1 O God of good, th' unfathom'd sea,
Who would not give his heart to thee?
Who would not love thee with his might,
O Jesu, lover of mankind?
Who would not his whole soul and mind,
With all his strength to thee unite?
2 Thou shin'st with everlasting rays;
Before th' unsufferable blaze
Angels with both wings veil their eyes:
Yet free as air thy bounty streams
On all thy works; thy mercy's beams
Diffusive as thy sun's arise.
3 Astonish'd at thy frowning brow,
Earth, hell, and heav'n's strong pillars bow,
Terrible majesty is thine!
Who then can that vast love express,
Which bows thee down to me, who less
Than nothing am, till thou art mine!
4 High thron'd on heaven's eternal hill,
In number, weight, and measure still
Thou sweetly order'st all that is:
And yet thou deign'st to come to me,
And guide my steps, that I with thee
Enthron'd, may reign in endless bliss.
Text Information | |
First Line: | O God of good, the unfathom'd sea |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1790 |
Topic: | Petition |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. Tune: 112TH PSALM |