PLXXIV | The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre#PLXXV | PLXXVI |
1 To Thee, O GOD, we render thanks,
to Thee with praise repair;
For, that thy blessed name is near,
thy wondrous works declare.
2 When I th' appointed season# take,
which shall the fittest be;
Then judgment done to ev'ry one
in righteousness I'll see.
3 The earth would quickly all dissolve,
with all who dwell therein;
But I the tremblihg pillars stay,
and firmly them sustain. (Selah.)
4 I to the foolish people said,
deal not so foolishly;
And to the wicked and the proud,
lift not the horn on high.
5 Raise not your horn aloft, as if
ye dared the most High;
But bow your stiff'ned neck, and learn
to speak submissively.
6 For the promotion which ye seek
comes neither from the east,
Nor from the mountains nor the south,
the desart, nor the west.
7 But GOD alone is judge supream,
and acts with equity;
His pleasure one man puts below,
and sets another high.
8 For in JEHOVAH's sovereign hand,
a mixed cup He hath;
The wine above is sparkling red,
below are dregs are wrath.
From thence He pours to all around,
to each as He does please;
But all the wicked wring the dregs,
and drink the bitter lees.
9 But I'll extol, and ever sing
The God of Jacob's praise:
10 The wicked's pow'r I will destroy,
the just to pow'r I'll raise.
Text Information | |
First Line: | To thee, O God, we render thanks |
Title: | A Psalm or Song of Asaph |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1758 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. Errata: Line 7, Verse 1 "LORD" |