PLXXIII | The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre#PLXXIV | PLXXV |
Text: | Maschil of Asaph |
1 Wherefore, O GOD, for evermore
hast Thou rejected us?
Why smoaks thy wrath against the sheep
of thine own pasture thus?
2 O mind thy flock Thou bought'st of old,
this heritage of thine,
By Thee redeem'd, and Zion-hill
where Thou didst dwell and shine.
3 O lift thy feet, and come and view
the utter ruins wrought;
And what the foe with wicked rage
hath on thy temple brought.
4 For where thy congregations met,
thy foes roar hideously;
And there for signs of triumph set
their ensigns up on high.
5 The man who fell'd thick trees to build
Thy temple, had renown;
6 But now thy foes in spite and rage
beat all the carvings down.
7 They cast thy holy house into
the fierce devouring flame,
And throwing to the ground, defile
the dwelling of thy name.
8 Yea, now said they, we'll break them all
with our restless hand;
And burn up all the synagogues
of God throughout the land.
[2 Part]
9 We see no more our wonted signs,
our prophets all are gone;
To tell us when these things shall end,
among us there is none.
10 How long shall these insulting foes
Thee mighty GOD defame?
Or shall they always be allow'd
thus to blaspheme thy name?
11 O wherefore thy right hand of pow'r
dost Thou from us restrain?
Out of thy bosom now for us,
draw forth the same again.
12 For GOD the mighty is my king,
ev'n from the time of old,
Working in midst of all the earth
salvations manifold.
13 Thou didst the mighty sea divide
by thy superiour pow'r;
And break the dragons dreadful heads,
who thro' the waters roar.
14 The heads of the leviathan
to pieces Thou didst break;
To those who in the desart dwelt,
for meat Thou didst him make.
15 Thou clay'st the fountain and the flood,
Thou bidst the streams to flow;
Thou dry'st the mighty rivers up,
to lead thy people thro'.
16 The cheerful day, the gloomy night,
Thou mak'st, and they are thine;
Thou hast prepar'd the beauteous light,
and made the sun to shine.
17 Thou all the borders of the earth
hast set by thy decree:
The summer and the winter both
are made and rul'd by Thee.
[3 Part]
18 O LORD, remember how the foe
does ev'n Thy self defame;
And how the foolish people dare
blaspheme thy sacred name.
19 O do not to this multitude
thy turtle's soul give o'er;
For ever do not Thou forget
th' assembly of the poor.
20 Thy sacred covenant regard:
for round about we see,
The earth's dark places filled with
the seats of cruelty.
21 O let not those who are oppress'd,
ever return with shame;
But let the destitute and poor,
for ever praise thy name.
22 Arise, O GOD, plead thine own cause:
and have in memory,
How day by day the foolish man,
mocks and reproaches Thee.
23 Forget not Thou the voice of those
who are thine enemies:
Their noise and tumults daily grow,
who up against Thee rise.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Wherefore, O God, for evermore |
Title: | Maschil of Asaph |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1758 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |