mercy, He forgave,
nor would them wholly slay,
Nor all his anger raise; but oft
he turned his wrath away.

39 For He remember'd they were flesh
that could not long remain;
A wind that passes quick away,
and ne'r comes back again!

[6 Part]

40 How oft did they provoke Him there?
how oft his heart they griev'd,
In that same wilderness where He
their fainting souls reliev'd?
41 Yea they perversely turned back,
and tempted the most High;
And they to Isr'els holy One
set bounds, his pow'r to try.

42 They did not call to mind his hand,
and that most wondrous day,
When from oppressors He them freed
and brought them all away:
43 Nor all the signs in Egypt's land
He wrought before their eyes;
Nor wonders done in Zoan's field
upon their enemies.

44 Their springs and rivers turn'd to blood,
that they could drink no more;
45 Vast swarms of diverse flies and frogs
He sent them to devour.
46 To caterpillars gave their fruit,
to locusts gave their toil:
47 With hail did He their vines destroy,
great hail! their fig-trees spoil.

48 To storms of hail their cattle gave,
which greatly them annoy'd,
And then to fiery thunder bolts,
which terribly destroy'd.
49 He on them his hot anger, wrath
and indignation cast,
By evil angels whom He sent,
to vex and lay them waste.

50 He for his further wrath made way:
their souls He did not save
From death: and to the murrain plague
their animals He gave.
51 Then in the land of Egypt He
did all the first-born smite;
And in the tents of cruel Ham
the chief of all their might.

52 But like a flock of sheep He made
His people forth to go;
And in the desart like a flock
with care He led them too.
53 He led them safely thro' the deeps;
no cause of fear they found:
But in the seas returning waves,
their following foes were drown'd.

54 His people brought into the bounds
of this his sacred land;
This mountain which He purchas'd by
the work of his right hand.
55 Before them cast the nations out,
and did their lands divide;
And in their tents he plac'd the tribes
of Isr'el to reside.

[7 Part]

56 Yet still they tempted, still provok'd,
and griev'd the GOD most High,
His sacred testimomies they
would not keep faithfully:
57 But like their fathers turned back:
And faithlessness did show:
They turned quickly back just like
a bent deceitful bow.

58 For they with altars Him provok'd
set up in places high;
And with their graven images
inflam'd his jealousy.
59 GOD hearing this, was wroth, and loath'd
Isr'el with hatred great:
60 So Shiloh's tent He left, the tent
He had among men set.

61 Yea He gave up his ark of strength
into captivity;
His glory gave into the hand
of a vile enemy.

62 His people gave up to the sword,
to its devouring rage;
And was exceeding angry with
his chosen heritage.
63 The fire of war consum'd their youth,
their maids unmarried were:
64 Their priests were slaughter'd in the field,
no widows mourn'd them there.

65 But then the Lord arose as one
who rous'd from sleep awakes;
Yea as a giant rais'd by wine,
a mighty shouting makes.
66 And on the enemies behind
He made his strokes to fall;
And put them all to open shame,
a shame perpetual.

[8 Part]

67 The tents of Joseph He did then
and Ephraim's tribe refuse:
68 But Judah's tribe and Zion hill,
which He hath lov'd, did chuse.
69 And there his sanctuary built
like palaces on high;
Like to the earth He founded hath
to perpetuity.

70 Of David his young servant He
the choice did kindly make;
And from the foldings of the sheep
the royal Shepherd take.
71 From following the ews with young,
He rais'd him up to feed
Isra'l his choice inheritance,
his people, Jacob's seed.

72 So them he as a shepherd fed;
and guided all the land,
In his integrity of heart
and skilfulness of hand.

Text Information
First Line: Attend my people to my law
Title: Maschil of Asaph
Language: English
Publication Date: 1758
Notes: Now Public Domain.
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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