PLXXVI | The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre#PLXXVII | PLXXVIII |
Text: | A Psalm of Asaph |
1 I with my voice to GOD did cry;
ye with my voice aloud
I cry's to GOD; and graciously
to me his ear He bow'd.
2 In my distress I sought the Lord,
my sore ran in the night,
And ceased not; my soul refus'd,
all comfort and delight.
3 I thought on GOD and troubled was
yet more; without relief;
I meditated till my soul
was overwhelm'd with grief. (Selah.)
4 In ev'ry watch of tedious night,
Thou kepst my soul awake;
My trouble swell'd to such excess,
I groan'd, but could not speak.
5 I call'd to mind the days of old,
with signal mercies crown'd;
Those famous years of ancient time,
for wondrous works renown'd.
6 Yea, to my memory I recall'd
the songs by night I had;
I commun'd with my thoughtful heart,
strict search my spirit made.
[2 Part]
7 Alas! said I, what will the Lord,
cast off, and not restore?
And from henceforth will He afford,
no favour any more?
8 Is all his mercy ceas'd and gone?
must that no more avail?
The gracious promises He made,
shall they for ever fail?
9 Or is it true, that to be kind,
my God forgotten hath?
And that his tender mercies He
hath shut up in his wrath?
10 Then said I, this my weakness is,
who have no pow'r to stand;
But I'll remember the most High,
and years of his right hand.
11 The works of JAH I'll call to mind,
his actions manifold;
I'll surely to remembrance call
thy wondrous works of old.
12 On all thy works I'll meditate,
and of thy doings talk.
13 Thy way, O GOD, is Holiness,
where Thou dost ever walk.
[3 Part]
14 What God so great as our GOD is?
Thou God, hast wonders done:
Among the people Thou thy strength,
hast openly made known.
15 Thy people Thou from bondage hast
by thy strong arm set free;
Of Joseph and of Israel,
the vast Posterity. (Selah.)
16 Thee did the waters see, O GOD,
Thee see with trembling fear:
The mighty deeps with all their waves,
in great commotion were.
17 The clouds their floods of water pour'd,
the skies sent forth a sound;
Thine arrows in thy storms of hail,
flew terribly around.
18 Thy dreadful voice from heaven above
in roaring thunders broke:
Thy light'nings blaz'd thro'out the world,
the earth in horror shook.
19 Thy way was in the troubled sea,
a wondrous way was shown;
Thy paths thro' might waters were,
thy steps cannot be known.
20 By Moses and by Aaron's hand,
Thou, as thy people's head,
Thro' the vast desart like a flock,
didst them in safety lead.
Text Information | |
First Line: | I with my voice to God did cry |
Title: | A Psalm of Asaph |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1758 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Public Domain. |