PLXXVIII | The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithully translated into English metre#PLXXIX | PLXXX |
Text: | A Psalm of Asaph |
1 Behold, O GOD, how heathen foes
Thine heritage invade;
Defile thy holy house; in heaps
Jerusalem have laid.
2 Thy servants bodies lying dead,
they cast forth to be meat
To rav'nous fowls; and thy siants flesh
to savage beasts to eat.
3 Like water they pour'd out their blood
about Jerusalem;
Their mangled bodies lay abroad,
and none to bury them.
4 We are become a vile reproach
to all our neighbours near;
Yea a derision and a scoff
to all who round us are.
5 How long, O LORD? For evermore
shall thus thine anger last?
How long thy burning jealousy
like fire go on and waste?
6 Thy wrath on heathens Thou wilt pour,
who own Thee not at all;
And on the kingdoms round who on
thy name refuse to call.
7 For they have cruelly devour'd
thy servant Jacob's race;
And have with fire and sword laid waste
his pleasant dwelling place.
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8 Mind not against us former sins;
thy tender mercies show:
Let them prevent us speedily;
for we're brought very low.
9 Help, for the glory of thy Name,
our Saviour God, this day;
For thy Name sake deliver us,
and purge our sins away.
10 Why say the heathen, where's your GOD?
before us they shall see,
When thy dear servants blood they shed
shall be reveng'd by Thee.
11 O let the captives sighs ascend
before thy face on high;
And let thy mighty arm preserve
those who are doom'd to die.
12 But to our neighbour's bosom Thou
wilt seven-fold repay,
For their reproach wherewith, O Lord,
reproached Thee have they.
13 So we thy people and thy flock,
will ever bless thy name;
And from our grateful hearts thy praise
from age to age proclaim.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Behold, O God, how heathen foes |
Title: | A Psalm of Asaph |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1758 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |